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I have a solution for you all.

I can offer an in-depth and comprehensive case studies of all the Moderators on this board who suck along the a detailed analyis of why, email it to Gob, and he can ban all the Moderators who I say suck.

I would even be willing to do this without charging any fee for my services, but only because I am such a nice, charitable guy.

Actually, I'd be interested in reading that. You can send it to me if you want, Nav. Mahdi@dune2k.com (or wayoung@hotmail.com if it is very large).

Now, As for this thread, when some of these "newbie moderators" as you put it were first given Landsraad/moderator "powers", yes, I agree, they used them a bit to often, but after a little while and a couple posts by me and a few others they stopped and I have not seen them use their powers irresponsibly since. Of course, I may have missed something and I don't usually visit the fan fiction forum. If you have any complaints about any moderator TMA, myself included, please send them to either myself or Gob and we will look into them immediatly. I would rather know if I am doing something many people on this board feel is wrong than not know it.

This thread is heading towards a large flame war, reading through it a couple have already nearly started. I think you knew that was going to happen right when you posted it TMA. So, here's the deal. I see one more boderline flaming post here, I'll lock it and leave it up to Gob whether or not to put it in the Dungeon. You guys remain calm and constructive and talk about this "problem" in general terms and it can stay open for the time being. Any specific problems, once again, are to be sent to myself or Gob.

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