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when I select or just hold down the mouse button in microsoft works word processor the computers' "noise" changes somewhat, just wondering if this is normal. i can hear it change back and forth when I do this. doesnt seem to do the same for in the reply text. It makes noises sometimes when it maybe shouldnt for a fast computer.

Maybe it is just the fan? it is not the grindin noise you here when you do something difficult. maybe when there is a lot of processing type noise but no orange light.

any advice? ???

  • 1 month later...

This is another concern of mine.

For the past week or 2 my computer keeps freezing for a certain amount of time(always the same amount it seems, about 5-7 seconds) it happens about once or twice an hour. I have a fast computer and that is not the problem (it freezes when doing little)

I just finished uninstalling some stuff, defragged adn scanned ahrd drive for errors(which i have been doing all week. a also have done antivirus check.

Any help? i think my computer drivers are up to date according to windows update.


when I select or just hold down the mouse button in microsoft works word processor the computers' "noise" changes somewhat, just wondering if this is normal. i can hear it change back and forth when I do this. doesnt seem to do the same for in the reply text. It makes noises sometimes when it maybe shouldnt for a fast computer.

Maybe it is just the fan? it is not the grindin noise you here when you do something difficult. maybe when there is a lot of processing type noise but no orange light.

any advice? ???

my advice? don't link Microsoft Works to the Fan ;) . no i don't have an idea either... it sounds so weird.


This is another concern of mine.

For the past week or 2 my computer keeps freezing for a certain amount of time(always the same amount it seems, about 5-7 seconds) it happens about once or twice an hour. I have a fast computer and that is not the problem (it freezes when doing little)

I just finished uninstalling some stuff, defragged adn scanned ahrd drive for errors(which i have been doing all week. a also have done antivirus check.

Any help? i think my computer drivers are up to date according to windows update.

Well, i'm not 100% sure. But i think it's your virusscan. My friend had that on his old comp as well. Every 15 min. or so a virus scan would check his HD, which resulted in a bad performance on anything you did for about 30 seconds i think. Try turning off virusscan and see if this still happens. If not, that means it is a virusscan problem. Then just look into your virus scan and set the option to check every 15 min. for example off.


Had the same problem a few months back when there was a defective SCSI RAID controler in my computer. On regular and random intervalls the SCSI controler would simply hang. Freeziing op the whole serevr. Now, I'm not suggesting that your IDE or possible SCSI controler is broke.

[ although it never hurts to look in your event log to check if there are any IDE errors in there ].

Just as Flameweaver mentioned, it is probably a programm that needs to use your HD on those intervalls. Could be a virus scanner, or any other programm that has sheduled tasks. [ you could check Windows task manager for that, located in your controle pannel ]

Does your computer only freeze when you ae working with a specific programm, or just with any programm or no programms open at all at the time ?


a dont have a windows task manager in control panel(winxp). I think it may have to do with a program, but im not willing to give it up yet.

And my computer freezes whenever I'm doing anything. I diabled m virus scanner for now and see whatys happens with that. I have this a lot in my event viewer, any idea as to what program?

Event Type:  Error

Event Source:  Application Hang

Event Category:  None

Event ID:  1001

Date: 3/4/2003

Time: 12:00:10 PM

User: N/A

Computer:  x


Fault bucket 01970380.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


0000: 42 75 63 6b 65 74 3a 20 Bucket:

0008: 30 31 39 37 30 33 38 30 01970380

0010: 0d 0a ..


I should have said sheduled tasks in your control panel.

Did turning off your virus scanner help anything ?

2 other options that might help you, have you got an active copy of PGP disk encryption. It gives you the option to whipe files on deleting. If you have such an option, in any programm for that matter, it would slow down a computer as it starts to whipe your disk every time a programm deletes a file. Backup software for instance dould also cause a slow system or not responding system from time to time. So if you have any programms you know of with features like that, you could try to turn it of and see if it helps.

Is there enought free space on your C: drive ? [ or root drive if that should not be C ]

If disabeling your virus scanner didn't help, could you attach a copy of your directX diag file. :)


I have 3 things in scheduled tasks, they are:

ISP signup reminder 2

Norton AntiVirus - Scan my computer

Symantec NetDetect

I Have no idea what the first one is for.

i diableed my virus scanner, and it still froze(so i turned it back on) I have 13% free space (8 or more gb probably free)

Also aplication manager? whats that?

I plan on fromatting computer in a month(thats when i lose high speed, so I want to clean it then get what i need off the net)

My system restore may be saving stuff but i doubt that as it wasnt a problem before.

Thank god i copy and pasted..."same filename in use"[attachment archived by Gobalopper]


App maneger was a typo, sorry :-[ Changed it.

No clue as for the first, think you could deactivate it, see if it help anything. I'll have a look at your directX file. If you wouldn't mind, could you check on how often Symantec Life update checks for any updates. [ it the Symantec NetDetect options in your task manager ].


I am not sure when it checks , but norton updates them on wednesdays...I had this program since september...maybe reinstall?

Not sure how to diable the isp thing...I could delete it though.(nothing stating the possibility to disable it)

The isp thing says every 15 minutes starting at this time..to this time everyday. me think that could be it.

should i delete it?

I am timing the freezing thing from when it last did, and if it does in 15 min then me delete it.


*gryphon sits back, fase terrefied and hopes, no prays it's is gon'na be 15 minutes*

Could be a Windows update, the option should be in your control panel. Allthough if you havn't changed it the default value isn't that often.


Mayby this subject over at HP helps anything.

You could look at which programms are open at the time of freezing. Are they always the same ?

[ if you have Opera 7 Beta for instance, it will freeze on you more often ]

You could try to update your grafic card drivers, along with DirectX9 and WinXP SP1. Although if you should choose the last, you might want this file from HP. Although I would only install it if you think you need it.


I heard bad things about


even though this verison wont fry your computer, i heard it has to do with legal things that microsft did(no more IE on desktop?)

Is it recommended or does it just slow down computer with garbage that i wont use?


Yea, it's true. There has been a nice PDF file from my German neigbours a few weeks back desplaying what the SP1 upgrade send back to Microsoft. [ most of it ironically at the time it displays no information is beeing send to Microsoft at this point, it's probably already send by the time it displaye's it :- ] Never the less, it has some fixes in it that could help in some situations. You could try to find a direct download for the service pack to try it on. Besides that, there are some problems regarding to SP1, slowing down your computer seems to be one of them, half installed versions and such.

I'll ask up on that error message in your eventlog somewhere today when I'm at school. I'll get back on that. :)

Do you just have Norton Virusscan, or the whole system works packadge ?

Could you check if it indicates all your firus definitions ar up to date and not giving any errors.

[ if the Doc whould be here he probably suggest you de-install it compleatly ;) ]


I uninstalled it and will leave it uninstalled until tomorrow night or so, and if I does freeze then I know it may not be antivirus.

My computer just froze again...I'm deleting that isp thingy.

still freezing...will wait until i format it unless people have suggestions

  • 3 weeks later...

Just so you know, I formated my computer and guess what? It stopped freezing!!! *knocks on wood* (my desk is made of wood)

This just proves that formating solves all problems if you back everything up. (I burnt around 9 cd's 36 hours before formating)

I have ruled out a program that I thought may have caused it as it is installed and used now and computer is not freezing.

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