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Everything posted by Costanel

  1. there was going to be one...(Dune Generations), but it was cancelled because of financiel problems... :'( or was it just postponed, does anyone have any news on this subject? Dune was quite a good game I thought, the controls where quite easy to work with(exactly like Soul Reaver IMO), the game looked good, the moves with the knife were quite impressive, good tacticle gameplay, etc. But there where 2 major problems in the game: 1) it was too short. 2) the knife was cool to use when enemies where standing still, but the rest of the time useless. The ingame-sequences where quite weird sometimes, but that did not bother me, the saving could also have been changed, but if you would be able to save at every point of the game, wouldn't it be too easy? If only the length was better and if the knife was less useless, it would be one heck of a game in my opinion. And people, dying so many times in a level, was the game THAT difficult? ;D :P
  2. for 3rd person it was quite nice, at least, with the keyboard, if you would play it with a controller, you better leave the game behind, because with a controller you cant be precise enough. the biggest thing just was that it was too short, and the way you handle a knife(killing looked cool however) it should more be a combination of Outcast and Splinter Cell/Metal Gear Solid, massive exploration with sneaking up on people. maybe the weapons in FHD need changes, the weapons made sound like a pringles bus popping open and it was more all of the same...
  3. I agree, but it's the fighting(including the Voice) and AI that makes the problem, that's for sure, standing against walls and rolling past doors is nicely made, the graphics are pretty good too and the rest is quite nice except for the short story and the acting with NPC's... and if they made the knife better, the game would be more arcade and much easier, if they want to improve the game, they can better make the game heavier too. Ps. which movie do you mean? there are so many, so please give the year of making, I want to buy a DVD of Dune too, but I have no idea which one...(including the pic of the front will also be usefull)
  4. I guess there had to be movies, because the intro is so damn unfinished, it just goes to the game directly under the talking, the talking quits and goes on, that idea, I read a review of this game(couldn't find much good reviews...) from this page, there stood that you would see a movie of them crashing... Widescreen games just blames Windows 2000, so that's no good, but I guess there should be movies or they went to sell it when it wasn't even gold... there will/is also (come) a PS2 version, at least there should be, is it in stores, will it come or what's the problem, even better: is there a difference? the game itself is quite good(except for AI), but the talking is puppet-like and the face of Paul sometimes reminds me of an alien.
  5. how many dutchies are here? I'm Dutch too... In many shops the price of the game is round 5 euro, I bought it for 5 euro also, not something that really wasted my money, but it could be better. Red Alert 2 etc. will be for 5 a 10 euro in some months, I wouldn't be suprised if that happened, but I'm no real RA fan, Emperor was fun, but RA is just all and the same.
  6. In Frank Herberts Dune, it has the weird problem that I have no movies at all, it begins with the story, "we are on Arrakis" etc., and there should be a movie after that point where you could see how they crash I heard, but I have no movie, it just goes to the part where you see Paul and bla bla he would be known as Muad'dib. does anyone know what I need to get the movies started? btw. are the conversations always so lame in the game, or will the arms, mouths etc. move better than allmost always standing still?(because when they do not speak the arms move normally as if they are discussing normally). thanks in advance
  7. 2 things should at least be improved. 1. the AI, sometimes it's just too stupid, increasing the AI(I can kill someone and if the other does see it, it just stands still) would make the game more difficult and if more like MGS, that would make the game more fun. 2. The fighting, the enemy are just frozen to the ground, you do not have to be trained or something, you just walk from left to right and shoot, you won't miss and that's no fun, also must the knife be improved, the killing of opponents who stand still is quite nice made, but you can't normally fight with it, the book says Paul was a great fighter with the knife, in the game..., well, let's not speak about that...
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