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[Release] Butlerian Jihad: Zone Zero - Dune 2000 Campaign

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Posted (edited)

Again, I am here to present a new campaign. Yet another Butlerian Jihad related campaign that form a trilogy and goes the final chapter of the whole story... or maybe not.

As the last time, it's highly recommended to play both the Original Butlerian Jihad and the sequel BJ: War Machines to fully understand all the events of the game.

Like those two campaigns, here you will play as the main trio of houses depending of the maps, indicated on the top of the briefing, so you will always know which faction you are playing.

Backstory (spoilers from the two first campaigns).
On the original Butlerian Jihad Campaign, the three main houses were using an artificial intelligence to help them to manage a big scale war. The Emperor used his power to turn all those units controled by an A.I. against their masters. Atreides, Ordos and Harkonnen joined forces to defeat the Emperor, making the A.I. to not have an owner anymore.

Even withouth an onwer, the A.I. still follow a basic programming code: Defeat all the houses. They were much more predictable and easy to defeat, but each day their numbers grown, and not even the superior human tactics could deal with a such disadvantage in numbers. Atreides, Ordos and Harkonnen join once again to disable once for all the A.I. by shuting down the main sever where the code it's stored.

The A.I. are no longer a threat. Unmanned vehicles/Cyborgs have a "auto-target" lock on to target any enemy vehicle that approach, but their factories are disabled, they cannot expand, build or attack anybody. Are easy prey for the three factions that simply conquer as many land as they can before restarting the war for Arrakis once again.

However, the Ordos take advantage of no interventions from the other houses to try to develop a new an improved A.I. one that requires much more testing to be sure that the story doesn't repeat again.

To make things worse. Ixians and Mercenaries are interested on the adquisition of those kind of vehicles. They want to make use of any sort of an A.I., they want to simply sell as scrap those Unmanned vehicles or they have other intentions?

Atreides and Harkonnen, after the two wars, are totally against any kind of A.I. Can these two discover what the Ordos are planning and what it's the reason about Ixian and Mercenaries having those kind of vehicles in their armies?

For this final campaign I tried to present the A.I. as it is: a finished "enemy". Because of that, some maps will show Machines buildings that are that "for show", withouth producing units or anything. Of course, other factions may want those building for themselves.
But, at the same time, vechiles both unmanned and with an A.I. will strengh the attacks of defenses of whatever faction tries to use them, being enemy or ally.

Mercenaries reinforce their defenses thanks to unmanned vehicles

Ixians protect a Machines base to avoid the Atreides to raze it.


The Ordos activate one A.I. To help them against an enemy ambush.


New tactical map on the spoiler, don't open if you didn't played the previous BJ: War Machines

  Reveal hidden contents

(New Tactical maps included)

Butlerian Jihad Zone Zero.rar 
File includes the single mission: The end of the Butlerian Jihad. Updated with a new file name and now appearing at the bottom, after the main "Zone Zero" campaign on the Harkonnen side, completing the campaign.

Unzip the file and copy every folder into the root of the game.
Any folders included will go to the path that it is suppose to go.
Do not copy any pgn (screenshots) nor the readme.txt (instructions).

Mission launcher 1.2 is required.

Edited by Cm_blast
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...

I want to make two announcement:

The first one as a generic thing, and it is that I reuploaded every single of my campaigns and missions done by me to be proberly packed to play. This means that right now, the only step to "install" all the campaigns (modded or not) is to unzip the file and move every folder into the root (leaving any .png as these are only screenshots for show and the .txt with the instructions, which also has been simplified) and that's it, every campaign and mission is going to be ready to be played, so it is not longer needed to download the main rar, then some ini updated, then some rebalanced done to missions X and Y... so just 1 single .rar file, unzip, move and it will be fully ready to be played.

Any extra files that are no longer needed since they are included by default in both gruntmods and dunemaster has been removed. Also, if the campaign/mission contain any kind of modded stuff + new tilesets or similar things, those things will be added into the CustomCampaignData folder, which just means that you won't copy the tilesets directly into your game but the launcher will do it for you (so it is not needed to be worried about overwritting anything that was there previosly).

