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StarCraft Storyline


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When you go to reply: Click on additional options, then browse to find the file.

I only want the mission before the secret mission.

And you will probably have to zip the file to add it to fed2k.

index.php?action=dlattach;topic=15297.0;id=528[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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my storyline continuation idea:

* Kerrigan wants to succeed where the Overmind failed. she wants to crossover herself with Protoss genes to become the most perfect creature. so she regenerates Tassadar body into the swarm and plans to consume him. but he kills her and infested Tassadar is the new Zerg leader. also a zerg queen can now infest a Nexus and produce infested protoss.

* the Terrans believe they can stop the zerg threat because they now have chemical weapons. Raynor rally them but retires when Kerrigan is killed, he is disgusted and don't want to fight Tassadar. finally the Terrans are beaten by the zergs with the help of many infested protoss.

* the Protoss want to merge the powers of high templars and dark templars. in the end they should gain the terrible high-dark Archon. finally Artanis and Zeratul merge into a high-dark Archon that can beat the infested Tassadar.

then he generates a psy storm that destroys all zergs in the galaxy. the effort consumes all his psionic ability forever, but the praise of all the united protoss make him immortal.

then a new threat arrives.

* the new threat is the Zo

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Ok let me clear some things up for you.

Xel Naga are creators of the Protoss and the Zerg. They are not evil at all. They never intended the Zerg to become such sadistic killers. Yes the Zerg did kill the Xel Naga but it seems unlikely that they wiped them out. Considering that the Xel Naga once had thousands of worlds.

Duran is not Xel'Naga. He's a Protoss/Zerg Hybrid (with human looks?). Anyway, he is of a different race, not yet explored. He worked for the UED and Kerrigan and betrayed them both. This new Hybrid race will probably be more heard of in Starcraft 2 and my guess is that Kerrigan will have her hands full fighting off this threat, perhaps in the end even needing the Dominion and Protoss help to defeat these Hybrid's.

In Warcraft also keep in mind the Naga. (Naga... Xel Naga... lack of inspiration here :P ) . To me Xel Naga seems to have most similarities with the Titans in Warcraft. (read the Warcraft 3 storyline if you want to know what i'm talking about)

Agreed about the stuff that the Dominion and the UED have the same ships and technology etc. but I can't completely blame Blizzard. They didn't want to make a new race yet they did want to expand the storyline this way.

@Leto: Zeratul and Raynor are both still alive.

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I still think that Duran is a member of the Xel Naga. It would just make sense -- with everything he said in the bonus mission. That the Hybrid is merely a reflection of what he is, not exactly what he is. Further, if Duran created the Hybrids and seeded the universe with them, who created him? The Xel Naga? I thought the Xel Naga were almost totally annihilated after they created the Zerg? That being said, its possible that Duran is neither, but I think its more likely that he's a Xel Naga survivor than he is one of the first Hybrids.

Consider what he has said;


Test subject twenty nine, classified: Protoss/Zerg

Hybrid, in perfect cryo-hybernation. Psionic

emanations minimal.




Magnificent isn't it?


What? Who are you?


I've had many names throughout the millennia,

young prodigal. You would know me best as

Samir Duran.


Kerrigan's consort! Is this part of her twisted



No. Young Kerrigan could not have engineered

this grand experiment. Although her rebirth into

the Zerg Swarm has sped up my progress, I can

assure you that this endeavor is quite beyond her

narrow understanding.


If you are not her pawn, then what are you?


I am a servant of a far greater power. A

power that has slept for countless ages.

And is reflected in the creature within that cell.


Have you any conception of what you've created

here? Do you have any idea what this... this Hybrid

is capable of?


Of course I do. This creature is the completion

of a cycle. It's role in the cosmic order was

preordained when the stars were young. Behold

the culmination of your history.


All I behold is an abomination.


Your violence, young prodigal, is typical. As is

your inablility to comprehend the greater scheme

of things. You can destroy all of the specimens

here. It will do you no good. For I have seeded

the Hybrid on many, many worlds. You will never

find them all before they awaken... And when they

do... your universe will be changed... forever."[/hide]

He calls Zeratual -- A PROTOSS -- "young prodigal. A reference to the prodigal son!. The Protoss, the first creation, the first children... Duran also makes reference to the creation of the Hybrid -- not himself -- being pro-ordained when "the stars were young." "The completion of a cycle." Possibly, the completion of the Xel Naga's plans? That, and if he is a Hybrid, why would he say, "I have had many names throughout the millennia?" Such a statement is far more befitting of the ancient, enigmatic Xel Naga.

And I apologize for saying the Xel Naga were evil. Just Duran is.

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I need the savegame!

Guess I will just go through 20 cd's until I find my savegames.

Then I can read what you say.


It only took me 20 CD's until I found it! Now to see if it works since the game is patched. (savegames are from september 1999 :P)

The savegames work. and you have to beat it within 30 minutes to beat the mission. so I'm guessing it is 15 minutes to get bonus mission.

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my storyline continuation idea:

* Kerrigan wants to succeed where the Overmind failed. she wants to crossover herself with Protoss genes to become the most perfect creature. so she regenerates Tassadar body into the swarm and plans to consume him. but he kills her and infested Tassadar is the new Zerg leader. also a zerg queen can now infest a Nexus and produce infested protoss.

