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More info might be helpful, such as what you were doing when the error occurred, what was the error message, and what Xbf file your were editing.  Also, try reading or rereading the text file included with the Xbf editor, there are limitations to what you can do that are listed in the text file, such as you can only have one mesh in the ms3d file.

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You can lengthen or reshape a mesh with the Xbf editor without using MilkShape3D as long as you don't need to change the number of vertices and faces or to insert a new mesh.  If you lengthened the barrel by adding a second mesh to it, there could be 2 meshes in the ms3d file, and you would need to combine it into a single mesh in MilkShape3D before saving the file.  Also, did you apply a texture (skin it) in MilkShape3D?  I haven't checked this, but MilkShape3D may not save the texture coordinates or other texture data if you don't apply a texture.

More detailed info on the error might be helpful also, such as which menu selection you clicked on when the error occurred and including details on what you did to the mesh in MilkShape3D.

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