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Duke On Dune


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Ever wanted to play Duke Nukem on Dune? Well I found a site creating a Duke conversion based on the Dune universe. Check it out at DOD[Duke On Dune]. They seem to have had a server crash and lost the demo for it, but be sure to check out the site anyway, they have some great ideas. You can find the story below:

The time is 10191 A.G. The universe is ruled by the Padisha Emperor Shaddam the IV. The universe depends on one substance...the spice...melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands conciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The spice can only be found on one planet. Arrakis.....otherwise known as DUNE. Duke's mission is to destroy the Baron Harkonnen's spice hoard. Duke Nukem is a ghola regrown from the original body that was cryogenically preserved. All memories, etc. are intact. Duke Nukem has been promised that if he is successful he will be returned to 1997 to get his revenge.

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