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A Review!


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IGN has posted the first review, that I have seen at least, of Frank Herbert's Dune giving it an 8.2/10. Compare this with the 8.0/10 Emperor received and I'm left wondering if maybe the game is worth getting afterall. :)

Below is a caption from the review summing it up:

Frank Herbert's Dune, when all is said and done, is an enjoyable action game. It is less of an adventure game and distinctly reminds me of American McGee's Alice . It is relatively short, five missions total, although with the visits to the Sietch and each mission having multiple parts to them, it can take a while to play through them. If this game fails in any way, it is with its ending, which leaves so much unfinished. This just leaves the player wanting more. This is purposeful, though, and a sequel can be expected. Dune fans will really like this game and anyone who hasn't read or watched Dune may find wanting to know more about Paul-Maud'Dib.

Doesn't sound too bad, I guess they must have improved a lot from the demo released earlier. Check out the review and post your opinions of the game in the forums if you have already picked it up.

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