Maps based in Asia.
28 files
Author's Comments: A small district in Hong Kong.
By Guest124 0 -
Goal: Sparsely populated and murderous terrain.
Could railroads have turned it into a modern country?
You've got 25 years to try:
For Bronze, connect Kabul and Herat and haul 8 loads between them.
For Silver, also haul at least 100 loads of goods, and have a company value of 15 Million.
For Gold, in addition to the above you'll need a company value of 25 million and a personal net worth of 35 Million.
Author's Comments: Inspired by current events.
189 0 -
Goal: The Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th Century - Can you bring it into the modern world?
Author's Comments: The Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th Century - Can you bring it into the modern world?
Start Year: 1885
Multiplayer: Highest Net Worth after 30 years
Single Player:
Gold: Net Worth of 20,000,000
Silver: Net Worth of 12,000,000
Bronze: Net Worth of 8,000,000
Ottoman Empire is based on Kees van der Griendt's map Middle East with a large number of changes, additions and deletions to fit the period and scenario.
221 0 -
Goal: Welcome to Japanese Map!
By Keigo Toda184 0 -
Author's Comments: This map describes the building and development of the railways in railways in Israel, and their connections to the surrounding countries' systems as well.
NOTE: There is an error in this map and you can't start a company. You will have to edit the map to change this.
By Sagi Ganot144 0 -
Goal: Moskau - Wladiwostock! Das rückstandige Russland will es der Welt zeigen.
By Dirk Wilkens180 0 -
Author's Comments: This should be fun. It is a biggish map with a lot of events, so it may run slow on some computers. It runs fine on my 350Mz K6. The geography is a little haphazard. The elevations were taken from a map at, GLOBE but the rest was done by hand. The dates for the events are also off on occasion, as I wanted to reduce CPU use by checking yearly rather than monthly. The war with Japan is not random, it starts when it did historically. If you don't remember when that was, you should have stayed awake in history class. My basic idea was that I wanted there to be plenty of money-making opportunities so that players would have the margin to deal with the many events. Not all of the events are bad, but this was not a period when it was easy to run a railroad. It should work well as a multi-player game, as there are several distinct regions where you can make money. I have had more trouble getting the computer-controlled railroads to be competitive, since I tend to be a cargo person and thus created a situation with lots of opportunities to run cargo and not as much passengers and mail.
By A. Baumler184 0 -
Goal: 1960 Industrial Japan. The sun is rising on Mt. Fuji again.
Author's Comments: One of the maps found in the GOLD edition of the Railroad Tycoon.
157 0 -
Goal: Israel and it's defensive acquisitions are volatile but potentially lucrative railway ventures. Unite the various factions and the isolated Palestinian industries with regional resources.
Author's Comments: After 2000 years of wandering the earth the Children of Israel have a nation once again. See if you can manage a national rail system that connects the heights of Jerusalem with the depth of the Dead Sea so far below sea level.
The re-establishment of Israel after thousands of years of its people wandering from nation to nation is nothing short of a miracle. Can you establish a national railway system to help pacify the region and make trade not war? Climb to lofty Jerusalem and plunge to the Dead Sea, connect Galilee to Jordan and Gaza via Haifa and Tel Aviv.
155 0 -
Goal: In the Independence era, the railways in Java were in a tattered state. They also lost much of the freight traffic, but conversely, they became even more important for passenger service as Java becomes urbanized.
Your duty is to restore the railways by hauling as many loads as possible.
Haul at least 100 loads in one year before 1975 to earn the bronze medal.
Haul 150 loads in one year before 1970 to earn the silver medal.
If you can haul 200 loads or more in one year before 1965, you will earn the gold medal.
Author's Comments: Usage/Distribution Restriction: None
Starting Year: 1950
Start Range: 1950
Map Size: 500*160
Map Base: Globe Project
Map Restrictions: Starting companies, starting multiple companies, getting fired as chairman, resigning, assuming chairmanship, personal stock market activities (selling/buying stock), issuing bonds.
Special Restrictions: No customs
Territories: 6, all allowed
Barred Industry: Aluminum Mill, Auto Plant, Bauxite Mine, Cannery, Coal Mine, Cotton Farm, Dairy Farm, Dairy Processor, Iron Ore Mine, Nuclear Plant, Produce Orchard, Rubber Farm, Sheep Farm, Steel Mill, Tire Factory, Textile Mill, Tool and Die Factory, Uranium Mine
Player Pool: Jawaharlal Nehru
Manager Pool: All
Locomotive Pool: Custom, certain locomotives allowed by events
Single Player: Rebuild the Javan railway system
Computer Players: None
SP Gold Win: 200 loads per year before 1965
SP Silver Win: 150 loads per year before 1970
SP Bronze Win: 100 loads per year before 1975
SP Loss: Don't complete bronze requirements by 1975.
See for history of Indonesian railways.
