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Everything posted by Charliec81
I will be readying my second wave of my invading army: 50 pods of infantry (500 infanrty) 20 tanks (does not include standby) Will take a minimum of 5 posts.
OOC: guess we'll have to meet up again later.
[hide]Not when you're attacking from a long distance. And mind you, the pods and tanks were charging from quite a long distance, but, sicne they move very quiclly, they stillr each their taget.[/hide] "Lee; our confirmed casulaty list is 500 men; and all ten tanks and the personnell with them. Our fleet is unaffected though." "Take us out of here." (note: I am not new to fan fiction, but, I am new to this type of RP, so apolgies for any goofs)
"PREMIERE !" Premiere Lee stood in disblief, as he saw an ample oppurtnity for take over disabled within a few minutes. Ten tanks, 300 men...all gone. Expandable, yes, and they agreed to die for the cause, but... "No matter." Lee resigned to his chair, as he commanded his fleet to leave...apparently. "We await his next move." ~ And the fleet started to leave...apparently.
"Premiere, we have recieved word from Low to attack the flagship." As Lee heard the officer's words, he yelled out in a strong voice. "Very well ! UNLEASH THE PODS !!" ~ Alla round th interior of the Flagship, hundreds of men, the soldiers of the DRagon SUn marched out, equipped with their guns, as they ran into their invading pods. "AttentioN! Disembarkation of pods in ten minutes ! ALl personnell onvolved please move to your pods !" As the announcement was amde, up to 50 pods were filled, ten soldiers occupying each pod. ~ AT the same time, the Hark Tanks were being deployed, and being stationed outside the launch pads of the Battlecruiser; designed to operate in deep space, they were powered by a twin ion engine when travelling in deep space. Ten tanks ahd been assembled, each outfitted with dual 120mm cannons. "Tanks to disembark in 5 seconds.." Soon, all ten had left the flagship, and made it's way for the pirate flagship. ~ "Disembarkation in 5..4..3..2..1..." ~ As the lledges were released, the jets on the invading pods forced the small sized containers charging, all 50 of them, all the way to the pirate flagship; some were bound to be hit by enemy fire, but most were durable, and were fast enough to dodge most enemy fire. Within moment,s the first 20of the pods had rammed itslef into the hull of the ship, creating miniature craters, as , the pods opened up, and ten men opened up from each pod; another ten pods had come ina minute later; now, 300 soldiers were within the interior of the flagship. AT the same time, the Hark Tanks were ramming towards the Flagship, firing away at what fighters they coould, but focusing on reaching the interior of the flagship.
~ Amidst the ongoing battle, a veil of cosmic dust started to appear in distance. SLowly, it revealed itself in the form of a rather medium sized fleet, consisting of one Battlecruiser, the fleet's flagship, a 3 carriers, and a 3 destroyers. A transmission was heard, and sent to Low. "Greetings: I am Prmeier Low of the Dragon SUn, and I believe we have agreed to a diplomatic alliance alongside a fellow ally. I hail currently from Bosco 4; and I will assist you in this battle."
(here's a more elaborate background) Name: Dragon Sun Population: 2 billion Description: Inspired by the work of the Communists more than 31 centuries a while back, moved by the manifestor of Marx, and inspired by the spirit of the communist revolution in Russia, Premier Low took the ideals of Communism a step further by mixing it with an additional philosophy he had discovered (name I will reveal later), basing his idea on a quasi-religous belief that, ultiamtely, it should the the spirit of humanity thats hould be worshipped, where all were equal, and to each what he needs and what he can render.
0.8 million; the largest in the story. As I said; I'm focusing on the strength of the army, which uses its forces to capture ships, and invade colonies. (note that, despite the daunting army number; the focus of my fighting forces is on the army that takes over ships and invades, so, it's more of an "Army" military than a fleet military. As such; the fleet is mainly to provide backup fire while the Army does their work) (I must admit it's heavily influenced by the Communists, the Human Hive, House Harkonnen, and CHina from C&C Generals)
Ah, gracias for the comments; I myself found it too strong; I just needed to see what was acceptable. Here's the revised fleet (the army remains the same, as I want to focus on my army) Fleet: 1 Battlecruiser (flagship) 200 fighers/100 bombers/100 gunships 8 carriers to hold the abovenumber (40 small ships each) 50 corvettes 3 destroyers The Army remains the same though. ~ ANyway: the population of my faction is the largest, at 2 billion.
