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CoD Chat #2 Log


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Here is the log for the hour betwwen 11 pm and 12 am EST. If you are interested in what came before and after, I have it logged from approximatly 8 pm to 12:30 pm. Simply e-mail me requesting it, or send me an IM with your e-mail address included. Don't forget, part three of our chat is to be held tonight!

<Pinion> i give it a 9

[11:12] <Exatreides> meo meo me o meo

[11:12] <Exatreides> meo

[11:12] <Exatreides> yea

[11:12] <Exatreides> it sucked

[11:12] <slaphapy5> a 9 out of.....10?

[11:12] <Pinion> really?

[11:12] <number6eb> WI give it a 10 out of 10

[11:12] <Pinion> yes

[11:12] <Exatreides> 8 out of 109

[11:12] <Exatreides> 10

[11:12] <Exatreides> liked the preacher parts

[11:12] <Exatreides> and the barron parts

[11:12] <number6eb> It sucks that we have to wait until tomorrow night though

[11:12] <Pinion> first one was better

[11:12] <number6eb> Of course I know what is going to happen

[11:12] <Exatreides> and the aliia with the guy part.....but didnt like how they did very little with the corrino

[11:12] <Titus> the preacher was cool

[11:12] <Titus> also I like leto the second

[11:12] <Titus> I know thats bad

[11:12] <Titus> but its true

[11:12] <Titus> for me

[11:12] <Titus> lol

[11:12] <Exatreides> tecniclly

[11:12] <Exatreides> Leto III

[11:12] <Pinion> corrino sucks

[11:12] <Titus> no

[11:12] <Pinion> they're destined to fail

[11:12] <Titus> leto the second

[11:12] <Exatreides> Sadukar for ever!

[11:12] <Titus> the first baby was leto

[11:12] <Exatreides> they live on into Hertics and chapterhouse

[11:12] <Titus> the second was the second

[11:12] <Exatreides> but play no part

[11:12] <Exatreides> the second was the one that got killed by the Sadukar

[11:12] <Pinion> later all, see u tommorrow

[11:12] * Pinion has left #fed2k

[11:12] <Exatreides> me to

[11:12] <Exatreides> mom kicking me off

[11:12] <Exatreides> Lata playas

[11:12] <Titus> not feeling so hot guys

[11:12] <Titus> talk to you later

[11:12] <Titus> :-)

[11:12] <Exatreides> pffff ddint like

[11:12] * Titus has quit IRC (Quit)

[11:12] <Exatreides> the Leto Ghanimi insest thing either

[11:12] <Exatreides> was just to freaky

[11:12] <slaphapy5> c ya ex

[11:12] <slaphapy5> btw: new post in NOTLD

[11:12] <number6eb> Official start of Discussion for Chat log starts now I guess

[11:12] <Exatreides> yea

[11:12] <Exatreides> Aeries

[11:12] <Exatreides> You must fallow the rules of the Night of the Livind dead triligy. Those Being.

[11:12] <Exatreides> The Only way to kill a zombie is by sever Blunt Trama to the brain. the other way is simply imobilizing it, IE cutting off its limbs ect.

[11:12] <Exatreides> If one bites you, you are going to turn into one sooner or later.

[11:12] <Exatreides> The zombies speed ect dose not change and there tactics cant either.

[11:12] <Exatreides> whoops

[11:12] <Exatreides> wrong window

[11:12] <Exatreides> damnit

[11:12] <Exatreides> happend again

[11:12] <Exatreides> sorry bout that folks

[11:12] <Exatreides> guess i am tired

[11:12] * andrewabcd has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v andrewabcd

[11:12] <slaphapy5> lol

[11:12] <Exatreides> trying to tell Aeries the rules lol

[11:12] <andrewabcd> Whats going on?

[11:12] <Exatreides> pasted something on accident again

[11:12] <Exatreides> tired

[11:12] <Exatreides> now

[11:12] <Exatreides> didnt like the Leto Ghanimi insest vibe thingy

[11:12] <Exatreides> u catch that?

[11:12] * EpicDuelGirl has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v EpicDuelGirl

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> hello hello

[11:12] * andrewabcd is now known as Andrews

[11:12] <Exatreides> any one catch that?

[11:12] <number6eb> hi Epic Girl

[11:12] <Andrews> how did people like the mini?

