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It is a TSC map that make heavy use of drop shipping. If anyone is interested I will post it.

It is an operation map where I do a lot of micro management.  With 9 AI managers you may need to control some and/or build 2nd or 3rd RRs to feed your mainline stations.  On this last test I was controlling 9 of 12 RRs.  I ran only GG1 on a long main line to major city stations.  The RRs I controled delivered cargo to these big stations.  I started merging some of the failing short line RRs and late in the game did accquired some steam locos.  At one point after merging 2 failing companies in Dec., Jan. put me deep into margin by over 21 million.  Luckily I had Two AI RR that I controlled with some cash that I used to buy back their stock which increased my stock purchasing power to about 500K which saved me from backruptcy.

The map should be playable using many play styles as it is a builders map.


It is a TSC map that make heavy use of drop shipping. If anyone is interested I will post it.

It is an operation map where I do a lot of micro management.

Post it.  Micro-management is my style of play.  :)



Will give it a try even though it is the Heartland map. Still have negative feelings about the original Heartland map but perhaps your changes have made it more to my liking. Just point me to where I can download it please.

Thanks for keeping RT2 alive.


Gwizz, thanks for the map. It did play better for me than the original map with having a Gold Star Day in May 1929 on my first try.

Indeed it was a very busy map and some of the other railroads did get away on me. A few of them did experience my management style beforehand and they never were a real threat to my expansion plans. The two additional RR I started were there to interfere with the A.I. companies that I was unable to control by using the stock market.

The early part of the game was mostly stock market activities and the later part was developing the industry and freight network. I had a slow starting economy but a win about a year or two earlier could be possible perhaps.

Gwizz, is there a special reason why the original companies do not have a chairman?

Thanks again Gwizz.


I forgot how to add the chairmen back into their companies.

If I remember correctly you were the one who taught me how to do that.

I guess I wasn't a very good student.

Do you want to try my Civil War Map.  When the war stated there were hundreds of RRs in the war zone areas.

So, I pre-started and built 23 Railroads.  This map is mostly a delivery and repair operation by the military Railroad.

It is a slow time 3.5 year map.  It has a lot of history and the Hooker transport event will take about 3 + years to complete.


Gwizz, you have sent me your CW map once before and we did discuss the addition of the chairmen then also. At that time however the map was still work in progress since there were several other critical issues that you still needed to resolve. If I recall correctly you did not use the slow time format at the time either since you had several issues when you tried to use it. So that might go back quite some time.

Would gladly take another look at it and give it a try.

Overall however I believe that RRT is not a very good vehicle to recreate such specific scenarios/events as you might be using for the CW map. As an example there are no


Well, just finished my second game of the Heartland Tycoon map. Did manage to better my last result with Gold now awarded by the end of February 1928. Perhaps one of the


I guess too much water has gone under the proverbial bridge.

Two versions are without Slow time and one with.

I don't rememer for sure which is the newest version

I don't even remember now, why slow time was a problem or

where I had sent a copy of the map.  So it was you.

Then you know how complicated the map is.

I was working on this map when the beta for RRT3 came out. 

It is now close to two years since that testing began and

I guess the escape of some mental nubble is to be expected.

But I am going to figure out how to put the managers back into their companies.

If I remember correctly ( and that process is now suspect  :-\ )

the Grays were some of the Southern AI companies and

I counted all their hauls against specific hauls made by the Blues. 

It was possible for the Grays to win but I never programed all the events necessary to do this.

A few days back

I opened the map and realized that there was no well defined starting point for a new player of the map,

except for the Hooker event.

It needs better directions and maybe less history or I could move some of it inside the game.

The written history was not finished either.  It needed a lot of re-wording. (proper Grammer & polish  ::) )

I wish drop shiping had remained in RRT3.  I would have liked to transfer this map to RRT3. 

Maybe someone else is up to the challenge.

I was looking at the number of RRT3 maps made to date.

I think there was many more RRT2 maps made in the same time span.

I hope enough interest remains for RRT4 to be built.

Later Gwizz

PS:  we are setting a record for snow in the mountains around us.  Never have we had so little.

      The political hot air in Seattle must have warned the area too much.

        I guess we could still get a big storm and void this record. 


Dear Gwizz:

I also had a copy of your CW map, but I've lost it, I think. And I can not remember if it was "slow" time or regular time.

I liked the map's idea and I liked the heavy historical content included.

BUT, as you say, it was before RRT3 came out, and many of us were working with very low end computers. Mine was a P1 or P2 with about 200mhz. Most were too small to handle the computational load plus all of the constantly occuring newspaper articles. I believe you may have added a feature the removed some of those.

Because it completely bogged down the processor there was no way to give it a fair try.

If we knew then how much extra speed and video that RRT3 would be needing it would have been hard to believe. Now on my upgraded machine I can play RRT2 with all of the game's sliders set at the highest levels. And this P4 machine with 1.25Ghz  is still really not powerful enought to really play RRT3 without glitches.

(because the game always froze up my previous machine, I may have eventually just deleted it. If so, sorry. I just can't remember back that far.)

Take care



Well, since Gwizz did not bite at the suggestion to offer some Miller Lite, I will have to can the idea.

Gwizz, would the idea of skimming troops in RT3 not be worse since cargo hangs around that much longer?

Furthermore, if my recollection is correct you provided me with the CW map quite some time before RT3 was released and could have easily been two years ago. So this might go back to some of your earliest versions. I have looked at both of my computers and have not been able to locate it and therefore presume that it was deleted in anticipation of an updated copy.


I've been thinking about doing some work on the RRT2 Civil War Map.

I haven't taken the time to fix the problem I now have running RRT3.

Having the South win on this map as it is now will mean a player will have to fail with the North.

I'm not sure I like using this method for a Southern win. 

I'm struggling with finding some other solution where a player can play to win for the South.

The only thing I can think of is:  using a choice event that picks one of two complete sets of events.

The new events for the South would have General Lee staying and winning the battle so that the Frence and English officials in attendance would then suggest their counties join the war and stop the blockade to stimulate trade for cotton.  It would be interesting to build the events that would follow this method. 

Miller's Lite.  Hummmmmmmm  That must be a light made by some guy named Miller.

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