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Arrakis: Help Needed


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Stefan Hendriks has just given the latest update on Arrakis after a day of working on it. He has run into some snags and you can find the problem below. If you can help out be sure to contact him.

I have added some cool stuff:

  • You can now destroy units
  • When the unit explodes, you will see the familiar explosion of RA!
  • Made a program to convert the original Dune 2 Maps (seed maps that are on my page) into Arrakis maps!
  • You cannot dissapear the the sidebar anymore.

There is one VERY BIG problem that may cause arrakis to die! So there will be no release! Unless you want only 1 tank and 5 buildings.

I need some information from QuickBasic programmers. How I can split up my code into modules so i can program further and avoid any errors like:

"Out of String Space"     -In QuickBasic

"Out Of memory"     -From the compiler

I know one guy who made Wetspot. And he uses 3 scources that are almost over the limit of QuickBasic

If i can't figure this out. I have to leave some things! And i dont want to do that!

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