srry but DROP man u really actuallly are pretty easy to beat and i havent played ken yet so i dont know how good he is to play but i know he is probably harder to beat then u srry man
gob i agree with ur poll the rules of this latter should be up to the majority and if some people do not think so they should not use the ladder Olaf and YOU so graciously set up for us
the only problem with my collection is that not many peole have these maps and thank you for telling me about that file i forgot about it after i downloaded the editor i never used it so i forgot about it so know i know and do u have an ideal on the rules or setts yet ???????????
i like it the way it is because we can choose the way we want to play we should just tell people that it is a ladder game and if they dont want to play it they can leave that is the way i think we should keep it
i will play in the tourny i have the map editor but i dont knw how to use it to well but i do have 95 fan made maps and i wil dl any maps u guys want to play on so holla at me if u wanna play
Olaf i have a question how do i get my tag to be american on ur XCC community ladder cause i hate bein france lol ;D Forget everything above i understand wut those tags r i think
i had a game with a guy called inme and it showed up on Olafs system so i guess it was his or mine that worked im goin to try it again and c if it works
btw when i downloaded this proxy it didnt ask me to add nothing so i am thinking it did it automatically ?? but i do not know do u think that it went auto and did it its self
Receiving: Done Unable to read game result Receiving: Done Sending: Done Receiving: Done Sending: Done Receiving: Done Sending: Done Receiving: Done Sending: Done Receiving: Done Sending: Done the unable to read is the one i did a 1on1 battle that is the only one that it would not read thank you rul3r for the help
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