Maybe there is still 1 of 2 works on which it needs a tileset or something similar but as it is not modded it doesn't include CustomCampaignData, or maybe that specific tileset it was already on your game from another campaign, no problem of saying "yes" if prompted to overwrite. Anything that was modified (that will totally affect the vanilla stuff) is in a separated CustomCampaignData, so do not worry.

The second announcement goes to this specific campaign (and the other two butlerians), as I also did the same package; but on top of that I added tactical maps for the whole set of butlerian campaigns. The campaigns itself has almost not changes, only a couple of them were slighly altered for consistency.

The single mission "The end of the butlerian" has been renamed and swapped sides so now it no longer will appear on the "Emperor" part of the launcher but on the Harkonnen, at the very bottom of the three campaigns. On top of that now that single mission is included into this third butlerian campaign download, as it was considered the final mission from the whole story.

  • 2 years later...

This campaign has been really fun!

However, is mission 7 bugged? The Machines seem to be wayyyy to powerful and aggressive towards the Fremen, so if I don’t eliminate a majority of the their factories and barracks, the Fremen will die before I can build even get a high tech factory for ornithopter bombings, which the mission intel hints at doing.

I’ve lost the game many times trying to build up my forces, so I think the only way to win is to rush early.

Am I missing something critical or playing this wrong?

Posted (edited)

Mission is hard, the machines send units against the fremen, but the issue is that the other guys will send units at you, which may kill the units that you have on the fremen side.
The machine factories are slighly separated from the main bases. The airstrike is like the "if you turtle a lot and don't want to risk or you are having trouble to advance you can destroy those structures without engaging", but a good way to have advantage is scounting well the area (you can restart multiple times) and see where the machine facts are.

And yes, rush early is a valid thing, but also you can mess the enemy on the bottom-left side since there are cliffts that hover like most the map, so if you place units on the bottom side, the enemy may try to kill those units but having to do so much walk around that they don't consider other enemies that may killing them in bewteen.

Kind of a similar thing with one of the bases on the righ side, the enemy is kind of cornered with only 1 spot to exit, but you can place units on the bottom to make the enemy to having to move all around 

For playing more defensive, is better if you have your units inside the fremen side, not at the entrace, it doesn't really matter if sietches are destroyed as long as 1 is alive (the fremen will produce the same amount of units regardles on how much). Only issue is that non-machine enemies will focus you and maybe killing fremen in splash damage or being crashed around.

Rusing is valid, there is at least the 2 enemy heavy factories that you can strike without alterting the mercenaries, at least that one will help. And yes, the ornis is a good way to destroy them withouth sending forces if you feel like you have to defend yourself for all the attacks, but it is an advice on "use them, unless the other regular missions, those won't rebuild stuff so you can destroy for free".

As an extra note, the Machines are the only ones that will go against the Fremen, if you can deploy multiple turrets on your base and you see a wave of mercenaries coming your way, move the units you may have defending the fremens and go into your own base, mercs and fremen will ignore each other, and then you go there to defend them if no more mercs are coming, but machines will focus hard on the fremen (unless you manipulate the enemy Ai, by placing units around and making them charge against your turret).

If rushing factories is hard, you can rush some of the mercenaries harversters, some will try to harvest on the front row, mercs have a good amount of money so taking out some harvs won't do that much difference, but if you attrack the enemy into your units and you kill them before they have too much that may give you extra time and only having to protect the fremen/yourself against machines for a while.

Just pointing that the butlerian trilogy is one of my thoughest/unfair campaigns, and you are reaching the end-game, missions 8 and 9 may be even harder, so if you have trouble, either rushing, manipulate the Ai or build as many turrets as you may need. The final epilogue I think is slighly easier than 9 but is still on the hard side.

Glad you enjoy even with the difficulty. 

Edited by Cm_blast

Ah ok, thank you for the tips and confirming the mission is beatable. I was just worried there’s a bug in the script because there’s a huge jump in difficulty  from mission 6.

I have failed many times now to formulate a strategy to beat it, and that is to eliminate all the machine factories and barracks ASAP. In my last play, I left a light factory alive thinking it’s ok, the Fremen can handle it, but nope! 2/3 sietches were destroyed in just a single wave! Later I tried to lure them into my own base but that only worked once and I didn’t have the resource to counterattack them.

