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Oh yeah

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Everything posted by Oh yeah

  1. Euskal Herria= basque country in basque ;)
  2. Funny fact, the Eurovision is the only way to find Greece and Turkey, together :D
  3. Oh yeah

    Dune Websites

    You should change the "De Dune a Rakis" URL : http://forum.rakis.be/
  4. First of all, The Bloc Québecois are not here to make the independance. It's not their goal. Their only goal is to give a true voice for Québec ! Of course, many in the Bloc, Gilles Duceppe in first, are pro-independance. But the question of the Quebec independance is only a provincial Question. It's the goal of the Parti Québecois. Québecois voted for a federalist party, similar on many point to the Bloc Québecois (many NPD chosen voted for independance in 95' referendum by the way), but with the risk of betrayal. The only fresh idea that NPD represent, is a last chance to make an united Canada with Quebecois' wishes. Will english Canada accept this ? hum ! How NPD will take the power and keep the Quebec trust safe ? hum ! It's exciting to see it the 5 following years. And theses days, you can see Layton approving the 50%+1 majority for a possible independance referendum ! hum ! Good gods, they could have balls ! What evil plan conservative are preparing... hum ! Increasing the number of seats outside of Quebec, deleting per-vote subsidies... 2 reasons to seperate ! That's ONE major reason to vote NPD ! Quebecois doesn't like conservatives manners ! They voted NPD to SAVE CANADA from a democracy parody, with a little hope of an orange PM. i think that Emprworm could be happy... thirst Canada, then re-take USA, then.... THE WORLD ahahahaha Eh ?
  5. Their goals are different. ETA want to create a real State of Euskal Herria. They fight has nothing to do with racism, anti semitism, or ethnical debates. They just want their own country to save their people from oblivion.
  6. on the contrary, French speaking Belgians speak booth languages, Flemish won't. Especially the youngest. That's what I see every summer. No way to speak French with them ! in France I say ! So... And I practice my Dutch with waloonians :D
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