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Everything posted by guild_navigator

  1. Not to mention that the series was written in the '60's.
  2. The game is going to be hot when released, but I think more people would be interested if there was a skirmish mode or more support for 56k modems.
  3. At this rate the game won't be out for another year.
  4. Yep, it was me. Maybe now we'll get some info about the game.
  5. The Forums at DuneGenerations.com are now open. So go there and post your ideas/thoughts about the game! ;D
  6. yeah, i've been to the site many times. it seems like the company isn't even in existence. oh well, just wondering. i thought maybe i had been accidentally taken off their mailing list.
  7. Has anyone heard anything new about this game? I received the newsletter over a month ago, but I haven't heard anything since.
  8. The only unit I would add is a repair unit or repair pad for the Hark's, or maybe self-repair after one level of veterancy. Everything else is okay.
  9. Thanks for the info. I'll be on the lookout for it!
  10. Yes, all files have been extracted and placed in their proper directories. I have removed and installed the program several times with no luck.
  11. I hope we here something soon, I'm ready to try the new version.
  12. When I try to run the updated VMOD with patch 1.08, I get this message: "dunemod has caused an error in msvbvm60.dll" and the program shuts down. Has anyone experienced this problem?
  13. I'm glad to see someone is still interested. I hoped I wouldn't be the only one playing the game.:) The Dev's should send another newsletter to keep us informed of the games progress and bring the forum online so we can really get some information. Fed-Sky: a merc "Circle" is interesting, but personally I was thinking of a Econ' house w/ mercs holding some of my 'lesser-strategic' holdings, what ideas were you thinking about?
  14. This part of the board has been quiet for a long time, have people forgotten about this game?
  15. I think the game is somewhat like E:B4D but with less focus on combat(unless thats how you choose run your house). Players will be the leader of their own house, instead of running a character. But to answer your question, I would play either a mercenary or economic house.
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