[11:12] <Exatreides> it was good

[11:12] <number6eb> EpicDuelGirl That is

[11:12] <Exatreides> cept for the fact that they didnt focus on corinno for more than 5 min

[11:12] <number6eb> I thought tonight's epsisode was better than part 1

[11:12] <Exatreides> and the Leto Ghanimi insest vibe freaked me out

[11:12] <number6eb> Who here thinks I am wrong and why?

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> i really enjoyed it

[11:12] <Exatreides> i liked night one better

[11:12] <number6eb> I didn't get that vibe Ex

[11:12] <number6eb> I liked tonight's episode better for a few reasons

[11:12] <Exatreides> um.....they were holding hands all the freaking time, when he came back from the desert with stilgar she asked why he didnt come to her and then they almost made out in the hallway

[11:12] <number6eb> 1 This part of the story is really from Children of Dune

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> no...they just care about each other

[11:12] <Exatreides> Yea......And I'm a chinease jet piliot...

[11:12] <number6eb> 2 There was a lot more story covered in this episode than the first

[11:12] <Exatreides> yea

[11:12] <Exatreides> bout half of children of dune lol

[11:12] <number6eb> part 1 was more getting people reaquainted with the characters and leading into the meat of the story

[11:12] <Andrews> err, night one was an entire book, so i think it covered more story

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> yeah i think that was the problem

[11:12] <Exatreides> dude watch it again, look at how Ghanimi and Leto interact

[11:12] <Exatreides> its very.......distrubing

[11:12] <Andrews> they only kiss once i think

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> pt 1 went really fast and it was hard to take in all that info

[11:12] <number6eb> I think part one may have over compressed book two of the Dune series

[11:12] <Exatreides> i dont know i think they did it well

[11:12] <Exatreides> paul could have visted the shrine to leto once or twice

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> well i felt you didn't really get to know the characters before they died off..

[11:12] <number6eb> I liked both episodes a lot

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> like scytale or bijaz...

[11:12] <Exatreides> then Ghanimi puts a flower in Jessica's hair and stroks her cheek....

[11:12] <Exatreides> yea i do that to my grandmother all the time....

[11:12] <number6eb> but I liked this one better and I am saying why

[11:12] * penaltykick has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v penaltykick

[11:12] * Joseph_Kerr has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Joseph_Kerr

[11:12] <Exatreides> those kids just arnt right

[11:12] <penaltykick> .......

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> both episodes have been good so far

[11:12] <penaltykick> damn

[11:12] * penaltykick slaps slaphapy5 around a bit with a large trout

[11:12] <penaltykick> oops sry

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> lol

[11:12] <Exatreides> !8ball did you enjoy the mini?

[11:12] <ChanServ> Exatreides: It is decidedly so.

[11:12] <Exatreides> !8ball did you like it better than the first night?

[11:12] <ChanServ> Exatreides: If the prophets will it.

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> great episode

[11:12] <number6eb> I guess ChanServer is not totally evil

[11:12] <penaltykick> !ChanServer

[11:12] <penaltykick> !kick

[11:12] <Exatreides> !8ball did you think that the Whole Leto Ghanmi insest vibe was a little freaky?

[11:12] <ChanServ> Exatreides: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

[11:12] <Exatreides> haha

[11:12] <penaltykick> !8ball

[11:12] <penaltykick> !8ball hello

[11:12] <ChanServ> penaltykick: Reading foggy -- try again later.

[11:12] <number6eb> Effects_Guy is there any scenes in tonights episode that you want to call to our attention?

[11:12] <Exatreides> even 8 ball agrees with me

[11:12] <penaltykick> !8ball how are you

[11:12] <ChanServ> penaltykick: I think so. What was the question again?

[11:12] <Exatreides> the one with alia and the preiset was nice....

[11:12] <penaltykick> !8ball make me a mod

[11:12] <ChanServ> penaltykick: Are you mad?!

[11:12] <Andrews> less 8ball people this is a CoD chatroom

[11:12] <penaltykick> !8ball lol

[11:12] <ChanServ> penaltykick: If the prophets will it.

[11:12] <penaltykick> ....

[11:12] <Exatreides> !8ball do u want them to stfu?

