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StarCraft Storyline


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Right, now, I've just about beaten the StarCraft games (I am on the last Brood Wars mission), and I'd like to chat about what exactly has been going on in that story. It's terribly interesting, but I fear I might've missed something. Now, this is probably going to contain spoilers, and I'm sure I'll forget to hide something. Things like... the story from the Bonus Mission, I will place in hidden text. Everything else, I will assume you've beaten the games and won't place in hidden text. If you havn't beaten them, be warned.

[hide]So, Kerrigan defeats Artanis' fleet, Mengsk's fleet, and the UED remnant. I'm not sure if Artanis dies or not, and I assume he doesn't. It's explicitly stated that Mengsk returns to Korhal to rebuild the Dominion, but since you killed General Duke, it's assumed that he won't fare well. The Protoss have abandoned Aiur and are rebuilding on Shakuras, with approximately 30% of the Highborn population and most of the Exiles population. The UED fleet was listed as completely annihilated, but here's the point I have, and sort of why I'm posting this whole thing. What about Earth? It's listed somewhere -- the manual, maybe? -- that Earth has a population of 23 billion. I have to assume that the fleet the UED sent wasn't everything. At that the UED -- who supposedly was watching the events in the Koprulu Sector for decades -- has something else up its' sleeves. What do you guys think? Will we see more of the UED?[/hide]

Even if we do, what bothers me is that the technology of the UED was roughly equal with that of the Colonies. How can this make sense? The Colonists started over after crashlanding, and had less people and resources at their disposal. There should be at least a few-hundred year gap in technology. I cannot believe that not only does the UED not have more advanced technology than the Colonies, but that they even use the same design of battlecruiser. Thus, the only explanation I have for the UED fleet being wiped out at all was that only a small expeditionary force was sent, and their "fleet" was made up of conscripted colonial soldiers and comandeered  colonial cruisers.

Anyway, that's my rant so far. The ending was interesting, wrapped up a good number of loose ends, but left a few hanging. Overall, though, I'm a bit heart-broken. The bad guys win. Kerrigan lords over a massive swarm, the Dominion is crippled, the UED fleet lost, the Protoss exiled and leaderless. Will the UED come back and save the day? Will Mengsk be able to rebuild his empire? Will the Protoss reclaim their civilization? Man. Playing as Kerrigan hurts your soul.

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In Brood Wars Mission 9 for the Zerg, the one entitled "The Reckoning," you must destroy Zeratul's base within 30 minutes. Should you do so, you will then unlock the Bonus Mission, where you play as Zeratul as he investigates odd Protoss energy signatures emanating from a dark moon. The findings are quite disturbing.

[hide]On the moon are a collection of Terran mercenaries protecting a series of stasis chamber. In the various chambers are captured Zerg and Protoss. In the last chamber is a Zerg-Protoss hybrid. Upon finding it, Zeratul is horrified, to make matters worse, Samir Duran appears. Duran is not an ex-Confederate, neither is he truly infested. In fact, he tells you that "he has had many names throughout the aeons," and that the hybrid truly represents who he his. Needless to say, it appears that Duran is one of the last surviving members of the Xel Naga. In Zerg mission 10, "Omega," this is why Kerrigan tells you that Duran has "disappeared."[/hide]

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Well, I didn't find it too difficult, though I was worried there for a second. I ended up blasting the base with 5:59 left on the clock. Basically, I built up about 14 drones first thing. After that, went Hive/Greater Spire and such. Began producing Mutalisks. Got a force of about 12 Mutalisks and 6 to 8 Guardians. When you do it, be sure to bring in at least 6 Scourges in to wipe out a Carrier that is right above the Protoss Nexus, and keep about another 8 Scourges in reserve. The real trick is to move East and destroy the defenses around the Stasis chamber. Then just hold position there, and do not approach the Nexus until you are good and ready, though you must attack with at least 11 or 12 minutes left on the clock. Once you have destroyed about 8 Dragoons, the Carrier, several Scouts and Corsairs, a few Archon and a trio of High Templar, their defenses are done. Smash the base. Take out all Photon Cannons with the Guardians and then concentrate fire on each building with all your forces to destroy it quickly. Also, under no circumstances are you to explore your island. The remnants of UED's Cronus Wing has surrounded you. Don't worry, though, their attacks aren't too impressive, and 8 Hydralisks can defend your base. The real challenge in this mission is gas; you need lots of it for your air force, and you can only easily mine from one Extractor.

There is one more mission after mission 9, "Omega." This mission is insane. It is you versus the UED remnant, the reborn Terran Dominion, and what's left of Artanis' Fleet of the Executor. There is one resource patch outside your base. That is the only uncolonized territory. You are literally surrounded, and their bases are huge.

