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Last Question


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We have finally come to the last question, this one is definelty the biggest, take a look.

Can you give some more details to how the Fremen, Sarduakar, and Mercenary sides play a role and how/if you can control them.

Fremen Units are resistant to anti-tank weapons but very vulnerable to high explosives, fire and bullet weapons. Fremen are the native desert warriors of Dune. The Fremen familiarity with desert terrain make these elite fighters a difficult adversary. Their firepower effects Infantry and armored targets to the same degree.

Sardaukar are resistant to anti-tank weapons but very vulnerable to high explosives, fire and bullet weapons. The Sardaukar are the Emperor's Elite Terror Troops. Armed with dual weapons, the Sardaukar will automatically fire the right weapon at any given target - launching missiles against armored vehicles, and firing machine guns against infantry.

They isn't a unit called a mercenary. You might be thinking of saboteors.

The Saboteur is resistant to anti-tank weaponry, but very vulnerable to high explosives, fire and bullet weapons. The Saboteur is a special military unit acquired by House Ordos. A single Saboteur can destroy any enemy buildings once he moves into them. Saboteurs are Stealth Units. They only become visible when they fire or come into range of another Infantry Unit.

Firstly I would like to thank both Aaron Cohen and Cyberman0 for getting these questions answered. This still leaves me wondering what role the Mercenary will play in the game and if they will be allied with House Ordos at all? Perhaps they offer discounts through the Starport? Infantry look as thought they could become very potent with both the Fremen and Saboteur having stealth options and the Sarduakar being a very powerful weapon if used correctly.

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