187 0 -
Goal: Deregulation has finally come to Japan National Rail (JNR) - and you're the one stuck with it. Your task? Run profitably and amass a company value of $50 million in 25 years.
Author's Comments: Feedback is requested regarding playability of this scenario.
I lived in Japan from 92-97. During this time JNR was privatized. One of the biggest problems the new company faced was the inefficiency of its lines. This had been exacerbated over the years by politicians seeking Shinkansen (Bullet train) lines in their districts. Massive amounts of government money would then flow into the region for the construction of the extremely expensive lines - filling the coffers of contractors who would then pass on favors to the politician. Since the demand was not there to pay for this construction, JNR began to accumulate massive amounts of debt.
My thinking behind this scenario is that the player should strive to maximize the efficiency of the trains. I threw in Mao Zedong as an example of the competition to JNR by private lines like Hankyu and Keihan. Due to the limitations of RRT I was unable to faithfully render this aspect of JNR's problem. However I still found the scenario to be enjoyable. I hope you do too.
By J. S. Kirwin152 0 -
Goal: Choose sides and help tip the balance of power in the Middle East during its most volatile era. Politicians rule with an iron Uzi.
Author's Comments: It's set up as a scenario, but I never completed it and have started to work on it again. I'm currently playtesting the map seed settings. I'm not a terrific artist, but I've tried to do as well as I could with terrain types, but I haven't added any trees yet. The scenario victory conditions aren't the final ones I'll be using, but I thought someone might like to play (edit) with the map itself. If anyone wants to put trees in, I'd appreciate being sent a copy of the result. I hope to have a full scenario built by the end of the month. If you or anyone has any questions, please drop me a line.
By Aaron J.R.188 0 -
Goal: Sumatra built its railways in the late 19th century. The Atjeh Tram was built by the military in 1876 for strategic purposes. The Deli Spoorweg (in North Sumatra) was laid by private enterprise.
You must build the Staatsspoorwegen system in South and West Sumatra.
For the bronze, connect Teloekbetoeng to Palembang and Loeboeklinggaoe (in South Sumatra) by 1890.
For the silver, also connect Padang to Sawahloento and Fort De Kock (in West Sumatra) by 1887.
Do both by 1885, plus have a company book value of at least $ 20 million to gain the gold.
Note: The two lines need not be connected.
Author's Comments: Usage/Distribution Restriction: None
Starting Year: 1876
Start Range: 1876
Map Size: 300*300
Map Base: Globe Project
Map Restrictions: Resigning, starting multiple companies, getting fired as chairman, short selling, buying on margin, issuing bonds.
Special Restrictions: No customs at borders
Territories: 8 territories, all allowed
Barred Industry: All except Bakery, Coal Mine, Coffee Farm, Grain Silo, Housing, Logging Camp, Lumber Mill, Oil Refinery, Oil Well, Paper Mill, Port and Produce Orchard
Player Pool: Custom
Manager Pool: All
Locomotive Pool: Custom
Single Player: Construct railway line in South Sumatra and West Sumatra
Computer Players: 2
SP Gold Win: Tandjoengkarang connected to Palembang and Loeboeklinggaoe, and Padang connected to Fort de Kock and Sawahloento, and company net worth at least $ 20 million by 1885
SP Silver Win: Tandjoengkarang connected to Palembang and Loeboeklinggaoe, and Padang connected to Fort de Kock and Sawahloento by 1887
SP Bronze Win: Tandjoengkarang connected to Palembang and Loeboeklinggaoe by 1890
SP Loss: Don't complete bronze requirements by 1891.
See for history of Indonesian railways.
175 0 -
Author's Comments: I like to make maps. Because I only play multiplayer games nowadays, I don't have the patience to make a scenario. Anyone who wants to make one, please feel free to do so under your own name...
204 0 -
Goal: Time travel has altered history. In the new timeline, Germany developed the atom bomb during World War One. They tested it in Korea. Now the war has ended. Rebuild Korea!
150 0 -
Goal: Unfortunately, political and economic conditions were not conducive, and the project was abandoned after only a few miles of track were laid.
What if things had turned out different? Can you connect the separate railway lines in Sumatra?
Connect Bandarlampung to Banda Aceh and deliver 12 loads by 2015 to win the bronze medal.
Do so by 2012 and deliver 16 loads to win the silver medal.
Complete the connection by 2010 and deliver 24 loads to win the gold medal.
Author's Comments: Usage/Distribution Restriction: None
Starting Year: 1999
Start Range: 1999
Map Size: 300*300
Map Base: Scratch
Map Restrictions: Resigning, starting multiple companies, getting fired as chairman, short selling, buying on margin, unconnected to any track laying
Special Restrictions: No customs at borders
Territories: 10 territories, 9 allowed
Player Pool: Custom
Manager Pool: All
Locomotive Pool: Custom
Single Player: Connect Bandarlampung in South Sumatra to Banda Aceh in Aceh
Computer Players: 0
SP Gold Win: Bandarlampung connected to Banda Aceh and 24 loads delivered by 2010
SP Silver Win: Bandarlampung connected to Banda Aceh and 16 loads delivered by 2012
SP Bronze Win: Bandarlampung connected to Banda Aceh and 12 loads delivered by 2015
SP Loss: Don't complete bronze requirements by 2015.
