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Everything posted by chrisbak3

  1. thx that makes it all better but the person i spoke sounded like she didnt know any thing but i can get drect x to work and the more i think about it thta muct be the problm. which makes me think is there away to uninstall dx then reinstall in
  2. nope ms said that i should reformat my pc but i cant do that
  3. How does this new ATA serile connection work
  4. i tried the update for generals still no luck same problem why me!!!!!!!!
  5. i will try to but this patch you speak of i have downloaded all the other westwood patches for the game and i still get the problem
  6. what virus protection do you use becuase if you use norton 2003 it will couse the game to crash i know this becuase of i had this problem
  7. my windos is genuine that came preinstalled on my pc
  8. Direct x hangs and then tells me that a file was nt copyied it s always the dame one called "MSPQM.SYS" and is located in c:windowssystem32drivers and so i dont know what the problem is recentaly a new direct x problem has occured when i got into DXDIAG it says "the last time this program was opened there was a preoblem with directsound. Do you wan to bypass" if ou say yes you get aload more of these error but at diffrent part such as direct draw do you know ow to fix the problem or will a clean reformat and reload do the trick
  9. well bugger i jsut installed drect x from the "redist" and it hang on that same file again
  10. I have been to your link i have downloaded the "redist" version of direct x this seems to download to whole thing which to me sounds like the correct thing to do in my situation. Do you agree?
  11. I have downloaded new drivers but sadly this has not corrected the problem the driver that was download was "winXP/2000 41.09" from the Nvidia site. Still the game does not work and i have tried the compatibily wizard and yet it doesnt work. My main concern is this issue i have with direct x do you know of a way to make it download a freash copy of there site?
  12. The one they have are just the Nvidias generi driver that i have already tried. Have you ever heard of my problem befor?
  13. well i did try to install direct x 9 but some where down the line when downloading it there was a problem and direct x 9 is not able to install. every time i try to restart the installation it does not download a fresh copy of direct x but insted uses the one i already have which is currupt. I have tried to install updated graphics card drivers but again there is a problem with doing this. I use my dvd player on my pc and then conect this to my tele so i can watch movies but to tell the graphics card to switch to an analog tv i have to select a pal tv with in the graphics options. When i update my graphics drivers i lose the ability to do this for some reason so i cant update my drivers. My ram is a single card 256 as you know but i have no problem with heat with in my pc as it is a medion design XL case which basicly means that the case is very cool with a couple of wind tunnels at the frount. So in terms of heat dispation i think my case it fine. do you know of a way to reinstall direct x 9 but actually downloading a fresh copy or away to get around my graphics card problems? Thank you so much for trying to help me i am very greatful
  14. Hello there im having some problems with C&C Genrals i dont know if any one can help me here but i dont know where elese to go. My problem is that genrals installs fine but when i go to play the splash screen comes up then an error appears saying "Technical Difficalties" and just says " A serious error has occured" what do i do. Can any one help me i would very much apreciate it [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  15. so far syamntec havent been helpful at all. Did you think of anything to resolve my issue
  16. ooops sorry im really tired so my spelling aint top noch hehehe "me go sleepy now"
  17. I tell you now that i formated my pc then and started from screath and thort it would be wise to buy a new copy of norton for the new year and so i get this exact problem. I have email norton (symantec) in the us and uk waiting for some answaers as soon as i get then youll all get then so look out
  18. can i also have the patch plz
  19. Is there a way to make a user account that doesnt load norton? in xp that is
  20. i've done just that i have got incontact with the us and uk symantec site. I agree there servise is top noch
  21. i just got a message back from TG2003 he reinstalled system works and emperor no longer works so what am i going to do. On one hand i really want to play this game but on the other i do need anti virus protection i wonder if there will be a patch
  22. i cant do that i cant go on with out some virus protection so ill wait to see what what TG2003 says
  23. thx for ya help but i think i have sorted the problem by refering to the other support question his problem was norton 2003 once that had been uninstalled it worked fine but im waiting for him to tell me if you can install norton 2003 after emperor and hopeing that emp and norton will work together
  24. thx for ya help but i think i have sorted the problem by refering to the other support question his problem was norton 2003 once that had been uninstalled it worked fine but im waiting for him to tell me if you can install norton 2003 after emperor and hopeing that emp and norton will work together
  25. have you dun it yet? does EBFD work
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