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Obama's source of funding


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This was sent to me.  I didn't look up the newspaper article, so take it for what it is worth.

If true, my question is, why would Arab nations be helping to support Obama's campaign?



  Maureen Dowd, winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for distinguished commentary, became a columnist on The New York Times Op-Ed page in 1995 after having served as a correspondent in the paper's Washington bureau since 1986. She has covered four presidential campaigns and served as White House correspondent. She also wrote a column, "On Washington," for The New York Times Magazine. 

                                  & nbsp;                                 

Ms. Dowd joined The New York Times <http://www.nytimes.com/>  as a metropolitan reporter in 1983. She began her career in 1974 as an editorial assistant for The Washington Star, where she later became a sports columnist, metropolitan re porter and feature writer. When the Star closed in 1981, she went to Time magazine.

Born in Washington D.C. , Ms. Dowd received a B.A. degree in English literature from Catholic University ( Wa shington , D.C. ) in 1973.


Subject: New York Times Editorial


Published: June 29, 2008


Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obama

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I don't see this as shocking at all. Our country has 300 million people and internet fund raising donations from the little guys took off for all candidates. PayPal anyone? Ron Paul may be the best example. He wouldn't have gone anywhere near as far as he did without it. We do have many citizens living in other countries so a money transfer from a foreign bank doesn't mean much. Might have been a large amount a service men. Looks like good old Maureen Dowd was having a slow day.


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You could be partially correct.

But, Omama's donations is a record by a factor of two. (over 200 million)  Were they mostly small donations?  Yes, but they generally came from the same bank accounts in Arab countries.  Someone went to a lot of trouble to stay under the political reporting laws having to do with the amount of a contribution.  Were we to think Obama was being supported by grass roots peoples each making a small donation.  Then for Obama's records not being well kept and unusable to meet the requirement of the rules is even more spurious.

Something smells. IMHO

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heard more information about Obama's connection to Mr Aires who promoted Obama with a coming out party at Aires home.  Obama says he barely knows Mr. Aires.

Obama received millions from this terrorist to help reform schools in Chicago.

Aires was hired by the Chicago schools. He teaches teachers how to teach about socialism.

One of Obama's campaign managers said the only connection Obama had with Aires was that their kids both went to the same school together.  Obama's kids are 6 and 9 or there abouts.  Aires kids are in there late 20s.  one is 29.

I guess this is just another stretch that turned into another lie.

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Heard more information about Obama's connection to Mr Aires

There's not much of a connection here, Gwizz. Bill Aires was a 1970's Vietnam era radical when he was in his early 20's. The police tried to convict him for the attacks made by the Weather Underground but screwed it up with illegal wiretaps. That's (er... used to be. can't be certain in today's world anymore.) an automatic 'you loose' in court for the cops. Fast forward to the middle 1990's. A fellow named Barrack is trying to find funding for south Chicago schools. By this time Aires had become a philanthropist with an interest in minority issues so the two worked together on some philanthropic organization's board to help schools in poor black neighborhoods. So the fact that Obama has worked with a 'former but never convicted terrorist' 20-25 years after the events happened doesn't say anything about Obama. It doesn't make him a member of the Weather Underground or damage his character. If anything, it shows that a terrorist can be redeemed. Although, I hear that he is still angry about the Vietnam War.

BTW, the first time I heard of the Weather Underground, I thought of this.... http://www.wunderground.com I was working at Accuweather at the time.  ;D


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During the time that Aires and his wife were both involved with Obama, when they were asked about their terrorism activities, they said they wished they had done more.  Doesn't seem like they have changed very much.

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According to Snopes, the article in the first post in this thread was not written by Maureen Dowd, and in fact - again according to Snopes - carries a lot of untruthful information.


I wish I had thought of that one. Good catch, Hawk! Snopes is a great site for all kinds of urban legends but for some reason I didn't think to check there for this kind of thing. It shows how the original author (not Gwizz) can fool people with a well written piece of falsehood.


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I read an interesting article today at the office.

Surprisingly (or perhaps not), it no longer exists on the internet, although I have been able to find comments about it, and excerpts from it.

The gist of the article was that Bill Ayres was the actual author of "Dreams of My Father."  The author of the article listed a great deal of forensic literary evidence, to include cryptolgy.  I have a background in that subject, and as I'm working on my doctoral thesis I am also very familiar with literary evidence.  The author readily conceeded that he could not prove that Ayres wrote "Dreams of My Father," but he was 100% convinced that Obama did not.

By now you guys have figured out I don't like Obama.  I also don't care much for McCain.  To my way of thinking, Obama is a far left Democrat, and McCain is a slightly left Democrat who runs as a Republican because Arizona is a generally conservative state.

I'm going to hold my nose when I vote this year, as I've been doing since 1988.

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Investigators have been researching Obama's reporting of contributions.

I seems that a lot of the names are people who don't exist.

These non-people donated between $800 and $1,000 dollars to Obama.

It is odd that all these non people's donations were only between $800 and $1,000 dollars.

The thinking is his camp was splitting up larger anonymous donations.

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