[11:12] <ChanServ> Exatreides: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

[11:12] <number6eb> well said Andrews

[11:12] <penaltykick> what are we supposed to ask effects guy

[11:12] <number6eb> Ex cut it out please

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Whatever ya like

[11:12] <Exatreides> i ment the people bothering the chan serv

[11:12] <penaltykick> at least that pro-republican emprworm wasnt here

[11:12] <number6eb> Anything that you had questions about the mini as far as special effects are concerned

[11:12] <Andrews> we dont want that in the script, all about 8 ball, if you seen the mini or have questions about anything ask him, also you can just discuss teh mini whether you seen it or not

[11:12] <Exatreides> the shroud around the barron must have been easy

[11:12] * Exatreides was kicked by DjCiD (stop it)

[11:12] <number6eb> thank you DJ

[11:12] <Andrews> yes how was the baron effects done, was he suspended in air with wires or CGI in the air?

[11:12] * Exatreides has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Exatreides

[11:12] <Exatreides> wtf

[11:12] <Exatreides> i ask a question

[11:12] <Exatreides> and get kicked?

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Baron was on a crane arm

[11:12] <DjCiD> you spam ChanServ and you get kicked

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> that got painted out

[11:12] <number6eb> play nice Ex and you won't get kicked anymore tonight

[11:12] <Exatreides> i didnt do any thing god i was joking, and i got serious and asked him a question then you ban me

[11:12] <Exatreides> god

[11:12] * Zag is now known as zAG

[11:12] <Exatreides> screw this

[11:12] <Exatreides> i'm pissed

[11:12] <Exatreides> bye

[11:12] <Andrews> what about the effects surrounding him. the "fire"(red) effects.

[11:12] <Exatreides> thats what i ment Ryan lol

[11:12] * Ritley has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Ritley

[11:12] <Exatreides> the whole golden path stone thing was cool

[11:12] <Ritley> Hallos.,

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> I think that was an After Effects thing

[11:12] <Andrews> Was there any trouble with the baron and the backround CGI?(if any)

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Lots of debate over how it shhould look

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> Does anyone plan on making this into a DVD?

[11:12] <Exatreides> sci fi i would guess

[11:12] <Exatreides> since they did it to FHD

[11:12] * Exatreides pats my copy

[11:12] <Ritley> Well the original was made into a DVD/VHS

[11:12] <Andrews> err, since i did not see hte mini on scifi tonight, what scene did it end at?

[11:12] <Ritley> So I'd say so. ;)

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> I meant for themselves

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> at home

[11:12] <Exatreides> the lazza tigers

[11:12] <Exatreides> ghanimi getting in the cave

[11:12] <Exatreides> and leto out side

[11:12] <Exatreides> a roar

[11:12] <Ritley> How long is CoD, FHD was what, 5 hours?

[11:12] <number6eb> The cats attacking Leto and his sister (Can't remember her name)

[11:12] <Exatreides> and we here the saga of dune is far from over

[11:12] <Exatreides> Ghanimi

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> DVD will be available on May 20.. 2 disc set like the first dvd set.. i'm sure there will be an european (uncensored) version like last time

[11:12] <Sphinx_Home> the rumr is that it will hit dvd on april 20th

[11:12] <number6eb> thanks Ex

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Laaza Tigers

[11:12] <Andrews> FHD was 295 min special edition DVD

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> 2 months isn't bad

[11:12] <Exatreides> not at all

[11:12] <number6eb> Laaza tigers, got it.

[11:12] <Ritley> Joseph_Kerr: What was censored in FHD and CoD?

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> I got both of the FHD DVD sets

[11:12] <number6eb> thabks Effects_guy

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> probably the sex

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Dunno in CoD

[11:12] <Exatreides> in FHD the stillsuit changing part not much

[11:12] <Ritley> I like the SciFi adaption better than the Lynch.

[11:12] <MechaDragonX> it was a bit more than I was expecting

[11:12] <Ritley> Sorry to say.

[11:12] <Exatreides> no sex in uncensored FHD

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> But most of U saw the SE of FHD

[11:12] <Exatreides> i have it

[11:12] <Sphinx_Home> what is FHD?

[11:12] <Exatreides> frank herberts dune

[11:12] <Exatreides> the first mini

[11:12] <Ritley> Frank Herbert's. ;)

[11:12] <Ritley> Meh, I remember drinking 6 cokes before watching the VHS version. :|

[11:12] <Sphinx_Home> ty

[11:12] <number6eb> I want to let all of the people joining in here for the first time that Effects_guy is Ryan Carter and he did the special effects for the CoD series we have been watching for the last couple of days

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> I have both copies.. one copy for those who can't quite handle nudity ;).. or for my younger cousin.. she seen fhd and is immediately a fan of dune... she wants to read all the books now

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> maybe when she is old enough i'll let her watch the se fhd

[11:12] <Ritley> Well give Ryan Credit 'cause the CoD effects are BEAUTIFUL.