Fenring; I know, man! I personally really liked the UED, which is why I'm so obsessed with 'em in my post. Heck, I even liked Mengsk and his Dominion. And everyone likes the Protoss, if there are any good guys in this game, its them. We know that the UED is a little villainish, as is Mengsk. Pretty much the only good guys there are are Raynor and Zeratul.

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No, sir. No cheats for me. And it's definately within 30 minutes, or at least with 5 minutes remaining on the clock. If you want, I can get you a nice screencap that says "BONUS MISSION UNLOCKED" with 5:59 on the ol' counter.

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I hear its going to move the storyline along a bit, which is the main reason why I would get it. Basically, its going to talk about Mengsk's Dominion a bit, because he has to rebuild it. And they're going to bring in Colonel Jackson Hauler, of Nova Squadron. The Novas were mentioned in the original StarCraft manual, but never encountered in the game. They were supposedly the secret police of the Terran Confederacy. That, and the name of the main character is "Nova." I think she's a member of the squadron.

No UED, it seems... Maybe Kerrigan will get involed. I'm hopin' for a Raynor or Zeratul cameo. Maybe.

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Is it? Aiur is listed as abandoned, since Kerrigan recalled all the swarms to Char. The UED only lost their expiditionary force, Earth, with a population of 23 billion and a government fanatically dedicated to the destruction of all non-humans, is not only intact, but still observing events in the Koprulu sector. The Dominion is pretty hosed, I'll admit. And Zeratul and Raynor just... disappear? I don't know about you, but I'd say there are a bunch of loose ends out there. I mean, the UED is only the biggest one.

We know that the Colonies started over from scratch a few hundred years before the events in StarCraft. You think Earth, with it's level of technology and population, doesn't have other colonies of it's own? It sent an expeditionary force, and while that was wiped out, that means the entire UED is finished? I don't think so.

I assume you played the game. In the Zerg mission where you betray Fenix and Duke, James Raynor is quoted as saying, "Mark my words, Kerrigan, someday, somehow, I will be the one to kill you." And he doesn't? I dunno, I think that's a loose end there.

That, and where did you get your "98.8% of the galaxy" figure. Kerrigan only controls Char. Mar Sara and Chau Sara are obliterated. Braxis is abandonded, as is Aiur. Dylar IV is still in Confederate-loyalist hands. Tarsonis is probably held by the Zerg, I admit. Korhal is held by the Dominion. I don't see the Zerg owning the whole galaxy, here. And this is still not to mention what the greater Protoss or UED controls. There are only 13 worlds in the Koprulu sector, and we don't even see of or hear of planets elsewhere in the galaxy. The Protoss supposedly have a massive Empire out there, and we've only seen the Zerg screw their homeworld. What about the rest of the Protoss Empire, won't they return to find Aiur gone and go looking?

EDIT: And Hasimir is totally right about the Bonus mission. I think that's what they ment in the Epilogue by "Kerrigan sensed a hollow victory" or "a threat looming on the horizon." Doesn't that count as a cliffhanger? What threat? What about Duran?

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Yeah. Also, notice the similarity between the StarCraft and WarCraft storylines.

The Colonies are devastated and replaced by the ravenous Zerg Swarm. = Lordaeron is devastated and replaced by the ravenous Undead Scourge.

The UED has lost its military, but its homeworld of Earth is still alive and kicking. = Azeroth has lost its military, but its homeland of New Stormwind is still alive and kicking.

The Protoss homeworld is devastated, and they must rebuild. = The Night Elf homeland is devastated, and they must rebuild.

Sarah Kerrigan was once a noble human, but corrupted by the Zerg. = Prince Arthas was once a noble human, but corrupted by the Undead.

There is also a secretely evil faction, the Xel Naga, who wish to revisit destruction upon the galaxy. = There is also a secretely evil faction, the Burning Legion, who wish to revisit destruction upon the world.

There are good guys in exile; Zeratul and Raynor. = There are good guys in exile; Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore.

Lordaeon = The Dominion, the Confederacy, the Terran Colonies as a whole.

Azeroth = The UED.

The Night Elves = The Protoss High Born.

The Blood Elves = The Dark Templar.

The Undead Scourge = The Zerg Swarm.

The Orcish Horde = Can't really think of an exact match.

The endings of Brood War and WarCraft III are almost exactly alike; the ascension of the "bad guys."

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Right, Leto, I forgot about the Zerg worlds that were assimilated. I'd have to guess that there would be some sort of Zerg garrison -- unless the entire swarm is nomadic. The fact that all the broods mentioned in the manual appeared in StarCraft leads us to believe that, that, and the fact that the Overmind itself was mobile.