Oh and I noticed the Fremen won’t sit still in their base, if they have too many troops, they’ll go out and attack the machines! Grrrrr

Anyways, I’m hoping to beat it tonight while streaming on twitch, and upload a successful video on YouTube. If you are interested, I can paste those links here.

and finally, I really love the bachelor into hard campaign! Because of the innovative mission design, like the very first mission you fight off “traitor” units that have the same color as the player, amazing design! It’s probably my favorite after the war of assassins trilogy. Thank you for making it! Big fan. :) 


Ah ok, I think indeed there's a bug because I just watched another player on Youtube and his Fremen allies were able to receive trikes, quads and combat tank reinforcements from their sietches, while my game the Fremen can only receive Fremen infantry, hence in my game, they cannot survive past 2 waves of machine attacks even if I initially rush to destroy 4/6 of the machine's factories to begin with. 

I can see the other players beat this mission comfortably and without the need to rush the machines right away. Then I can see, yes, one can turtle and build a high tech factory to use ornithopters to win this mission.

I have the mission launcher v1.2 installed and I have your latest Butlerian Jihad Trilogy files installed, so I don't know why there this bug. Am I missing a Dune 2000 version update?

Anyways, I am downloading mission launcher v1.3 to try my luck...

Posted (edited)

Just to clarify something, to avoid the fremen snowballing effect (they out-producing the machines), they will stop producing certain units after certain machine factories are destroyed, like you say on the first post, the fremen can even start sending forces, but I wanted the Fremen to be just victims of the circunstances and holding for they life. If they still produce units at the same rate even if the machines have only 1 fact alive the implications will be gone.

If you rush the enemy, just go against the heavy factory, which produce the combat tanks which are the strongest for you to take; But be sure, it doesn't matter if the machines have all facts or just 1 fact alive, the machines will always will overun the fremen forces.

Fremen won't be able to hold alone but it would probably be easier to protect them if you only face light vehicles and crush over sardaukar, instead of having to deal with heavy tanks instead. Even if Fremen stop producing tanks because you destroyed the heavy facts, the machines were outproducing them anyway, so it is better that way. Or better yet, you rush the enemies on the right side but leave alone the ones on the bottom, those units have to pass in bewteen your base to reach the Fremen anyway, so it is probably easier to protect yourself with turrets from that area.

You can also rush to focus the enemy factories but not focusing on the barracks just yet. Then you gather 5-6 siege tanks, move 2-3 of them near the fremen so if the machines send sardaukars they will die easily, and if the mercenaries goes and kill your sieges you will have a few more into your own base to replace once you deal with that merc wave.

So it is not bugged, I just made by design as a way of prevent the snowballing effect and in "the long run" (whatever you are a fast player that destroy facts quickly or not)  it makes sense that the fremen eventually will run out of manpower.

I don't remember exactly how I did it, but I think I kind a did something like this:
Machines have no heavy? Fremen stop producing tanks
Machines have no light? Fremen stop producing quads
Machines have no barracs/palace? Fremen stop producing trikes

Edited by Cm_blast
Posted (edited)

Ohhhhh thank you for the insight!! I see that I've fallen into the trap of finishing off the enemies too early thinking that will protect the Fremen from the Machine forces, but instead it was making them more vulnerable! That is the secret insider detail I desperately needed!

Knowing this, I used the strategy of rushing to destroy the wind traps of 2 Machine bases instead, making their production massively slow, so slow that the Fremen can pretty much fend for themselves. Although there are still times I need to rescue them, and they are still down to 1 Sietch in the end.

I thought everything was wonderful until the Fremen started attacking and successfully wiping out 2 of the Machine bases! Then I realized this is NOT good for them, but fortunately I found the little cliff area you mentioned where I can lure the Machine forces into my base, and I was able to lure multiple waves into my base until I am able to build a massive force to finish them off.

This mission had me optimize my solaris like I'm a bum living on the streets, I did NOT dare to spend money on building upgrades unless I had to, and Omg, the grind and the nerve wracking this mission gave me... At every point of the game I thought the Fremen weren't gonna make it, my heart was at my throat the whole time!

Anyways, you can watch the gameplay here (it's like my 10th attempt): 


p.s. Oh, I actually had enough credits and time to build a high tech factory and got to use the airstrike just at the end! It wasn't a game changer as I thought it would be. They only destroyed 1 wind trap, not 2 like I hoped. :(
I would advise players to use the $3k+ to purchase tanks instead...

