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PC Fan Review


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PC Fan has just reviewed Dune 2000. This time it seems these guys have actually played the game and are rating it as it is, a remake of the classic. This is definitely the best review so far, four different people review it and the average rating is about 82%. Check out some of their comments below and the entire review here. Thanks goes out to Munch for telling me about this.

Bottom Line: Westwood's showing us what RTS used to be like. This is old school style graphics and gameplay. It's a remake, not a sequel (keep thinking that). If you keep that in mind when purchasing this game, you'll have no disappointments. It's a piece of gaming history that is as much fun to play now as it was then (though I never played it the first time around).

Bottom Line: I've heard a lot of good things about Dune 2, but sadly I've never played it. Hell it's THE defining predecessor to all the real time strategies (RTS) we love. So, when Westwood announced Dune 2000, I had some high expectations. Sadly, I was a little disappointed when I actually played it. Not to say that it is a crap game, far from it. It's just that the title is a little misleading. I got the impression that Dune 2000 was going to be a new game, not just a face-lift of the old one. But, for fans of the RTS genre it's worth checking out one of the founding fathers of real-time strategy as we know it.

Bottom Line: If you really need a C&C fix before the sequel hits, give Dune 2000 a try. Not only is it a good game and a classic, it also gives you a chance to see where your favorite RTS games originated from.

Bottom Line: If you're a fan of the original Dune game and wanted something more modern, this is something to buy. But if you're looking for the next evolution in real-time strategies, wait for Tiberian Sun.

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