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i am huge fan of smugglers mercenaries so i make them nice bases.

all maps where mercenries ar present, have enlarge bases , smugglers and mercenaries have normal functional base in atreides mission 5 :D additional smuggler starport so ai wont sell base.

  • 10 months later...

Don't know if this was already discussed here, but anyway, if you're about to attack an enemy base, a good way of avoiding some unnecessary battles (or, in other words, to make a good precautionary measure) is to take one fast unit (for example a trike or raider) and move it just near the enemy base you're about to attack. Soon, the enemy will send some units which are guarding the base (presumably a light infantry) to scout, so just attack it and then quickly retreat to your base. The enemy will then send almost all of his units after you, but, provided you have a good base defense, will soon lose all of them. Once that's done, his base will be virtually clean, so you can then attack it without having to face a bunch of unwanted enemy units.


Regarding the Death Hand Missile... Well, there maybe isn’t any defense against it, but still, you can minimalize the damage if you quickly move the units which you consider valuable (for example a Siege tank behind turrets) to a safe area, or sell a precious building like Refinery or Heavy factory, ONCE you hear that infamous „Missile launch detected!“ warning. Sometimes, though, you won’t have the time to do that, as the DHM will impact immediately after the warning. This is particularly evident in the O9V2 mission, where both your and the Harkonnen base are positioned in the upper part of the map, which means the DHM won’t have to travel much before hitting you...

  • 1 month later...

If you have plenty of Harvesters & don't want to send them all to the Repair Pad when the enemy attacks them, a good way of dealing with this situation is to take the Harvester which is being attacked (remember that the enemy will, in most of the cases, attack just one particular Harvester of yours, ignoring the others) and quickly move him back to your base, beyond your turrets (provided your base is close enough for the Harvester to arrive there safe & sound, of course). The enemy will then blindly follow the Harvester, almost completely ignoring your turrets, so his units will be smashed rather quickly, whilst your remaining Harvesters can enjoy a safe mining. Note: If you have Carryalls & want to use this tactic, don't try to send the Harvester to the Repair Pad or Refinery, else the Carryall will pick him up and the enemy will attack some other Harvester of yours.

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