You start with practically no money and a $2,500,000 debt
171 0 -
Goal: Your tasks will break new ground by establishing an integrated rail system and boosting exports. You have 25 years (end of 1974) to: - Connect all the major islands - export 100 loads each of Sugar, Rubber and Logs. - achieve $10m Industry Profits
Further tasks will develop during play. Achieve them all for the GOLD, one less for the SILVER, two less for the BRONZE.
Author's Comments: This land of a thousand islands and many volcanos is a complex area with different types of terrain, climate, agriculture & industry, the focus of which has changed several times over the years. The playing map is to the maximum size allowed by RT2 - if only it could be bigger! A few concessions have been made to maintain playability but we have tried to maintain the flavour of the country.
There are several centres of industry and commerce but agriculture and logging dominate. Coffee used to be exported until disease struck and though recovery eventually took place it is after the period of this scenario. Fishing is widespread but too many ports would have deluged the scenario so only the most important ones have been included for the international exports.
Copra is a major export and, to some degree, rubber (both = rubber).
Much rice and corn is grown (both = grain).
By Steve Banks191 0 -
Goal: The exotic far east has drawn you to China's land of riches.
Author's Comments: I've made some improvements in this map from Pop Top.
By Steve Lorenz166 0 -
Goal: The exotic far east has drawn you to China's land of riches.
Author's Comments: I updated the old China map for TSC. I used some ideas for winning conditions I got from Ceebee. Makes for a pretty interesting game. Since I ended early with $66 million PNW gold in 4/1863 I figured the $40 M goals were too low so I raised them in the map that is available to $50 M.
By Steve Lorenz138 0 -
Author's Comments: Blank Map. A map I started but never did anything with.
By Steve Lorenz165 0 -
Goal: Japan enters the smoggy world of industrialization in the late 1800's. Attempting to pick the best fruit of the West's industrial trees, Emperor Meiji has invited you to prove your rail building prowess.
Author's Comments: Note: this was one of the original campaign maps from Railroad Tycoon II (campaign pt. 14 - "The Samurai Rides an Iron Horse",
1) removed the "CampaignChoice1To3=" and "CampaignDifficulty1To3=" events
137 0 -
Goal: Paradise of the world has drawn you to Turkey's land of riches. Test your skill in this land of contrasts.
Author's Comments: Just like Turkey, try it.
By Makinist176 0 -
Goal: The Middle East, at the end of the 19th Century.
Author's Comments: I like to make maps. Because I only play multiplayer games nowadays, I don't have the patience to make a scenario. Anyone who wants to make one, please feel free to do so under your own name...
197 0 -
Goal: While private railway and steam tram companies exploited the resource-rich Central and East Java regions, the state financed a strategic railway line from Buitenzorg to Soerabaja, connecting the most important cities of the colony.
You are expected to connect Batavia to Soerabaja by 1890 to win the bronze medal.
Build a connection to Merak and Banjoewangi by 1887 to win the silver medal.
Satisfy the above requirements and haul at least 100 loads in a single year by 1885 to win the gold medal.
Author's Comments: Usage/Distribution Restriction: None
Starting Year: 1870
Start Range: 1870
Map Size: 500*160
Map Base: Globe Project
Map Restrictions: Resigning, starting multiple companies, getting fired as chairman, unconnected to any track laying, short selling, buying on margin, issuing bonds.
Special Restrictions: No customs
Territories: 9 territories, all allowed
Barred Industry: All except Bakery, Coffee Farm, Grain Silo, Housing, Logging Camp, Lumber Mill, Oil Refinery, Oil Well, Paper Mill, Port, Produce Orchard and Sugar Farm
Player Pool: Custom
Manager Pool: All
Locomotive Pool: Custom
Single Player: Construct railway line between Batavia and Soerabaja via the southern route, and build branches to Merak (West Java) and Banjoewangi (East Java)
Computer Players: 2
SP Gold Win: Batavia, Soerabaja, Merak and Banjoewangi connected by 1885 and more than 100 loads hauled in one year.
SP Silver Win: Batavia, Soerabaja, Merak and Banjoewangi connected by 1887
SP Bronze Win: Batavia and Soerabaja connected by 1890
SP Loss: Don't complete bronze requirements by 1891.
See for history of Indonesian railways.
193 0 -
Author's Comments: I just took any map of Hong Kong off the net, polygoned the land with dark grey, filled in the sea and insignificant islands with black and imported it to Railroad Tycoon 2. This is my first RT2 since I got the game in February 2000. The mountains, I don't know if they are that accurate. Oh yeah, I live in Hong Kong, so there. :)
182 0