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Dune 2000 main font


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I'm so gonna get my ash kicked for reviving this old topic again, but surely somebody knows this, right?


The font that is used in the menu, what is that?


The font for the logo is probably custom, although it would be nice to have that font also (or just the "basis" that looks like the font so I can adjust it).

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I think it's fine to bump old unresolved topics, the more we can work out the better.


Regarding the logo's font, I thought the font looked familiar and since I watched the Lynch film again a couple of months ago I had a hunch it was from that. Anyway it turns out it is from the film, like much of the game's style:




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Nice find, mvi! Wikipedia also refers to it at the "use" section: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albertus_%28typeface%29


So all we got to do is adjust the Albertus font. We already got the letters of "DUNE 2000". I looked at the game cover of Dune 2000, but did not find other text in the same font style, it's really only the 'logo'. The part "long live the fighters" is actually in a different font. Do you perhaps know if in the film the font is used more often, like at end for the cast? Or perhaps for special collectors DVD boxes... stuff like that...


Ah, got an example with more text (see the part "official collectors edition"):



The albertus font is according to wikipedia rather old, so I guess there are no copyrights on it and we can freely adjust and distribute it? I can't however find it free on the internet. Correction: I found one here: http://www.free-fonts-ttf.org/true-type-fonts/albertus-medium-341-download.htm


The dirst one you posted looks very elegant. The rest is crap IMO. Thanks for info. If only we could get hold of that font...

I think you are referring to the sharp effect you see on the black logo. This is simply a layer effect in Photoshop, something with bevel. I don't have Photoshop any more, I work in GIMP and it sucks with such effects.

Edited by D2k Sardaukar
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Crap: I was referring to the other fonts. The old one better fits a hippie skin! ;-) The film variation and nice bevel effect are what we should imitate IMO. Those guys have not done a simple bevel. Maybe a lot of layers to fine tune it. (They may have even used a 3D paint program like Blender.)


Hmm E, F, that F looks interesting.

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Crap: I was referring to the other fonts. The old one better fits a hippie skin! ;-) The film variation and nice bevel effect are what we should imitate IMO. Those guys have not done a simple bevel. Maybe a lot of layers to fine tune it. (They may have even used a 3D paint program like Blender.)


Hmm E, F, that F looks interesting.

It's possible, I did a quick test with GIMP:




I should have made it bold, it's too thin.

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Nice! Can you make a DUNE and put it under the 'original' one for comparison? Also can you provide instructions on how to do it? (effect used, and values used?)

When I finish the font I will also post a tutorial on how to get this inner-sharp-bevel effect in GIMP and a comparison. It's not that difficult actually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Al right I finished the font, but I only adjusted the letters D,U,N,E,2,0. So no small letters. Luckily the program does also adjust the É. Ë etc automatically. Also all the numbers and the letters have a been stretched a bit to fit the style. It's rather easy to adjust the font so, if you got idea's or comments, please say so.








Now that bevel and emboss effect. It is possible with free tools. You need the GIMP and the Layer Effect plugin. But it is gonna be a little of try and error, because the plugin reacts different to a bigger image (and so also bigger font) and I can't figure out the logic. I'm going to mail the author of the plugin, I hope he might want to give some hints. For now some simple steps:


1. Create the text you want with enough space around it on a transparent background (a little larger font size then the eventual goal is good, so later on you can resize it)

2. Make sure the text is black and RMB on the layer to 'Discard text info' and 'layer to image size'

3. Go to Layer->Layer Effects->Bevel and Emboss. Change the settings as on the screen below. The ratio between image size and font size is important, but I don't know what it is. The screen below contains some info. If there is no Layer Effect, you did not restart GIMP or install the plugin correctly. Make sure you select the option 'merge with layers'

4. If the result is too dark or light, go to Colors->Levels and move one of the three sliders until you get the desired effect. Unclear? Just click auto in that dialog then adjust the output level slider.



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  • 2 months later...



I am sorry for bumping this old topic but can you point me to the Menu font of Dune 2000 (not the logo one). Thanks


Sidenote: I am just a silent listener of d2k+ and I admire all the work you guys are putting in. I had to register and post solely to ask for the menu font >< (strange isn't it? coz this community has given me almost everything I loved to have about Dune 2000) Thanks once again for all of your effort!

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