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The logged hour from last nights chat is now available. While the chat had officially started and ended at 11, many people began chatting hours before the mini actually aired and coninuted long into the night. Becasue of the length of this chat, only one hour, from 11 pm to 12 am, was saved. Special thanks to Ryan Carter ("Effects_guy") for attending our chat.

Don't forget that tonight is the second of our 3 CoD chats, same time (11pm EST) same place (irc server east.gamesnet.net channel #fed2k). If you are new to irc, simply click on "chat" on the left hand side menu. That'll tell you what to do.

Tonight, two members of the SFX team behind Dune and CoD have mentioned that they will try and join our chat, but don't know for sure if they can make it or not.

Feel free to join the chat room anytime and stay as late as you like.

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