[11:12] <number6eb> Please ask him questions if you have any

[11:12] <Exatreides> yea kick ass job on caladan and Selsua Secondus

[11:12] <Exatreides> and the flod scene last night

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> yes beautifully done effects

[11:12] <Exatreides> that rocked

[11:12] <Sphinx_Home> I have the first edtion, I did'nt know there was a new edition where can I get it>

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> there are also parts cut from fhd for time

[11:12] <Exatreides> well going to go before the imperielistic democratic american DJ kicks me for doing absolutly nothing, and the fact that my mom is yelling at me mostly lol

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> such as the capture of lady jessica and her observance of baron h gesture

[11:12] * ReverendMax has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v ReverendMax

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> the one that connects paul and baron

[11:12] <Exatreides> so bye

[11:12] <Ritley> Joseph_Kerr: How long are the two versions of FHD? (Hour wise I'm tired too tired for math)

[11:12] <ReverendMax> Finally...

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> the se is about 30 minutes longer

[11:12] <Exatreides> is it?

[11:12] <Ritley> Paul is Vladimir's grandson.

[11:12] <Exatreides> weird didnt notice that

[11:12] <Exatreides> crap gtg

[11:12] <DjCiD> I dont know how to post them, but I have this all logged

[11:12] <Exatreides> later

[11:12] <Andrews> One question about night one, how was the scene done when they boarded the orni to go to the siecth to give birth. It looked CGI, but io thought i saw somone grab the side of the ornithopter

[11:12] <Ritley> Take care Exatreides

[11:12] <Exatreides> and watch out for DJ he has a itch triger finger.....

[11:12] <Exatreides> have fun

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> yeah i can't wait till a se of cod comes out

[11:12] * kurotatsu has joined #fed2k

[11:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +v kurotatsu

[11:12] <Exatreides> great job Ryan

[11:12] <Exatreides> hope to see your work in other things

[11:12] <number6eb> I don't know either other than copying and pasting into a text file

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Sorry...was chatting with an up-coming effects geek

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> but let's talk about cod :)

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Thanks everyone

[11:12] * Exatreides has quit IRC (Quit)

[11:12] <kurotatsu> I'm interested in wondering other people's thoughts on them making additional dune movies based on the remaining FH dune series. Can/should it be done?

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> I thougt the possesion scene captured the struggle of alia

[11:12] <Ritley> It SHOULD be done. ;)

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> Ya...I need the $$$

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> geod most definitely needs to be filmed.. we must finish the saga of the atreides

[11:12] <Effects_Guy> ;)

[11:12] <kurotatsu> i personally would LOVE to see them, but I worry about God Emperor of Dune

[11:12] <Ritley> And they'd have enough time to finish the 6th book when (if) Brian writes the last Dune novel.

[11:12] <Ritley> kurotatsu: Why's that?

[11:12] * slaphapy5 has quit IRC (Quit)

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> but sci fi would need to give more of a budget.. the worm sequences alone would cost in the millions

[11:12] <kurotatsu> and some of the themes in the last book ("awakening" young Teg through pedopheliac sex) might not be appropriate on this society

[11:12] <Sphinx_Home> anyone have any idea where I can get the se fhd?

[11:12] <ReverendMax> The technology is just going to keep getting cheaper/better over the next few years. Hell, a year from now some kid with a DV cam and iDVD will probably be able to coble together pretty much the same level of fx they had for cod.

[11:12] <Ritley> I thought the Bashar was older.

[11:12] <kurotatsu> in GEoD I worry that Leto as a human/worm might not be presented well

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> i got mine at walmart...

[11:12] <Joseph_Kerr> try amazon.com

[11:12] <kurotatsu> he gets ghola'd

[11:12] <EpicDuelGirl> but go to amazon.com

[11:12] <penaltykick> .............

[11:12] <kurotatsu> after Heretics

[11:12] <penaltykick> ...........

[11:12] <Ritley> I know he got ghola'd.

[11:12] <penaltykick> !DjCiD


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