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Everything posted by gangsten
i have ISO`s of all the disks - maybe i can make a torrent out of it -make a readme with how to go to RA`s server - maybe more players would join.
let us use EA's own Slogan to help Emperor
gangsten replied to Navaros's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
i play emperor on XP , and got some friends who also use xp . . . . . . .. -
hi folks! me(narkoen) and degosface will join if we can get sendakon on our team . . .. . . regards "narkoen"
gangsten replied to gangsten's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
we have played 3 7-player games today -
gangsten replied to gangsten's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
sorry, but it`s just so great news !!! :D -
GO TO OLAF`S SEERVER AND ENJOY A 3vs3 or 4vs4 game or maby a 2vs2vs2vs2 game
Just host a 4 player or join a 4 player, no matter how many players inside !!! Download the program here
X FIRE & MSN Messenger - Add Your Nicks Here
gangsten replied to Brennq's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
almost forgot my messenger e-mail... homofyren@msn.com (WOL nick="good0pium") -
X FIRE & MSN Messenger - Add Your Nicks Here
gangsten replied to Brennq's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
i think its a very good idea! ;) we can add the adresses to a folder called "EMPEROR" on msn. then we know who is online, and u can even configurate it to put your status to f.ex "playing emperor now" , so everybody knows . . . when it comes to the audio, msn is poor on quality >:( So for that purpose I STRONGLY recommend "SKYPE", a small prog u install, and sign up for a username (ABSOLUTLY FREE) and u can have a buddylist there too displaying who`s online. Much better sound quality. Also built in chat, but messenger-chat is better. You can download skype here: http://www.skype.com/ Go for it folks! :) -
WRONG!!!!! i have got the names from the "game list" in the fed2k-ladder, so they have at least played 1 reported game since the ladder came up. ;) about 100 of the names have i got from playing emperor the last month. SO ALL ARE ACTIVE !!!!
If/when u have time - add them to ur buddylist, so u can see whos online :) Feel free to post any nicks u dont see on the list, so I can keep it updated ;) Regards Gangsten 8) aaaagb abortfail abyss20 acelethal act333 afektay airboss2 ak87 alchemi2 aliendred andi1800 anirl8or antiacid anzuender ap01ly0n apdoehak arakiskid arnaud14 atomic245 atrmavr avatar734 ayer05 azianslam b4zerk b778rrt bakkutteh battleo3 bbc08 bck1ller beanfat25 beatz22 befuzz benqab bi1lyb0b bilbo30 bjsniper bkkdc blluecat blobtron blood91 bmw85 bob1iman bock0 bock69 boembem bon3chill bornbreak br4wl3r brenacer brennq brine237 bultot bungyhead bunnylump busta76 caidivik cbrick04 cetibe chir0nex cipeta class05 clmael codioz consay123 cr0c0tta crushskul cryskn1fe cybopache cyrenius daddywin dade47 danifai9 dark0gre darkblud darkd3th darkhark7 darkice20 darksard darth388 dasgute4 dav0clure dawg4evr ddd0bbb deadhaunt death9687 deathgsr degosface deluged demon1200 demon1203 desertway dfender6 dianetic1 docinho69 doodywoop dorus01 dr4g0n990 dragonlhl drew10197 dudekri dukeviii dumasgeek dumbforce dumbgeek dumergeek dziduch eastman eatdust4 eddy1 eflanders elsipues elysium emjay emperman empwulf eugtay2k ex3cutr1x exogia exxmen f4ilrush fernze ferrenc fightya firemic66 flaggett1 flank676 forcesswe frank4050 freemenz fremen1 freowulf fruitang gangsten ganseng gavin124 ghetto402 gideon321 gindin gipsoid givandov gkzhsps gnome1nl god7656 golome good0pium greencoww gundam25 gunseng13 gunwounds gupik gzakiller h4t3rkill harkdawg harkdog harkman61 harkodeth harkore harry6757 hermetic7 hugerobot humchee hummer140 icefeel igarashi0 igotabig ihsahnos impactpwr int5001 iparkjh ipfun ipnalias irskin57 isabel69 jayjaybnx jdisback jdo219 jeff2429 jerby7 jfrake jimmydu44 joeri88 johnbock johncdp jrtboy jura777 jwendli kaos555 karlthema karnak500 ken124578 killjrky kimasabe kindjal86 kingwijk kinjalguy kirov5875 klit40 korlover krislea kurbyy kuyaz kuyaz666 kylemcfly lameraml lazybum87 lcentauri leechfile leo1990 lestat742 limiano loomis123 lordcelts lurch1000 lutadora m3zuza ma5ter0 mahdi28 marcbolz margouila mc2346 mendat75 menooby meowdude michbob miftw1 mikael06 minogen mithrand0 mobeius63 moonpsalt morewind muhring murraytoz naib60 napalmass narf1964 nathanus navbrotcf nb2k neo5189 neopianj2 nergel newlords nicolasd8 njlamens nouki noweradio o12gauge object279 oblakogam oldlords optiarb ords overrunn owwl p0p3r paaaaaars pappydra1 patjoyal paulux71 pearlmans pedroface pickle245 piet4 pkdfuzzum poeticwar polemidas poppinman portzi posik pqzmow pr0m4gnum pria pulefyren pychostpr quarzman quiksilet quinn1996 rachmi rachmi radash rainer7 randragon razack123 redpack55 rey rinoa520 robfa robstdrew rodger885 rojeh rotacrash rotapain ruggo88 ryan021 sagedoc salmak sandbiker sarbaukar sardcore sardmenz sarraga2 scar5150 schregist scotchtp scratasc scymaxim seabarbie sefog sendakon sg1starga sh4d0wlkr shadowhu0 shseahawk simpl3 since1989 sithl0rds sjhla89 skankwad skord skorpija skum0m3n skumkilla skumkillr skump0wr skytail slaphapy5 slash59 snogger89 sovsienko sparks90 spazelord spewman9 sstilgarr stawos stg44kane stijnc stu1975 subbomb sunnyplay sunzehao suschi44 swamin t0nyz t21071972 tazforfun theking30 thesumaan tiagorc toneblk tonelucky trainc tremend trigun4 troll42 tshooter tuan2k ullme123 umblessed vegeta2cc venomas vexator vilgent virage124 volmaker warskum wassup654 werghr whselphie wizard0oz wolfworm wormsen7 wraith126 wrrrwrrr xcept666 xmayhemz xpower666 xtermina9 yesstory youkol0rd z28tranz z3iz0 zamboe zcbtt58 zlander1 zz99zz999
Finally the servers are good again !!! ;D We have played many games today, and all have connected every time ;) Go online and play everybody !
Macro software to communicate faster.....
gangsten replied to gangsten's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
If u dont`t really have any useful information, please shut the F**K up !!! Why use up server-space for this kind of shit ??? -
Macro software to communicate faster.....
gangsten replied to gangsten's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
...............well, that was just an example.............when i asked the guy how he was doing this, he answered "I use a macro-software" , then he left....offline -
I saw someone online who used a macro-software to write long messages with just a button-click. Which software does the trick, where do u find it, and how do u use it ??? It would be great for telling the players in ur host what graphic-settings game speed etc.. + easy and fast to tell ur ally that "your construction yard will be taken over by an enemy engineer!!!" before it`s taken over..... ;D Thanks, Gangsten