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Are their any rewards in Timesplitters 2 for getting all the platinums


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Hopefully, their is.

This game is really quite (r@p after a few hours of play, but I've been trying to get all the platinums for some kind of reward that would improve the multiplayer. So far Iv'e got around 45 platinums or some such number and their has been no reward (Of course their have been the other pathetic rewards from other singleplay challenges, but they don't make much difference due to the constricting unimaginative style of the gameplay in the game)

BTW, I've heard that some like this game, but to me it seems to have the strategy and imagination level of Quake without the skill part of it... only with some irritating humour that is funny for the first few minutes (And alot of the humour severely affects the gameplay as well... for example: Robofish... immune to fire, virtually immune to headshots, ultimately speedy (only useful stat, thus slightly lower health barely makes a difference), extremely small target (especially ''head'' area)

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Yeah, it's extremely overrated, and so was the original... and I hate how much it was hyped to... huge improvements to editor to make it a serious editor... yeah right lol... the only difference in the new editor is that is has far less memory and that their are few new objects I can put in (except putting in new object types takes to much memory, unless you're level is made up of about three large rooms (or about 10 small ones)... even objects neccesary for modes of play take up alot of memory lol)

Well, that's enough moaning.... has anyone gotten all of the platinums in the game?

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yep :D

and im on robot factory on hard

for getting all platinums u get the super fantastic, never before even nowhere near matched in level of amazingness.....nothing

you get nothing for getting all platinums

but its pretty hard on some levels but easy on others

u should play a 6-a-side deathmatch with ur mates lol

if u need help getting any plats on any levels u havnt got yet just post and ill try and help u

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''and im on robot factory on hard''

That level is a b!t(h... atleast the next level is the last one and is much easier

''for getting all platinums u get the super fantastic, never before even nowhere near matched in level of amazingness.....nothing

you get nothing for getting all platinums

but its pretty hard on some levels but easy on others''

How could you be getting plats if you haven't finished story yet? you have to finish story mode (yeah right, what story... lol it's all just a bunch of totally unrelated (r@p... how they use the time-travelling different persona according to time/level (r@p to excuse the fact their is no story is truly expert bull$h!tt!ng) to unlock the challenge and arcade league mode's where you get plats if you really whoop the levels badly (you get bronze for doing poorly but passing, silver for doing well, gold for doing very well, and plat for whooping the level eg: on the virus levels, you have to survive a certain amount of time to get gold, but if you survive until the time runs out you get platinum).

Unless you're saying it is perhaps possible to get plats on the story levels? or am I just misunderstanding you're post

''u should play a 6-a-side deathmatch with ur mates lol''

Never knew you could link up PS2's, that kind of team Vs team match would be just the appropiate kind of my match for my (r@ppy editor stretching levels (Ie: the editor is (r@p:D lol)

''if u need help getting any plats on any levels u havnt got yet just post and ill try and help u ''

That's kind of you, I've already got around 56 or more plats, so their are only around 10 or less plats to go. Right now I'm having a bit of trouble on the arcade leage begginer challenge ''top gun''. It the elimination one where you have to kill everybody else in a min or something like that. ''big top blowout'' is also giving me troubles.

... So I now have 56 plats and discover their is no reward :'( :'( :D :D ;D ;D

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That's what I said... so you have all the plats? I've got around 58 or something now.... how sad, did the developers not even have the self-respect to give players a reward for getting 66 platinums?

As for playing 6 players per team matches.... that would take 3 linked PS2's

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