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Reuters Review and CoD Specials


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My head hurts. This is the third time I've tried to make this news post. Oh well, third time's the charm...

Mark, from Dune Info has let me know of a new review over at Reuters. This one, like allt he others, is mostly positive, but with one caveat. It says, and I quote: "It's everything a miniseries should be -- unless you're a diehard Frank Herbert fan."

They go on to say that in removing many of the plots-within-plots the miniseries has become a bit of a soap opera (maybe Sarandon wasn't so far off calling it "Dynasty in space"?). They also say that the acting in the secondary roles is "merely perfunctory".

They do praise all of the primary actors, especially Sarandon, Kirge, Amavia, Brooks, and McAvoy, are very impressed with the special effects, and find the sex scenes very intense (I'm not making this up).

All in all, the review is pretty good, although all this talk of soap opera's bothers me...

To view the full review, Reuters.

Mark Askwith, a producer with Space: The Imagination Station, has stated that while there will be no half hour hypa-space special dealing with Children of Dune, they have already begun to air some stuff from the CoD set and will be airing some short CoD features on hypa-space soon. So, if you have Space, keep an eye out for these features!

As this week comes to an end, there will be many mroe reviews and much more CoD news pouring in, so I will be making a quick review archive sometime today to help keep all this stuff from being buried.

Don't forget about our CoD online chats at irc server east.gamesnet.net channel #fed2k happening after each new episode of the mini airs!

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