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Need help with Starcraft Maps of the Month


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I'd like to acquire the Starcraft maps of the month called 'Deceptions' and 'Mercenaries II', but, unfortunately, they've packed all the maps into one big ZIP archive. 21 meg, its too large for me :( Perhaps some of you guys might know a link where I can download single official maps, or maybe you post them if you have them (preferrably archived with WinRAR)?

Thanks in advance.

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Can you provide a link to this 21 mb file and someone can probably take out the maps you need and send them to you or something.

Is it this one?


"Download all StarCraft Maps (21 MB)" link at top of page?

EDIT - Downloaded that file. Seems to have the maps you are looking for.

They are .scx files. Hope those are what you need.

(3)Mercenaries II.scx


Total Filesize: 1.46 mb

[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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21mb is too large for you? wtf is wrong with your pc? how do you get all the other downloads, service-oacks, patches, gaming videos or stuff like this. if it was 21gig I might understand it... but 21mb?  :O

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Curious enough, but my dial-up connection is annoying me when I have to sit several hours and wait for 'tiny' 21-or-so meg to download while any other Internet-related activities can't be performed due to the fact that all of the bandwidth is being in use...

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so there are still people out there who don't have a broadband internet connection? weird...

sure, I got a slow internet connection too back then... but that's many many years ago. if I hadn't a good internet connection nowadays I could probably shoot myself. I couldn't even work anymore, wouldn't have any money then and starve to death  :O

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Well, since the Internet is not too vital for me, I don't hesitate shifting on to broadband. On the contrary, I usually don't need downloading large (or even small) files much, cuz the main purpose of the Web for me is e-mail, so broadband would be kinda waste of money.

Hmm, I wonder why the latest version of Starcraft patch is soo big. 1.12b is almost three times larger than 1.12, although the only change in there is

Fixed bugs related to Korean chat on Windows 95/98/Me.
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