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  1. thanks to you all,.............................................................................................................................................i owed you that :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  2. i have broadband now,therefore i shall appear more often than i have for the past year ed
  3. hey guys an girls, i thank you all for the advice.i only class myself as a noob for online battles,i am confident of about a hundred by lan with various friends and relatives. unfortunately/fortunately i am now living in a NON-BROADBAND AREA so i have to 'optimise' my "turn" on the net.so i wont be playing anyone for a while. but please keep the advice coming, ed
  4. IMO any book about hitler would be deemed factual,because there are people who lived through those terrible times,who can verify the facts. but who is to say that in 2000 years time,someone might discover an old book of j.lennons lyrics and decide that his ideals are the way forward,the new religion.there would be no-one to say how or why ,no proof .and that same person discovers biographies {authored by his apostles/fans/followers} of lennon,saying how great he was. would you believe in it? i wouldn't. and yet im asked to believe that jesus,mohammed,buddah,jehovah,etc is truth,just because you tell me it is. i dont believe all books are worthless,just those that try to indoctrinate our minds into believing something that cant be proven. i think...... ed
  5. perhaps a fable. all myths are just that myths because its all summerisation,and thesis. can we really believe the heavens and earth were created in six days,when science has dated the solar system back before earth existed,maybe another thesis i agree,but substansiated with "facts" ie carbon dating speed of light etc maybe i dont know what im talkin about but it makes sense in my head. ed
  6. TMA- There is evidance of the tower of babel existed, there have been documents found where kings mention the foundation of babylon on the "tongue tower" which was called babel (which means language). THis is why babylon is called babylon. Whcih means confusion but who's evidence? or just another book? ed
  7. congrats to the happy parents. keep going,you can catch me and my FIVE kids. ed
  8. the biggest punishment in a penal system is removal of freedom and choice. you/we take so much for granted being 'free' but being told when to shave,shit,sleep and work,that is the punishment. seeing touching your loved ones when the officials say....not as and when you want. i have been in open prisons and closed prisons,in an open prison its phsycologically [phew] harder because at any time you can abscond,just walk off.then what?re-arrested and into a closed nick. few skeletons in my closet,better stop there ed
  9. if someone types something i agree with i quote it.. saves typing which im rubbish at ed
  10. id have world peace.......................
  11. im not a strict pagan, just believe in what i can see, feel etc. The earth. no divine entity has felt the need to show themselves to me,i am very inviting, that just leaves me disbelieving in any "formal,organised" religion. i dont see how going to a building [church,mosque,synagogue,temple] then praying/chanting to invisible idols,or walking round salt circles,just because someone else told me to, will make me a better person who deserves redemption. nah knickers to it all.. ed
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