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Everything posted by Scorpion420

  1. every fucking time i try to set it it says host file can not be updated its pissing me off
  2. is it possible that when i reinstalled my emo with a different code that it wouldnotupdate my hosts filecause ijust deleted every file i could find for the xwis server and deleted it and it still wont work ??? ??? ??? ???
  3. when i hit set it says host cannot be updated and i cant figure out what the **** is goin on olaf have any suggestions???????
  4. were is the clan page is it on olafs site and wat exactly is the url for his site i forgot it
  5. im playing but i still need a partner so anyone thats whants to be my partner msn me at slipjacker@msn.com
  6. tourny post ponded till monday srry
  7. well ill just team u all up forget wut i posted and d3th if u want u can be partners with supremmmm so i will get to work on pairing u alll up and the tourny will be saturday and whenever u can play ur matches ok kool
  8. ok im gonna arange the teams the tourny will start this saturday i need u all to post ur teams AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ok and pick a number all of from 1-30 and the odd will be paired with an even like 1-9 3-6 7-2 and so on and when the teams are numbered i will have ur opponets ok just post a number when u post ur partner ok
  9. senda ur first apponent is darkd3th man lol gl hf
  10. if there was 1 more to sign up i would have played i want to know who wins i think it will be sendakon vs brennq or cbrick04 gl all
  11. ok but their is another tourny this week so i dont know when my match is in this tourny i might be avialable just contact me at slipjacker@msn.com and i will try to get here and if anyone wants to add me to thiers feel free :)
  12. hey cbrick get newl to be ur partner im with senda i think >:(
  13. ok but any ideal when this tourny will be
  14. ok everyon i think it will start today october 20 but i dont know senda said it would start tonite but i dont know where he is i will have him get on here and tell u the correct time
  15. it still sux to get paged 70 times while in a game tat is intense sometimes u have to make sure that noone knows u and u dont have to talk to them so they wont page u all nite ;D
  16. me as ironstonr will be part of team USA and im not sure if sendakon will be or not i will talk to him
  17. yo i like te ideal but i think that dozy has a good i deal we should play each team i just think that the winners of each game face off then the losers of those games face off the winner of the losers game face the winners of the 3 game wich would be the winners of the first set of teams or somethin like that
  18. for all those that are freinds with darksard and dark2191 same person i am not him he uses my comp when he is here he is useing my msn for the moment cause he is lazy i am sc04pi0n4 h4t3rkill and ironstonr but i have some more names that are either retired or i dont want to use them
  19. yo senda im in this tourny and if u dont have partner ill be ur partner so add me to the tourny and we can kill
  20. yo sup brennq i dont know if u have mine or not so here it is slipjacker@msn.com so add em and lets play sometime next week im goin out of state this weekend
  21. btw gobbalopper dont delete this name plz delete the older one i dont know the password to this if u read this gobb delete the other one
  22. my name is h4t3rkill online brennq i just made this name becuase im bored of being a hater
  23. Yo were u all at i need some competition i know hat brennq and some of the others are still on but we need a more variety of playas so get THE FUCK ONLINe so we can have some fun ;D
  24. just about all those people on that list are all active and their is one his name is darksard he plays almost every day and is getting pretty good so u might want to add him
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