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I don't know if you guys think the Star Control (SC) games are childish, but what are your favourite ships?

Remember, only ships from SC1 and 2 are allowed for two reasons: (1) I've never played the third game and (2) (according to what I've heard) the third game is rubbish.

I think the most fun ship to use is the Orz Nemesis - you've got to admit those marines are cool! But the Chmmr Avatar is so powerful, I just have to note that ship down for special consideration as well.

BTW - Over at http://www.classicgaming.com/starcontrol they're working on a new SC game simply called The Ur-Quan Masters (remember the title of SC2?). It's like a mixture of the 3DO version of SC2 and the standard PC version, so the story's the same. It's completely free and definitely worth downloading! (If you want voices, though, the download is pretty big - well over 100 megabytes, in fact.)


The Zoq-Fot-Pik Stinger? Oh, I don't think that ship is too good. It's "stinger" attack is too hard to use.

"Choppy"?! What computer were you using?

SC2's story is really in-depth, don't you think? So much info on the races is made available in the game but is not really necessary.


I think when I played it I had my newest motherboard, an Athlon XP 1800+. It ran all funny, and the controls were too messed up. I never got around to trying it on my 486.

Anyway, a friend of mine was apparently really good with the Stinger. I guess with such a short range super-weapon, it takes a lot of practise to use it though.

I agree about the story. I did look through the PDF manual for the game, and it had quite an interesting storyline to it. I can't remember much of it now, but I do remember thinking it was pretty good.

[Edit] Here's one of the sites I looked at when my friend was trying to convince me to play it: http://www.classicgaming.com/starcontrol/sc2/shipspecs/


I think when I played it I had my newest motherboard, an Athlon XP 1800+. It ran all funny, and the controls were too messed up. I never got around to trying it on my 486.

Were you running it in Windows? You shouldn't. You should run SC1 and 2 in true DOS mode. Or you could download UQM (mentioned before) - it only works in Windows!


I agree about the story. I did look through the PDF manual for the game, and it had quite an interesting storyline to it. I can't remember much of it now, but I do remember thinking it was pretty good.

That's nothing! Play right through the adventure part of SC2 or at least look at the SC3 timeline (http://www.classicgaming.com/starcontrol/sc3/sc3hist.shtml).

To sneezer3: Yeah, the Spathi is a really good ship in the hands of a good pilot. However, I feel that because it always has to close in on its target to do damage it often gets easily pounded by some of the craft.


SC1 was the first multiplayer game I played extensively (together on one keyboard, yay!)

The dreadnought probably was the strongest ship overall; with practice it could be destroyed by some of the other ships, but those were then easy prey for one of the others. I got very skilled with that transformer ship with two shapes (the Mmrnmhrm Transformer I think). It didn't have any storyline back then, the story was added by SC2, which was very cool to play through; with lots of little stories about the different races (Especially the menagerie of captain "Zex" of the "Vux", ;D ;D )

Uh... hi there. Nice to see you again... I think.

That is *funny*. You think you *see* Orz but Orz are not *light reflections*.

Maybe you think Orz are *many bubbles* too. It is such a joke.

Orz are not *many bubbles* like *campers*. Orz are just Orz.

I am Orz. I am one with many *fingers*.

My *fingers* reach through into *heavy space* and you *see* *Orz bubbles*

but it is really *fingers*.

Maybe you do not even *smell*? That is sad.

*Smelling* *pretty colors* is the best *game*.

We are Pkunk, Pkunk we are!


You don't get DOS with ME either, but you can still create a DOS boot-up disk. Look at the Dune 2 section of the forums - I have something about it there.

JB: "The dreadnought probably was the strongest ship overall"

Yeah, but then SC2 came along with the Kohr-Ah and Chmmr ships.

(SC3 stinks, by the way!)

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