Because, if you think about it, each time the Zerg assimilated a world, they gained a new core genus or strain. Zerus would have only the simplest Zerg units, with the next planets more complex as you approach the Koprulu Sector.

And it still bothers me that in Brood Wars the UED are on more or less equal footing with the Dominion. There should be a huge technology gap. And I totally agree with you; I'd like to see their expanded role. I think a high-tech Terran race separate from the normal Terrans would be more appropriate -- and reflect the true nature of the UED. See, what I think would make sense in Brood War was if they said that the UED sent only a small expeditionary force, and mainly achieved power by hijacking colonial warships and conscripting colonial troops. That makes sense, then, when in the Terran BW cinematic they show a fleet of hundreds of colonial battlecruisers. I can't imagine that, after so much time apart and so many light years away, that the UED and the colonies would use the exact same model of battlecruiser. Also, don't you even play a mission in the UED campaign where you steal a whole bunch of cruisers?

Oh, and the Xel Naga might as well be evil -- if Samir Duran is a member of it -- I mean, play the Bonus Mission. He's got that raspy voice and he's promising "the end to a cycle." Maybe not evil -- Dangerous is a better word. I'm sure the Zerg wiping out his species sure messed him up a bit. Besides, look at what the Xel Naga built; a ravenous swarm, a warrior race that, though noble, still maintains an empire? The temple on Shakuras, too, that was a giant weapon of mass destruction.

No, Raynor and Zeratul are still alive, but it says that "they went their separate ways and weren't heard of since their departure."

I also tend to agree with you about the Dominion -- I think that Arcturus Mengsk is far from crippled. He's too sly, too cunning, to not have some reserve force stashed somewhere.

EDIT FOR LETO: Ever play the original WarCraft? The unit group-cap was 4.

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Yeah. Also, notice the similarity between the StarCraft and WarCraft storylines.

The Colonies are devastated and replaced by the ravenous Zerg Swarm. = Lordaeron is devastated and replaced by the ravenous Undead Scourge.

The UED has lost its military, but its homeworld of Earth is still alive and kicking. = Azeroth has lost its military, but its homeland of New Stormwind is still alive and kicking.

The Protoss homeworld is devastated, and they must rebuild. = The Night Elf homeland is devastated, and they must rebuild.

Sarah Kerrigan was once a noble human, but corrupted by the Zerg. = Prince Arthas was once a noble human, but corrupted by the Undead.

There is also a secretely evil faction, the Xel Naga, who wish to revisit destruction upon the galaxy. = There is also a secretely evil faction, the Burning Legion, who wish to revisit destruction upon the world.

There are good guys in exile; Zeratul and Raynor. = There are good guys in exile; Thrall and Jaina Proudmoore.

Lordaeon = The Dominion, the Confederacy, the Terran Colonies as a whole.

Azeroth = The UED.

The Night Elves = The Protoss High Born.

The Blood Elves = The Dark Templar.

The Undead Scourge = The Zerg Swarm.

The Orcish Horde = Can't really think of an exact match.

The endings of Brood War and WarCraft III are almost exactly alike; the ascension of the "bad guys."

Hey dude you found it out too.

Also the main games ( star and war craft ) had an ending where good guys win whereas it is opposite in the expansion ( probably to give room for more stories of next sequels to come ).

Anyway I believe both StarCraft and Warcraft sequels would be released same time. In Starcraft Jimmy would be the main hero and the last saviour of Galaxy, Kerrigan might be purified, Megsk would die, Zeratul would do something like Tassadar ( My fav Starcraft character ). In warcraft the Nightelves would save the world, where blood elves and Arthus's girlfriend ( forgot her name ) would help big time, the Orks would just fall in the cross fire.

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EDIT FOR LETO: Ever play the original WarCraft? The unit group-cap was 4.

And it was stupid then, too, as was the cap of 9 in WC 2. ;)

Westwood figured out how to let you select lots of units in 1995.  Blizzard still hasn't quite mastered the concept.

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Does anyone have a savegame of the last mission? (The one that you must complete in 30 min to get the bonus mission)

If so can you post it as a zip? (If I were to load the savegame and beat the mision in less than 20 min or whatever, it would take me to the bonus mission right?)

I don't want to go searching for my savegames, and it takes too long to beat all the missions.

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Sure, I even have a save of the Bonus Mission. How do I post stuff in these forums, though?

Leto; I don't think Westwood ever had group-cap limits. In WarCraft III, isn't it 16? Is this Blizzard's way of forcing you to use small-squad strategy?

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