Edited by Ghost.B88

yeah, you only should do upgrades if you have plans to use it right away. I have done missions more chilling that you can just spend the money on upgrades even if you run low on credits, but the butlerian trilogy is though and every credit used has to be used in a good way.

I usually go defensive and then the aistrike to strike the facts that I think I won't be able to destroy withouth bringing too many mercs units nearby, but mostly I mix both things, attacking with ground units and with air on other side.

good luck with mission 8, it may not be as hard as you only need to defend yourself, but time will tell.


Ah interesting, do you have a video of your gameplay by any chance? I would love to see how you beat it (in hard mode preferably).

Yes, playing these hard missions definitely makes you think about cost-effectiveness of your army. As a kid playing this many years ago, I used to always buy the most expensive things ASAP, because they are so cool (e.g. rocket turrets right away), but here, I realized the beauty of cheaper units like light infantry and gun turrets. They are just so fast and cheap to create and gets the basic job done!

Anyways, yes, I took a sneak peek at mission 8, and Thank God (and also you, the creator of the mission), that I don't have to defend a Weak ally! I don't know how much of that I can handle before I table flip. Lol!

Posted (edited)

No, I only recorded some gameplay from other´s people campaigns. I am not a good player at all.

I play mostly on regular speed (same as you) but normal difficulty, I only leave hard for those that are really skilled. I usually very ultra-defensive but, unless I am playing other's people stuff (depending on the campaign) I try to not cheese the missions, like using tactics I know that are that much advantage, but I also I play on the original resolucion (the one it was the original on the game, not an increase one) so I see less screen that most people due the low resolution.

Yeah no, I tend to do 1 "defend your ally" or 2 at most per campaign (on campaigns with an ally). Most the time you are alone and there isn't any ally to defend, and I don't use too many "protect this specific building" objetive either. On misison 8 It is harder to defend yourself than defending your ally. In fact, the only reason your ally could be destroyed is that you have units around the map, the enemy send a big wave, kill your units, and then goes all against your ally. But if you are near your base, you are his primary objetive, your ally just help a bit (help more once you have done the first task).

Mission 9 is also brutal, and the epilogue it is not that hard but still, intense.

If after you finish this story-campaign and you want something that you can defeat first try (probably) you can go into my tleilaxu one, you will notice quickly the difference in difficulty bewteen both stories, the first road-block is mission 7, but then you get 5-6 missions in a row that are easier, and there is only the 2 gimmicky missions that may give trouble if you don't know how to defeat them, but otherwise, beside mission 19-20 everything else is easy. A more chilling campaign to unrage.

Edited by Cm_blast

Ah no worries then.

I think normal difficulty compared to hard makes a huge difference in mission 7 because it takes longer and more money to produce units (while the AI takes less time and money?), so the enemy produces way more than the player can. Also the mercenaries foiling all Ally saving forces… sigh…

I talked to the other YouTuber who recently released the mission 7 video and he said he ran into the same trap of destroying the Machine factories too early, and in the end he replayed without rushing in too early.

Anyways, no worries either way because you make awesome custom dune 2000 campaigns! 
I actually already beat all 20 missions of the Tleilaxu Infestation campaign. I didn’t record it at the time though, I should have… :(. It was recommended by another Dune 2000 YouTuber, lol.

I was thinking of playing Heretic Alliance after this campaign because I like to team up with computer Allies to take on bigger foes. Would you say that’s a good campaign to try next? Or do you have other recommended campaigns in mind? (I don’t mind playing hard missions, as long as they are beatable and have a good story, and preferably a decent computer Ally).

Posted (edited)
  On 5/31/2024 at 6:23 PM, Ghost.B88 said:

Ah no worries then.

I think normal difficulty compared to hard makes a huge difference in mission 7 because it takes longer and more money to produce units (while the AI takes less time and money?), so the enemy produces way more than the player can. Also the mercenaries foiling all Ally saving forces… sigh…

I talked to the other YouTuber who recently released the mission 7 video and he said he ran into the same trap of destroying the Machine factories too early, and in the end he replayed without rushing in too early.

Anyways, no worries either way because you make awesome custom dune 2000 campaigns! 
I actually already beat all 20 missions of the Tleilaxu Infestation campaign. I didn’t record it at the time though, I should have… :(. It was recommended by another Dune 2000 YouTuber, lol.

