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Generations/FH's Dune Updates


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Shaddam let me know of some posts over at the Generations forums earlier today. They were originally posted in French so I don't know how good the translations are, check them out below:

"Recruitment is automatic and is a function of the level of the house and the characteristics of foundation of its family. The renewal of the companions is automatic. Precisely the companions will be the bashars, the mentats, the spies and other Doctor Suk. The members of family will not be able to exert the functions of companion."

"Hmm, Indeed, few things are available to date. All the teams work continuously on Dune for the moment, therefore the goodies will not be for immediately. On the other hand, if that you interress, you can send all your works to us, we will publish them very soon after validation."

The first deals with recruitment while the second seems to be more about artwork.

I had a chance to play the demo of Cryo/Wide Screen Games action/adventure game the other day. Not much has changed from the first "unofficial" demo, released a while ago, actually this version seemed to crash more often then the first did. You can now control the camera angle with the mouse which is nice and there is a pistol of some sort you can use although it takes some practice to use it effectively. The game still looks like a console port and is hard to play mainly due to a bad control system. There was also a few translation problems, the developers are French, like carryall was spelt cariolle and they called the Krysknife a Krys.

Personally I don't think this game will come anywhere close to Cryo's first Dune game unless the final version is greatly improved upon. Has anyone played the demo and had good first impressions from it?

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