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Everything posted by MuLLeT MaN

  1. So.............What now? Is the source code released yet?
  2. Got it! [Waits for the response on MSN Messenger]
  3. Welp, you know what to do with those text files now :). Hehe, I want to keep in contact with ye. Do you use MSN Messenger?
  4. YE R WELCOMED! Dune Legacy's going to be extremely popular! [Looks into the future and sees it coming!]
  5. Sent some more mail to your email-address, Tony! :)
  6. Eh.....You'll still be around won't ye?
  7. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. Hi all. :) TonyD, ye still hanging in there? GouldFish, you got AIM? ICQ? MSN Messenger?
  9. Hmm..Must of been one of those bugs in the patch that got fixed that caused the game to crash. And that missle went off the map at the right time. :)
  10. It did one time in my game. The missle inaccurately flew off the bottom of the map, and the game crashed me back to my desktop.
  11. Yup, the picture of the Rocket Trooper should be a trooper pic, not Sardaukar. ALSO, Add a Repair button. It will save the slowness of some folks thinking that the ability to repair buildings isn't there....
  12. I think I found a bug. If a Deathhand flys off the game map, the game will crash... [Pushes the R key to repair this ludicrous bug!]
  13. Sent some emails to your hotmail address, Tony! :)
  14. What Dune Legacy version are you using?
  15. Going to increase the skills and intelligence as well? ;D ;D ;D ;D
  16. Will you be working on the ACBots again?
  17. Hell yeah, having the option to turn the house-restrictions on or off would be an excellent idea, hehe. Each house's units/buildings have different statistics as well. (It's in the feature list I put above too)
  18. TCP/IP is already there? Ah....Didn't even notice what that big box was for! [Cracking up laughing]
  19. 8) 8)HEY TONYD!!!!!! Your Dune Legacy game is truely raw! I like those ACbots you've made for Doom as well!(Finally...The 1st Doom Bot that's actually SMART and DANGEROUS!) Keep up the good work, man, it's truely a great improvement on Dune II. 8) Features I'd like to see added(they would be an excellent addition to your game): - Adaptive/Stragetic AI - Hard/Medium/Easy AI players will help their team-mate(s) in a Team Game if their team-mate(s) are under attack. - At certain times the Hard/Medium AI players will think of a strategy to use their Devastators to self-destruct near enemy buildings. - Hard AI players constantly build lots of Defenses(walls included), while Medium AI players build some defenses. - The AI doesn't know where the enemy is, the map is blank as if it were for a human player, the AI must scout the map to find the enemy and any territory to expand in. (Add for Realism/Fairness, so they won't be cheating! ;D) - Hard/Medium AI Players expand their empire.(Building MCVs to make more contruction sites in their own home base, while making new bases and expansions) - Some houses have a certain amount of units while other houses have a different amount of units with different unit statistics.(Like in Dune II) - TCP/IP Support in Multiplayer. That's about it.......Thanks again for the great game. :) Much appreciated! Hope you like these smack-dab ideas to make your AI smarter in the later versions!(Hopefully they'll all(Or at least some)be put in the final version if they come through.)
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