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Message from Westwood


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June 1st, 1998 - 3:00pm PST

To our guests...

Less than one hour ago, the T3 line that connects Westwood's game service, web server, ftp servers, and other internet systems was severed between ourselves and our provider. While our Internet provider attempts to correct the problem, we have re-activated our backup T1 line. However, our T1 line cannot carry the huge amount of traffic as our T3 line, so several services including our web and ftp servers will be offline until the problem is corrected.

Westwood Online, our chat & Internet game network, will continue to be available for you to use. As soon as our T3 connection is reestablished, we will reactivate all of our services as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

- Westwood Studios

As shown above Westwood is having some troubles with the connections which means if you are trying to get to one of their webpages, you are going to get a 404 File Not Found Error until the T3 line is back up and you may see some delays on Westchat as well.
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