I was thinking of playing Heretic Alliance after this campaign because I like to team up with computer Allies to take on bigger foes. Would you say that’s a good campaign to try next? Or do you have other recommended campaigns in mind? (I don’t mind playing hard missions, as long as they are beatable and have a good story, and preferably a decent computer Ally).


The only difference bewteen normal and hard is the higher cost and slower production of units for the player. There are a couple of campaigns that alters what the Ai does, like building faster and so on, but the majority of campaigns it just plays the same. Well, on easy difficulty the drops are cut in half, which makes the butlerian one of the easiest campaign ever, since it relys so much on enemy Ai sending drops.

I said the rushing thing because I meet some guys that are good and when they play my missions they usually rush objetives and win easily. It would be the first time that missions that takes me 40 minutes to finish they finish (on hard difficulty) on 15 minutes.

the herectic alliance is a campaign I made where you always get an ally to play with. There is only one mission that your ally doesn't have his own base but you still get an ally sending forces from time to time.

It has some rough missions mid-campaign, but the last mission is not hard at all. The only recomendation I can make is to save often and in multiple slots, "just in case". 

The butlerian trilogy is the hardest campaign I have done, but it may be some missions on other campaigns with similar level of difficulty, but it is usually just that one mission while the rest not that bad, so if you defeated the butlerian trilogy, there is only 2 campaigns that may be on the same level, so overal, you are fine, you can beat it.

A campaign that has a good story with multiple allies but also a hard campaign is my Coalition of nobles + sequel (the sequel is more indivually focused campaign, but because the story call for it). The campaign is hard by design but not unfair, which means, if your base is on the bottom side of  the map, you are guarantee that the enemy will come at you from the top. There are no drops on that campaign. It is hard because the enemy build fast, but you can be sure that you don't need to keep checking for that random enemy carryall dropping units behind your base.

The coalition is also a campaign where you have allies figthing against bigger enemies. The story is how you have the usual 3 houses in the "capturing Arrakis" competition, but a group of 4 minor houses, too weak to stand a chance against any big house, will join together to form the "coalition of nobles". This is a campaign that, instead the usual "you + ally Vs 3-4 enemies", is in reverse. For the Majority of the campaign you side has the number advantage.

On early missions you and 2 of your allies will face 1 enemy, and I mean just 1. Sure, the enemy may use combat tanks and siege tanks while your side you are still on tech 2, but your allies will send waves of quads and troopers as well. On later missions is still the same, there is only 1 mission where the amount of enemy Ais is the same as the amount of players on your side, but the majority your side has more amount of players, to the point that there are a couple of missions where all 4 members of the coalitions together fight against 1 single aI (with only 1 single base), even with that the missions are not a pushover.

Just to point, there are a few missions on the coalition of nobles that some people don't like. Instead of on arrakis, you fight on other planets, but you tech is really limited. you won't have access to the full tech and the resources on those planets will be different. I know some people like, others don't.

Anyway, The coalition also has a tactical map and intel, which serve as a world building explaining to the plaeyr who are those 4 minor houses, which are specialist, and everything else.

I will put this here so you can check right away if interested.

Feel free to download both the regular campaign and the sequel, but you can wait until finishing the original and, if you like, going into the sequel.

Edited by Cm_blast
Posted (edited)

Ohh thank you for the recommendation! I do have an interest in coalition of nobles, and I’ve seen it as a featured campaign in the new mission launcher, v1.3. And the mission design sounds unique. I’ll give that a try then. :) 


btw, I beat mission 8. It wasn’t as hard as mission 7 solely because I just have to defend myself. I was able to wall off the top and build turrets on the right entrance.

I also learned from another YouTuber to wall off the Atreides AI Ally base so that they build up a massive force, then I sell the walls and they pretty much have all the force required to wipe off the Ixians and Machines! 😄 

of course I was attacking with them. :) 


I also had a peek into mission 9. Very cool idea to have the Ordos working with the unstoppable machines!

