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Guest Viper

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Guest Viper

I just wondered with how many of the Sub-Houses can you ally? And which Sub-House would you prefer with which House. Me I`d like very muvh Ordos comboed up with The Guild and The Ix. I bet Ix will have some awesome hi tech stuff. I also would enjoy the company of a Niab tank in a hit and run strike!!!

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Guest Viper

Do you think the Fremen will be as lousy as in Dune2k??? In that case I think I`ll stay far away from them. However if you can use wormriders,that I have heard of,the Fremen will be somewhat more valuable... What do you think will happen if you will try to ally with both, say Sardaukar and Fremen???

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Guest Mithrandir

The fremen wern't that bad in Dune2k! I liked their combonations of weapons for infantry and tanks. I would have to choose the harkos, with possibly Ix and sardaurkar, depending on the strength of the harko units in the new game.

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The Fremen are gonna kick ass!!! You can set up thumpers to attract worms to certain locations (Bonus = worms are massive in Emperor just like they should be!!), also as mentioned earlier they have the wormriders. Does anyone know what the Tleilaxu units look like??? Will they have loads of Gholas??, 'cause they won't have any machine weaponary. Do you think you'll be able to restore dead units on the battlefield?? Is there gonna be a face dancer unit which lets you mimick the oppossing armies and infiltrate their base undetected?? That would be cool!!!

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I think the Fremen and Sardaukar both will be considerably stronger than as in the previous Dune games. One of my few disappointments from ye olde DUNE II was the fact that Fremen and Sardaukar weren't much (if any) more powerful than regular troopers.

As for the Tleilaxu units, I know of only one. The Contaminator, I think it's called. From what I recall I think it "converts" enemy infantry. I put converts in quotations because I believe it actually transforms the unit as well.

What houses would I choose? I'd play Atreides and ally with the Sardaukar (surprise, surprise) first and either the Ixians or the Fremen second depending on any ideology clashes.


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Atreides of course with Fremen. I would like to ally with Sardaukar also but from what I am understanding about E:BFD that may backfire because of the difference between whom you chose as an ally. Allying with a certain Sub-House may make another Sub-House in fact turn against you in a later campaign. So really your allies have to be willing allies no hired guns to the highest bidder. This is going to make for an interesting game.

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Guest Mithrandir

All infantry doesn't sound like such a good thing to me, but I would like fremen allies. The new info on the Ixian Projector unit makes it a lot better. It copies attacks! Sounds like a good thing when you make them devastators! All that power! I can't wait for the game!!! :D

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Guest kier+the+spice+man

In dune 2k 1 of the hark missions you had to kill the freemen and the atrades in that mission the freemen lived in these caves do think this will be the same in emp battle for dune

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