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Dune 2000 music


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There use to be a DOS program floating around the internet called aud2wav.exe that converted Westwood .aud files into normal windows .wav files.  I believe it was packaged with RAMIX (the Red Alert extraction software).  I'm sure I have it in my archives somewhere and could upload it to this thread if you need it; however, .aud samples are of notoriously low quality.  Fine when in game but the hiss becomes more noticible when listening for pleasure.

For higher quality samples, a more round-about method would be to go to Frank Klepacki's website, www.frankklepacki.com, and play them from his internet jukebox.  If you have audio recording software (MS Sound Recorder isn't going to cut it) then you can record them to your hard drive as they play.  It has all the themes but the Menu and Score themes and the song "The Soldiers Approach", which was probably an oversight on Frank's part.  Also notible there would be the E:BfD song "Unsuspected Attack" which was not released with Emperor because, for whatever reason, it was overwritten by "Infiltrating Harkonnen" on the Atreides CD.

And, of course, there is always the classic connect the speaker output jack on your sound card to the microphone jack on your tape deck trick.


Hey I'm new here and I have a question...

Is there a way to get the song "Unsuspected Attack" (the real one, heard on frankklepacki.com)?

I've tried to record it with "Super Mp3 Recorder Professional 6.0" by "Admiresoft" (www.supermp3recorder.com) but it doesn't work... it skips and flips and does weird things...

Bashar, you seem like a person who knows how to solve this problem. Do you have the song "Unsuspected Attack" on your harddrive? Or does anyone else have that song on harddrive? Or does anyone know how to get the song? (without to much trouble... :-)

Any help is greatly appreciated and you can answer my question here, or you can mail me solid__fox@hotmail.com (note the two stripes, yes, there are two of them. so don't mail solid_fox, that's wrong, mail solid__fox@hotmail.com. It happened too many times... ::))

Thanks in advance!

-Solid Sox

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Unfortuantely I don't think I can be of much more help than I have been already.  Frank Klepacki's website is to my knowledge the only source for "Unsuspected Attack".  Frank's mp3s are unreadable by standard mp3 players so copying from your internet cache is of no help either.  The only option is to record to a .wav file as the piece is playing on the jukebox.  This, of course, will also pick up any other sounds such as the various Windows "beeps" so I would reccomend not touching the computer as it is recording to prevent such anomolies.

If you are unsure how to record directly from your sound card's digital audio track, let me know what Windows operating system you're using and I'll try to write you a quick tutorial.  As for the intricacies of various recording software, that I'm afraid you will have to figure out on your own.

Also, if you're a 56k modem user like I am, bear in mind that you have to let the jukebox download the song in its entirety before it will play without "skipping".  That should take approximately 18 minutes.  You can press [stop] in the meantime and it will continue downloading.


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Hey Bashar,

Thanks a lot. I tried to record it with a cable from my speaker output jack to the input jack. And it didn't work...

So I tried a lot of things with my internet settings and CPU things... and guess what.. IT WORKED!!

Anyway, thanks a lot man! ;)

(I got the Unsuspected Attack on my harddisk now! Whoohoo!!)

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