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The end for dune or is it?


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As far as i know there will be no more dune games ever made, as for how un-popular this game is, i blame that on the damn critics who hahahaha gave this game a 2 out of 10 so most people figure this game sucks and dont buy it, ive heard of some news about someone who may have the dune (language) i forgot what its called, but he may make the language available? my memory is fogged but im sure this is about right, so if WW never makes another dune game im sure a group will band together and make a new dune game and Dg's will go on and on and on untill they forget about the dune universe, all they would know is that spice supplies the funds and with that you can buy weapons, similar to God emperor of dune when the fremen become dirty selfish greedy people. In the end, i estimate the year 4000 my decendents will change all of that and bring back the real meaning of DUNE... i forgot how i got to this topic.

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Hello Duncan !

Don't blame critics. Just read what people write here.

Some pretend like Emperor but just what they HOPE it's Emperor die.

Probably like of person don't like see people happy to play a game and like it.

It's strange that Corean have adopt StarCraft and play with this game again (you know the year of conception ? ).

Anyway !

Have a Emperor day !


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It can't be true. I think that no ones knows about dune because no one understands it. :D Don't NEVER forguet this phrase: "The human being is alrays ready to deny what doesn't understands." Meaning??? If persons doesn't understands terms like Kuisath Haderach, Ya hya Chouhada, or Kull Wahad, how come they will paly the game? They think that those terms come in the game ::). If the game was acconpanied by films in the cinema, maybe persons would understand better this sci- fi classic (and therefore, buying the game) ;D

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Yep. I even have a really good example of this.. As we all know, in the Emperor fremen fedayakins are using wierding module etc etc. Well... my friend always thought that it was some stupid invention by WW. After he saw the original Dune movie: "What, I mean those are real? And those harvesters? WW hasn't invented them?". *Sigh* :-

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