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actually when i planned for gamemaker i knew the problems i might face. but ive been an active gamemaker user for 6-7 years. i can clone mario better than anyone and i built a game that had better ai almost rts like but it kinda got deleated when my computer crashed 2years ago. since then ive been gathering data for my next project. then i lost my d2k cd to scratches so there i thought of getting a new one but this thought stuck my mind. why dont i make one instead of playing it. i like building rather than playing. hence i started searching for dune sprites till this year when i found this forum where i got the idea of starting from scratch. i learnt a few rts basics for gamemaker from youtube from a guy caleed fancy penguins or something. there i put my foot completely on gamemaker rts. but still had the doubt hence asked this question. if you want to know about the game go to dune 2000 there will be the post dune 2000: the era of war.


also im called the computer guru by my friends. i can learn anything in computer if you give me the material and time. im known for tht. i learnt c++ when i was little though i had not known its use then. but in mycountry its c++ and nothing else in schools and that too the very basics and implementations of it.


Well I gave u the material (check the links in my prev post - especially rastertek if u want to write a 3d engine from scratch)- it's up to u.

And here's a good tut on C++ - http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ - covers most of the things u should know - the rest is 3rd party libraries etc.

And I still think that game maker is not really something to be used for a serious project - as I've said - it's a toy for children - u can't expect anything really good coming from it.

Well - it's up to u - u can choose the easier way (game maker) or the hard and rewarding one (C++, writing ur own engine, working out the various algorithms, trying to solve the problems by urself etc).

If u are interested in writing pro level games I'd recommend u checking through this c++ tut http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ - making the exercises etc. Then u can move onto harder matters. Some good sites to start out would be codesampler (some of the examples are outdated though), rastertek, gamedev. Rastertek is a really great one for writing ur own engine. Also, u can check dev child's soft renderer - http://dev-ch.com/coding/projects/virtualgl

Well good luck whatever u choose to do - most importantly have fun doing it.


@criver: thanx for the pointers,for now ill proceed with gamemaker but later when i actually have time to build source codes and engines. im in my crucial exam and for six months it'll be hard to run studies and coding side by side. this game just puts youback in the shoes of the commander in dune 2000. actually game maker is strong enough for rts as it supports directx but will lack the graphical charm to an extent. but even in gamemaker coding is still head over heels work. easier and powerful.

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