* the Terrans believe they can stop the zerg threat because they now have chemical weapons. Raynor rally them but retires when Kerrigan is killed, he is disgusted and don't want to fight Tassadar. finally the Terrans are beaten by the zergs with the help of many infested protoss.

* the Protoss want to merge the powers of high templars and dark templars. in the end they should gain the terrible high-dark Archon. finally Artanis and Zeratul merge into a high-dark Archon that can beat the infested Tassadar.

then he generates a psy storm that destroys all zergs in the galaxy. the effort consumes all his psionic ability forever, but the praise of all the united protoss make him immortal.

then a new threat arrives.

* the new threat is the Zo

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Beat the mission with 12:42 left on the ticker. The trick I found was to biuld a hive (or whatever the main building is) next to protoss base and build spires adn them other defense structures. kicked some ass.

The bonus mission does make you think lots. :O

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You don't have to make the upgrades for that mission. Just take our the siege tank and soldeirs along bottom path, then send the building guy to build the main building below the protoss base. Then make 6 defense structures (along with some movable guys) and it is easy to take out the base. I attacked with 16 min or so left on clock. (I think)

And I didn't upgrade too much.

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Nice. See, I never even bothered to mess with the Terrans above me or below me. I figured it would have been a waste of time. I just built up a hugantuous air-attack force and attacked with about 10 minutes left and demolished everything.

But, seeing as it took less time for you, I suppose that that was the better way to go about it.

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I didn't touch the terrans eithor. The defense structures that you have at the beginning of the level are more than enough to stop any terran attack.

Actually I also just beat the last zerg mission my first try. I had no problems whatsoever, which is odd, becuase I usually have to play it a couple times before being able to beat it.

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Yeah, same here. It gets pretty crazy though -- I don't know about you, but I suffered a combined attempt at about 3 or 4 nuke strikes from the Dominion while the UED hit me with 6+ battlecruisers. All of this while my attack force is off smashing through the Protoss lines.

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Yah the nukes is the only major problem I have every time I Play it.

To get by that I place a creep colony detector out in front of my base defense, so he nukes that instead of my other defenses.

I think there were several reasons why I beat it so easy (especially not having played the game in over a year.)

1. Take over the minerals/gas below base.

2. Build up base defense everywhere with creep colonies.

3. I built about 20 lurkers to help with the base defense which seemed to obliterate the incoming enemy.

4. Built up lots of zerglings and some units that attack air units, sent them up to north base and somehow destroyed most of it in the first wave which usually doesn't happen.

Although I had almost everything completely upgraded by then. Then went and smashed toprigrht base, then bottom base, then left side base.

It was too easy, I might have to play it again to see if it gets harder.

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1. Immediately colonized minerals/gas below base.

2. Built up creep colonies, 3 spore/3 sunken at each entrance, and 18 Hydralisks, 6 for each entrance.

3. Built 12 Mutalisks, 12 Guardians, and 12 Devourers, with 3 Overlords for detection, and sent them South to take out the main Protoss base.

4. Colonized all minerals/gas at the Protoss, and rebuilt the same attack force, then attacked the UED base in the North.

5. Built a double attack force and hit the Dominion base in the West.

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Wow you should start writing storylines for games, you have such patience! But Xel'Naga were explorer, knowledge hunter type race, they were not aggressive at all. By the way I thought Duran seemed to be human and had a human name. This is so confusing.

thanks for the compliment :)

the Xel'Naga are not evil, but in my storyline they realize race superiority is evil, so they decide to end their Protoss creation before nobody can.

i simply do not like the Duran arc so i have not continued it :(

i suppose Duran has been "perturbated" by the psy disrupter ;D

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Duran doesn't represent the Xel Naga in any way. Xel Naga were supposed to be a large specie, and not a protoss/zerg hybrid. Zergs and Protoss were one of the thousands of races that were created by the Xel Naga. It would seem more logical that the Humans created them with their endless experiments.

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yeah that's very vague still. True, in the manual they did say that the Xel naga were destroyed by the Zerg. But i think only the Xel naga that created the zerg died, not the entire race. Doesn't sound very logical either seeing as they ruled thousands of worlds and had a very advanced culture.

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I still think, though, that a Protoss/Zerg hybrid would, in fact, reflect the Xel Naga. We don't know what they look like, and it only stands to reason that the Xel Naga would try to create improved versions of themselves. If Duran really is a Xel Naga, it explains why he said what he said to Zeratul on the dark moon. Further, what if a Zerg/Protoss hybrid is exactly what the Xel Naga wanted? One perfect race? And consider what the Overmind originally wanted; to assimilate the Protoss into the Zerg Swarm. Duran says that the hybridization of the two species was "ordained when the stars were young" (I have the whole transcript posted above in hidden text) -- further pointing to his being a Xel Naga, their being ancient. Now, I'm sorry I've hurt y'all's feelings by saying that the Xel Naga were evil -- but Duran definately is.

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But neither the Zerg nor the Protoss were even near perfect in the eyes of the Xel'Naga...and I don't think "You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts" (if you can tell me where that quote is from, you get some meaningless DukePoints) describes the Xel'Naga philosophy very well.

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