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Special Edition FH's Dune


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I found out about this a couple days ago, but for some reason I couldn't access the website I had to go for confirmation until today.

Anyway, Artisan has finally set the release date for the Special Edition DVD of Frank Herberts Dune that we reported on way back on November 3rd. Besides the usual extras (directors commentary, 30 minutes new footage, etc) they also have some really unique things in here including an audio commentary by Frank Herbert (which is pretty impressive seeing as he's been dead for 18 years), a round table discussion about it including sci-fi authors/directors/actors/scientists John Harrison, Richard Dreyfuss, Salman Rushdie, George Lucas, Alexa Poryas, Ursula K. Le Guin, Michael Crichton, Charles Elachi, William Gibson and Arthur C. Clarke, and a documentary called "Defining Messiah".

You can pre-order it here for $18.88. It will be released on April 23rd.

I know if I had a DVD player, I'd be buying it.

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