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Why do the Republicians or their 527's end up offending me?

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I own the full copy (the version you received was edited down to 60 minutes).  It is VERY factual, considering that it uses unclassified sources.  It cites its sources, many of which can be verified on the internet.

There is little doubt the producers are conservative and probably perfer to see McCain as president rather than Obama.  Still, the purpose of the video is to get the US (and Europe) to get its head out of its behind and realize what is going on around us.  England is now beginning to recognize Shari'a as a separate legal system.  You know, that legal system that condones honor killing your daughter because SHE was raped, that system that condones stoning a woman to death for adultery, while not punishing the man, that system that caused the leader of Iran to state his country has no homosexuals, because they execute them if they catch them.  That legal system.  And Muslim communities in Dearborn, MI and elsewhere in the US are pushing to have Shari'a recognized in the US.

There are people out there who want YOU dead because you are not a Muslim.  That is all the reason they need.  They are still living in the 7th Century.  We in the west cannot comprehend this mentality.  To them, they cannot comprehend our tolerance.  There is no middle ground for these people.  Convert, or die.

That's what this movie is all about.


I teach a similar course based on classified sources.  I'm glad this video came out.  It allows me to discuss the subject, citing the video as my source.

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Thank you for confirming that it is propaganda for me. I suspected as much. If this "Clarion Fund" was true to their mission, they would have sent this to me after they filmed it or after this election rather than trying to change people's votes with FUD by sending it just before an election.

Here's wikipedia for some background.


Here's the IMDB page for the movie.


I've attached scans of the covers.


EDIT: I forgot to add that these are real scans of the copy that was mailed to me.



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It is NOT propaganda.  It is DEADLY serious.  The film has been out for about two years.  Here in Florida, the copy you have was distributed about two or three months ago.

And don't trust anything you read on wikipedia.  I do use it occassionally, but it certainly is NOT the Encyclopedia Britannica.  I suspect CAIR has a full time employee whose job is to make sure the entry you cite (and others) reflects only the opinion of CAIR.

And call me Rob.

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I read your first link Maddog.

Not having seen the video (movie?)

I thought: but some radical Muslim's do want all who are not Muslims to die.  I was thinking about 9 11.

Does the people who objected to whatever is in the movie, believe in a similar radical doctrine.

I'm sure glad I live in the US.  Living in a Muslim country could be dangerous.

The video basically will trigger hate crimes against Muslims. While the documentary makes a very distinction between Islamic extremists and the overwhelming majority of peace loving Muslims

If the above was made clear why did anyone abject to the movie?

A mosque near me has a huge flag pole where they display what must be some type of Muslin flag.

No American flag even flies near by.  I would think that could cause resentment against them as well.

Now, how would it be used to support Republicans.   I guess I'm a little dense on this point.

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I haven't seen this movie but after reading this thread I did a little snooping around about it.

It appears to be a movie about the radical Muslim terrorists. Am I correct?

While I don't know what's actually in the movie, other then what little bit I saw in the trailer, I will say that the radical Muslims do have an agenda far more dangerous than, dare I say, even Hitler.

It also seems that this movie is being used as a voting agenda to try and scare people into voting for McCain.

Not knowing any of the facts portrayed in the movie I can't say that the movie is the truth or not, but I will say that radical Muslim terrorists do have an agenda to try and annihilate anyone that doesn't surrender to Islam.

The fact that this movie is being used to try and scare up the vote for McCain, as evidenced by the fact that it appears to have been distributed - unsolicited - in the swing states, is far more damaging to the truth than the truth itself.

To me, this has cheapened the cause of enlightening people as to the agenda of these radicals and does the truth no justice.

Now, how would it be used to support Republicans.  I guess I'm a little dense on this point.

To try and answer your question I'm going to stand on neutrality.

It seems the general consensus is that McCain wants to fight terrorism and Obama wants to pacify it. (I'm not going to voice my opinion on the factuality of that. I'm only using it to convey the reason for the explanation below.)

Using this movie showing the agenda of the terrorists is an attempt to sway voters to vote for McCain to further propagate the war on terrorism.

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It is NOT propaganda.  It is DEADLY serious.  The film has been out for about two years.  Here in Florida, the copy you have was distributed about two or three months ago.


It's propaganda because it was sent to me now, one month before an election, not two years ago. There's is only one person who could benefit from this. The idea is to scare me into voting for John McCain. Anyone who has been alive since 1979 knows about the radicals in the Middle East. It isn't new information. The only thing it did was make me very angry. I was just annoyed before but now I'm angry. I was willing to give John McCain a chance to change my mind but it isn't going to happen now. His supporters ruined it for him.


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And don't trust anything you read on wikipedia.  I do use it occassionally, but it certainly is NOT the Encyclopedia Britannica.  I suspect CAIR has a full time employee whose job is to make sure the entry you cite (and others) reflects only the opinion of CAIR.

I, like the Russians, trust but verify. That's why there is also a link to IMDB. Using Google also shows that the film has created strong opinions.


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Has anyone else received this in the mail? I suspect they sent it to me because of my name, Ray Allen.


I doubt your name had anything to do with it. You most likely live in one of the swing states, which I think are Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Colorado, and Nevada.

They were sent out to random addresses in these states, or included in newspapers.

Edit 1:  I haven't read anywhere; does anyone know if McCain approved the distribution of the DVD's?

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527's are prohibited by law from coordinating with political campaigns.  About the best a political campaign can do is condemn the actions of a 527, which McCain did do back during the primary when a 527 in South Carolina ran a commercial about Obama that McCain considered racist.  The ad was immediately pulled.

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