Sure,s ure, but, I just wonder: how is my faction as it is ? Acceptable ?
(My first foray into Fed2k fan fiction. Here goes...) ~ Name: Dragon Sun Population: Unaccounted for; made up of a variety of races Ideology: Communist-based; belief centralized over the ideal of Humanity as being the sole aspect of worship Leader: Comrade Premier Lee Homeworld:Once Earth, now, their residence is aboard The People's Prospect, Grand Fathership of the Dragon Sun. The ship works by landing itself on respective planets, and establishing itself on that plaent until the planet is claimed in the name of that empire; it will then detach itself from that planet, and take it's fleet to claim another planet. Current attachment: Bosco 4 Attack style: Always en masse; concentrates more on quantity than quality; likes to swarm. note that despite their large numers; the quality of their forces aren't really impressive. Fleet(fathership not counted):1 Flagship (Battlecruiser) 8 carriers (holds much of the forces) 2 cruisers 1000 fighter/bomber ships (works in tandem) 800 gunships 3 destroyers 100 frigates Army (just a basic outline): 1. Invasive pods; they don't use transport ships. Rather, when invading a planet, or attacking ships, these pods are fired at rapid speed, each holding up to ten men or a small fighting unit, to crash into the hull of the ship. The pods move rapidly fast, are hard to shoot down, and durable. They are, however, used only once. Larger pods ared used when armour is transported 2. Unaccounted number of normal fighting forces, last estimate to be a minimum of a million used in taking fleet ships alone 3. Hark class Tanks; These tanks are units designed to operate in deep space; however, while they can be used to serve in the fleet in times of distress, they are mainly used in attacking the interiors of a ship or in an invasion 4. Vigilante class mech units: small mech units with dual chainguns, designed to be heavy support for infantry (mixture of Wolverine class units from Tiberian Sun and the mechs from The Matrix sequels) ~ Of course; the army outline above is just a taste of what it'll really look like (it's quite huge, and this empire tends to involve it's army more than it's fleet, as it prefers to capture ships than obliterating them). ALso, this is my first time here; I'd like to know wetehr my faction is too over-powerful,a nd what should be removed (let me keep the tanks though. ANd pelase note that their emphasis is on quantity)
Alright, this may be on the other boards, but, since it's official: http://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=X&oi=news&start=0&num=3&q=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A64148-2003Dec14.html REJOICE O ZION ! NEBUCHADNEZZAR HAS BEEN CAUGHT ! (Iraq is not Babylon. But Saddam called himself a Nebuchadnezzar though)
Dun worry: I'll vouch for you there. I'll just say I brought you there from here. besides: the Mooser are actually very nice peopel; they can just get over-elitist, until someone shows them the error of their ways. Yes, the IZ DVD release is for real. Give it a try. Oh yeah, and when you join, send em a PM there immediately (I'm known, of course, as the Black Tallest) ~ Oh, and I'll start on that long awaited fan fiction of mine soon. I'm just awaiting that moment.......
Because the music of Emperor: BFD rocks. Simple as that. ~ I managd to get round with using the Bagger tool,a nd, with that, I have managd to extract the better music from the game, far better than those featured on the "official" soundtrack. For instance, there is "Ordos Kontrol". That is, for me, Invader Zim-esque. Incredibly.... non-human. Dystopian. I like it. Then, there was plan of attack, and the STrategist...bautiful Ordos pieces. In fact, almost all the Ordos music, except "Executronix" and "Dreams of the Executrix" (which I found mediocre) were very good. My favourite piece was, however, the Ordos menu music: it puts Ordos in a more optimistic, positive and cool light. It remindsa me of DIb from Invader ZIm. (Yes, I a fan of Invader Zm. Never heard of it ? Try google) But the best was the final piece of Harkonnen music: Victory is Inevitable. That was the best in the entire EMperor sountrack. Militaristic..it feels ess Harkonnen than Terran, and brings back memories of STarcraft for mes, esp. the U.E.D. Definitely music to play, alongside the ultimate ebst music in all of EMperor: Ride the WOrm (which I believe, should be renamed "Long live the FIghters !") ANyone else with different opinions ?