Edited by Ghost.B88

yeah, mission 8 is not that bad compared with 7. good luck with mission 9, that mission don't mess around, and expect enemies being aggresive from the let-go, even with the machines producing units for you (this is the continuation from the other mission with the machines producing sardaukar) you are the one that need to do the main job. Machines will eventually help (if you join when they attack) to do a decent amount of damange of the enemy base, but if not, at least they will reduce the enemy numberse a bit.

Don't forget that there is that extra mission at the end, the epilogue, not as hard as mission 9, but maybe it is, but close.

The epilogue is the true ending, since initially I had the idea of these campaigns to be some kind of endles loop. On the first you defeat the imperial having machines with it, on the 2º campaign the machines are done, and on the third the Ordos just reproduce the machines again, which they will eventually sell... triggering what happens at the start of the first campaign, where all houses are using machines since the Ordos are defeating 2 houses (on that last mission) with the help of the machines... and the loop will repeat forever.

At the end I decided to give it an actual ending, so you will have to control what it is remaining from the imperial and deal with the Ordos and their new machines.

Posted (edited)

Very cool! I haven’t played the final 2 missions yet, but I’ve seen YouTube videos of other players. They are hard indeed. Although in mission 9 I will make Machine Allies build up massive attack forces by temporarily walling them off and I hope they can finish off all the enemies in one swoop! Wish me luck with my crazy idea. 

I think the final mission is the toughest because the spice doesn’t regrow, so you have to constantly move out and expand.

Anyways, I had a lot of fun with this trilogy, in the plot and also the mission design. I think in the end I’ll miss it and I will wish it was an endless loop, an endless loop of endless fun missions! 😄 

Edited by Ghost.B88
Posted (edited)

The good news is the amount of content there are there, not just me but other people.
The coalition ones start easy enough, but it ramp and becomes hard. There is also another campaign (more traditional, just 9 missions with no mods on it) that it is also pretty hard. So you have hard campaigns to play for a while. I will tell you which one is after you are done with the Coalition (if you go to play that one).

This other campaign is similar to the coalition as the premise. The enemy Ai builds fast, although this time is not that "enemy has more/better tech than you", but it plays more equally, the thing is that now you are alone, and the enemy AI builds even faster than on the coalition, it builds so fast that to compensate the player is the one that get reinforcements.

Every single mission during that campaign (except 1 since it is a non-traditional one) you will see a countdown on the screen that varies depending on the mission, some times is 4 in-game minutes, sometimes 8, but once the countdown reach zero, you get adicional forces (and a new countdown appears). So you get unlimited amount of reinforcements. And even with all those free units every few minutes the enemy AI is hard to defeat.

I even recently have to revert a change that, if you played on hard difficulty, the enemy harversters, when deploying spice on the refs, it give the AI "unlimited" money (filling the refineries silos), but veteran players didn't like that you cannot just hunt harversters to starve the AI (you can, but as long as 1 harverster was alive, the AI will fill the silos/refs every couple of minutes, so the AI could replenish both army and base really easy).

Anyway, the Coalition is 16 missions long (plus the bonus one), and the Sequel is another 16 missions, but the bonus one it may be broken due a change on the exe done recently that I haven't updated yet, feel free to skip the 2º bonus mission (or both) and leave them for later). In any case, both the campaign and the sequel are already longer than the whole butlerian trilgy, and I guarantee that you will need to restart at least around mission 6-9, and well, depending on how you play or enjoy the non-arrakis missions those may take a couple of re-try too.

Hope you enjoy the difficulty and the non-arrakis missions.

Edited by Cm_blast

Ah thank you for the recommendation and insights. I'm glad I found this forum which has so many well designed campaigns! When I first downloaded Gruntmods, I was already satisfied, but this is amazing! (Also the new launcher, which has featured campaigns, even more amazing!)

I like hard missions not where you need more APMs to beat them, but finding a smart strategy or a critical enemy weakness, like mission 7 of this campaign.

Oh, I also beat mission 9 last night! I beat it but it was much harder than I thought! The enemies kept on sending units non-stop from top, middle and bottom, making the micromanagement of defending those entrances a real chore (it was fun though). The saving grace is that my Ix Research center was well protected and stayed alive the whole time so I can pump out deviators from the gecko, and I have massive amount of credits to do it. Placing deviators in strategic locations really helped defending large waves of enemy forces, otherwise, I cannot build enough turrets in time.

Anyways, only one more challenging mission left in this trilogy! =D 

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