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European Union

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That's basicly what it comes down too, though nobody will admit it- Turkey is not allowed to join because they're muslims.

Turkey's only part Europe, but that's not much of an argument, since they already are member of the Council of Europe (a completely different organisation, I must add)

They should make some more improvements in their country (diminish military influence on the government, etc) and then should be allowed in.

But OF COURSE! I simply don't want to be in same state as with culture with muslim thinking, muslim traditions, muslim view on morale etc. We had them once here. And no, thanks, we don't want them anymore.

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But Turkey is in Europe, It hold that lil tip by Ankara, Which is larger then luxemburg and Lichenstien, if these countries are in the EU, Then Turkey should be.

Turkey is not Islamic, The first president banned all Islamic parties, and took the power from the Caliphs. Turkey is a republic.

The Turkish military acts on any Islamic movment or politcal party that rises, with swift ahnilation.

If Turkey was allowed in the EU, Then Cyprus could also be allowed in the EU(All of it, not just half)

The fact that Turkey and Greece are almost alwas nearly at war..for some reason. Turkey joining The EU would help calm this down, and the Turkish Econemy(cant help but laugh when i say that) Is slowly growing and westernizing.(Belive it or not)

They are no longer the Ottoman empire, They are not Iran. They are the Republic Of Turkey, A pro western nation with land in Europe.

And why must the world be devided? That means segregation, which later turns to hate...

Edric, even though you may dislike Turkey, I dont see how you want to stop them from joining this legue of nations, By doing this Turkey is showing it wants to grow up and play with the big boys of the world, they want to be part of something greater..A united Europe  :)

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Well, if there will be once an unified imperium over whole world, there will have to be still some borders. Cultural border can't be erased from Marmar Sea by one international agreement. You won't change them.

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And why must the world be devided? That means segregation, which later turns to hate...

The world IS devided in cultural and religious areas. It is a fact, you can't denied it. Those differences have influences on the economy.

Furthermore diversification is a good thing. Living in a grey and uniformised world is a borrowing thing, it would be unbearable.

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