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  1. Hey Omni, there have been 2 or 3 updates that will autodownload. Did you get at least the first 2? Also once you get on, you will need to click on my name and "add", and then wait for me to accept (that goes for anyone you are adding to your buddy list) before you can private chat with them. Doom suggests EBFD players hang out in the last room available (always the last GLA room) between games. That way we will have a better chance of seeing eachother online.
  2. scytale, so far no one with a GeForce card has had any complaints (the technicals issues section of the Generals mboard is full of complaints about other cards, but GeForce / nVidia seem to work great). As for the 933mhz part ... well it will run, but you will definitely need to set to minimum for online play (especially if you plan on playing a 6 - 8 player game). Best bet would be to buy it from a store with a return policy (like GameStop / EB). Technically, I can make it run on my old 733mhz 64mb ram no-name graphicscard comp, but ... errr ... the results are far less than impressive.
  3. roger-roger I am thinking that when they do get the Clan support up, maybe some of us Emp-boys should get together. Theres an aweful lot of CC/RA people over there (go figure) that need to know that those of us that played Emp can take them to town any day of the week. (spouts of big-words and rhetoric, when he knows that some of the beta-boys over there, the ones that already have 100's of wins, would kick his butt)
  4. Doom, you are taking it too personally. Generals is a better game than EBFD. In a couple years, as was pointed out, there will be a better game than Generals. EBFD was a lot of fun for nearly 2 years -- what more can you ask of a RTS/RTT game than that? Personally though, it was starting to get stale. Once a game gets to the point where the same bo / strat works every time, and any variation or deviation from the standard = a loss, it is time to move on. Taqwa, if you see me add me to your buddy list and I will accept. I am under the same name as I use in all online games -- ProcyonB. Also tracxm is on under his name, and sendakon will be getting his game back online next week.
  5. After spending the last 5 days playing 10 - 12 hours/day, I can say that it is no contest : Generals blows EBFD out of the water ... er ... sand. First the UGLY: If your comp isn't; 1.8ghz or better with 256m+ ram and a GeForce3 or 4 grfx card (64m) AND you have DSL or better connection don't bother, because the game will be slow, laggy and have cheezy graphics. Also, if you don't have a GeForce 3 or 4 then there is a very good chance there will be problems in game (flickering units, invisible buildings, things like that). The BAD: The initial chatroom can get laggy when there are a few hundred people all chatting at once. It was a stupid interface design decision. However, EA has already released to auto-download patches that have corrected most of the problem. The Good: This is easily the most realistic war game since the original Tac-Ops (though I haven't seen Real War). The graphics (given that you have a decent computer) are better than anything out there. The units are well rounded, and the sides are well balanced. I have played 27 online games under different names and have won 8 with the US, 7 with China, and 11 with the GLA (I lost my first game due to my graphics card not being fully supported -- all the tank units were invisible to me so I couldn't do jack). The level of unit-detail is amazing. One example (and there are many) was in a 2v2 game where Tracxm and I were teamed up. Trac was China and I was GLA. early into the midgame Trac had amassed a decent tank Army and attacked a GLA base. The GLA player was turtling and had built up a series of underground tunnels and Stinger bunkers, and mixed in a few Technicals and rpg troops. This defense line completely bogged down Tracs assault. While I was engaging a US attacker and couldn't spare any of my main-assault forces to help him, I did send one of my snipers (KJ) to a hill overlooking the valley battlefield trac and the GLA defender were fighting over. Using my sniper I spent the next 3 minutes picking off all the crewmen in the Stinger bunkers and all the anti-tank troopers, and then Trac was able to just roll right into the GLA base and destroy it. So as that recount shows: Generals is not a game for turtles, attention to detail can win the game, strategy is everything (Generals is a true RTS, whereas Emp is just an RTT (Real Time Tactical), combined arms is usually needed to win (tanks without troops mixed in can get bogged down, troops without armor support will get run down or picked off, and without air support both can get creamed by a smart/tricky opponent -- the US player was destroying my Technicals and Scorpion tanks with constant air bombardment until I got AA up). Also, there are as many viable strategies as there are people to create them, and playing the game like chess (think 10 moves ahead) is a good thing to do. So, as some may have noticed, I don't play Emp anymore. Papa's got a brand new bag. Ah! And I feeeeeeel good. :)
  6. Yeah well you know Ix, if you could do better you would have -- and since you haven't, we can only take your statement for what it's worth ... nothing.
  7. Ok http://fp1.centurytel.net/FEliteW/fedaykin_elite_warriors.htm Go there, get maps. Also, I noticed a Procyon ... well, I am the ProcyonB that has been playing EBFD for nearly two years now, I am not sure who that other guy is. byw I vote zaeblovse as a cool name and the #1 most bestest player in all creation. :-P hehehe
  8. I think maybe the fairest statement is to say that there are a lot of good people, and any of them can be dangerous given the right map, sets or situation / opportunity. QM is not a good indicator, and I say that even though 7 #1 ranked QM players have been from *FEW*. Navaros has it sort of right -- a lot of the good old-timers left (I am one of the very FEW (hehe) old-timers who didn't either leave or switch up names ten-bajillion times), but I remember the old strats and the reason a lot of them left was because the strats evolved and they started getting their asses busted. So, no list, but I'd say there are 10 - 15 players who are always dangerous even when it looks like they are going to lose. And on the topic, I know several people who I'd take on a 2 v 2 team who aren't in my opinion one of those 10 - 15 people (because team play is a lot different then 1v1 -- back when the game was new feydaykin and I were never great 1v1 but in the 6 months before he quit we never lost a single game 2v2 -- any map, any sets, against any Clan or team, because we had our teamwork down cold (and for reasons of jinx we never played a single game against eachother ever, hehe :)).
  9. Hehe wow, does anyone outside of FEW post here? I thought Ixian was ok in the looks department, but pretty boring in the gameplay. MinoDZ was just plain dull imo. For looks I would vote Platinum (by gunwounds) and for balance and gameplay I would vote (of course, since I already said it) Fight Club. btw, I see that Vilgent still has that temper of his. :P
  10. Hey Aqua! I just signed up today (hehe), so I guess I can't welcome you to the forum eh? :P
  11. Are you sure your in the right place? do I know you... you seem strangly familar... hmmm... welcome to our home away from WOL
  12. Everyone who has played my Fight Club map has pretty much agreed it is the best map (balance, size, strategies) in Emp. Anyone who has thought "Fishers Plain is just too damned small for me to effectively use my laser tanks" or "I wish I could hide fremen in a canton, and make a devestator climb up a statue" would go ape-s*** over gunwounds map. If enough people want it, I will try to figure out how to get the map posted here (where at least I would assume a few people will download it). If not, then never mind -- but I have played a lot of maps out there and so far Fight Club is still my favorite (and I am not just saying that because it is mine).
  13. I didn't see an answer to the questions of player disagreements. What if two players do not agree on a map? I know there are people here who can beat almost anyone on one map, but aren't all that great on any other map. Suppose I or another person don't want to play that person on their one good map, and they refuse to play a different map (I am sure people remember bilbo and his notorious Sandy Pass / 30k / prebuilt sets with which only a few of us were able to defeat)?
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