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  1. two videos of me playing C&C3 the graphics are very bad because im runing the game on a geforce fx 5200 enjoy C&C3 online SCRIN(tutucox) VS GDI (stokuna) part (1 of 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RPk3OQOJWI C&C3 online SCRIN(tutucox) VS GDI (stokuna) part (2 of 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RY6I0iOWKc4 C&C3 online SCRIN(tutucox) VS GDI (stokuna) part (3 of 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTSgjgzjbdQ C&C3 ONLINE SCRIN(tutucox) VS SCRIN (VaiVic) (PART 1 of 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyxhZQO3SVo C&C3 ONLINE SCRIN(tutucox) VS SCRIN (VaiVic) (PART 2 of 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDtvlRcBTns check my chanel in youtube for more c&c 3 videos
  2. im lock and load :D i played today on the ra server i cant believe it realy works and theres realy ...like ... people in the game :O im so happy... thanks dune2k.com :P btw apollyon,, are u the same apollyon fron the famous civilization 4 forum?
  3. hello people ! :D im back after 4 years... i want to play lets go?? send ims plz
  4. i still play do u guys are on this round??
  5. tutuco21

    americas army

    omg are u guys crazy???? AAO is the best FPS i ever see!!! try bridge 4x4 or hospital 6x6 the rounds are quick and u dont have to wayt for to long time!! lets play dudes!!
  6. super metroid is the best
  7. tutuco21

    americas army

    hi again people!!!
  8. u have to know something if u shot somebody use the head,,, or the chest because like i see in americas army game shots in the leg dont kill people
  9. Madenod hello dude!
  10. hi people im back after my long vacation and want to play emperor again i miss the comunity were are u guys playng now?? in WOL or in olafs server tell me!!!!
  11. violent games?
  12. i kill al the weapons in FF VIII but i dont kill all of then in FF VII i think sephiroth is hard enougth and the weapons of the VII are near impossible :) in VIII u become god like strong... squal and that blue mage quistis + any other mage = win the only creature hard enouth to kill me 1 in 50 times on the level 100 is the evil marllboro
  13. i have 5,641 acres and 22000 networth im very happy
  14. im now with 172,886 networth im begining to tink im the top solo of the round.... do u guys know anyting biger tham me?????
  15. tutuco21

    the f word

    http://oasi.upc.es/~kiusap/flash/fuck.swf funny flash with monty phyton voices
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