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[Promised Sands]


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I am the developer of a new RPG called Promised Sands.

Several people who have looked at it recently said it has a "strong Dune feel". This probably due to my interest in the Dune movies and, more recently, the books.

I would like to invite you to take a look at a sneak peek of the RPG. You may find it interesting...


Benjamin[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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I suppose it depends a lot on what aspect of Dune one finds most appealing. If you like "generic desert settings with intrigue and political machinations", then it would certainly appeal.

If you are looking for a star-spanning empire with all the ramifications of the Dune setting, well, that would require a license from the Herbert estate and last I heard, they were wanting a lot more money for the license than even WotC could justify into the small RPG market.

So there are definitely some connections--but how far those connections go is limited...


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Khan: I'm flattered you'd recommend me to someone. ;)

Anyway, I skimmed over the description, and I really don't see much connection between Dune and Promised Sands, other than the desert-world type setting. But the description was a bit vague when it came to the overall storyline.

You know, in our experience, we usually get a lot of people trying to pigeon-hole Promised Sands into a category--then, as they learn more, they realize that the pigeon-hole didn't fit.

I think this is one such case...

There are elements that are "dune-like", but the world is certainly not Arrakis. It is certainly not a clone of the worlds, works and writings of Mr. Herbert. There are elements in Promised Sands that are similar--because Mr. Herbert and I have both pulled a lot of detail out of Arabic societies.

I think that is the primary similarity: Desert setting with an arabic feel.

However, for those of you hungry for an RPG that you could easily convert into a Dune setting, you might want to take a gander...

...hell has to drop a few degrees before any RPG company publishes another Dune supplement.


EDIT: I have posted a link to some artwork on the thread at RPGnet if anyone is interested... Promised Sands

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I didn't try to "pidgeon-hole" it. I never said that it would be a "clone" of anything. I merely said that from what I see, it doesn't bear much resemblance to Dune, which is what you said (i.e. "A strong Dune feel").

Now, there's no need for such defensiveness. I'm not trying to denounce the game or anything. In fact, I would be lying if I say it hadn't sparked my interest - despite the fact that I'm generally not a big RPG fan (although to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the two-tailed scorpion).

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I didn't try to "pidgeon-hole" it. I never said that it would be a "clone" of anything. I merely said that from what I see, it doesn't bear much resemblance to Dune, which is what you said (i.e. "A strong Dune feel").

My apologies for the way what I said came across. I was talking about the people who told me they thought it would have a strong appeal to lovers of Dune. I wasn't referencing you. Sorry that wasn't clear.

Now, there's no need for such defensiveness. I'm not trying to denounce the game or anything. In fact, I would be lying if I say it hadn't sparked my interest - despite the fact that I'm generally not a big RPG fan (although to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the two-tailed scorpion).

I appreciate your interest. I really do.

The two-tailed scorpion is an actual genetic mutation that occurs in certain scorpions on a fairly regular basis. There is also a legend amongst arabic cultures about a scorpion with two tails.

When we selected artwork for the cover, we wanted something that was different and yet familiar--and we all agreed upon the two-tailed scorpion (it's a "maridh").

I really am sorry that my words were confusing. I hope it doesn't taint your perspective on Promised Sands.

You may find that it's as interesting to read Promised Sands as it is to play it. In fact, the thought of writing novels about the world is an ever-present idea in my mind...


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I really am sorry that my words were confusing. I hope it doesn't taint your perspective on Promised Sands.

Don't worry about it. Misunderstanding happen. Water under the bridge, farts in the wind, etc.

Anyway, I never knew that about scorpions, or the whole Arabic mythology thing. I'm kind of a nut when it comes to mythology and so on, so I think that's pretty neat. :) I'll be sure to check in at that forum thread every once in a while for updates.

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