(I made this a school cheer) Ya Hya Chouhada ! Bila Kaifah ! We are who we are ! Bila Kaifah ! Nothing can hold us back, nah ! Bila, kaifah ! We are (insert anything here. FED2K for instance) ! BILA KAIFAH !! ~ And it worked. Really. Frank Herbert's legacy continues.
I didn't reallyfind them THAT strange. After all: having been exposed to the ideas of dystopia (and being interested in 1984 and "brave new world") the idea behind Ordos is nothing really new. Coming to think of it: Invader Zim remnds me of the Ordos most, if you watch the cartoon, you would know.
Yeah: I've been to the PRP area around here: maybe I should involve myself a bit more. Also: that thread is part of the reason why I admire the Irken EMpire so much; it's so Ordos-esque; mercenary, money-motivated, alien..and so on. (I wonder: are you part of RwaM ? h: and have you seen my FF site ? ANd apologies for the nosebleed)
I have a site for FF.net, but, I am doing one for here as well. ANd what would it be about ? Look at my sig. Yes. You can guess.
Alliance problems (Ix-Tleilaxu) & (Fremen-Harkonnen)
Charliec81 replied to Charliec81's topic in Emperor Strategy
Yup, THAT's what I'm talking abput BEFORE you invade the enemy's homeworld,. you attack his capotal. I ws playing as COpec Harkonnen, and I had allied ONLY with the Tleelaxy, and, i actually suspected the Sudkar to allyw ith me... But, the Fremen also allied with the Harkonnen ! ANd even more shocking: Yanich Kobal actually said "Excellent ! We gained an alliance with the Fremen !" Now, this is so Not DUne...how can Harkonnen ossibly ally with the Fremen ? And yet: it happened ! (need to try it again, take a screenshot, and show all of you) -
Alliance problems (Ix-Tleilaxu) & (Fremen-Harkonnen)
Charliec81 replied to Charliec81's topic in Emperor Strategy
1. Thanks. 2. Dude, I know what you're referring to: the last mission against the Emperor worm. No: what happened was that I was layin siege to the Ordos capital on Arrakis, and, because I didn't ally with the Saudukar, and only allied with the Tlielaxu, not only did the Sukdukar ally with me, so too did the Fremen. Must be a glitch. -
1. How on ARRAKIS can you get BOTH the Tliealxu and Ix to ally with both of you ? I've been trying for a while, and no results. 2. A weird thing occured to me. While playing as Copec, and making alliances with the Tleilaxu and the Sadukar, at the very last mission on Arrakis, while laying siege to the Ordos stronghold, in the misison briefing, Yanich Kobal said that the Fremen wished an alliance with us. Incredible. Mainly because I'd rather have the Freemn ally with Gunseng, NOT Copec. ANy idea as to how this happened ? ANd how it cann be controlled ? ~ Note: the best alliance strategy still remains Atreides-Fremen Saudukar. Glory to ATreides !
Squee is a guy you just have GOT to feel sorry for. Hmm...... I just realised that 'Nny makes a perfect member of House Harkonnen, with all that leather and killer ability; better than Feyd Rautha or even Gunseng. Of course, he is his own guy, but....with a fw tlielaxu mind drugs, and proper control; he be an effective machine for House Harkonnen. Or maybe he's actuallr rule Harkonnen. I;d call him Harko'Nny. Maybe I'd start on s Jhonen Vasquez/Dune crossover series soon.....
Dude; I already have JtHM. Or more precisely Z?: The Director's CUt. But I stilll like the created world of ZIm, and the Irken Empire. It is incredibly Ordos-esque to a degree.
Yay ! I'm thinking of an invader Zim/ Dune crossover, not only with the characters from ZIm, but also with the usage of an impoved Ordos: the Irken ordos. Maybe I'll start it this weekend, once I start on my fanfics here..... DS: It was cut by them Nicelodeon buggers: they apparently didn't like it at all. Production halted in 2001, with 13 episodes yet to be finished. www.thescarymonkeyshow.com This site has got the BEST in info. about Zim. For the new fic I intend to do, I'm using soem info. from here: http://www.thescarymonkeyshow.com/irkenguide.htm For downloadable episodes and other Zim stuff (YES ! You CAN dload episodes !): www.roomwithamoose.com (also one of the boards I frequent. Look for a black tallest)