The Corrino Expansion Mod's goal is to turn the Sardaukar, who have been renamed House Corrino, into a very comprehensive subhouse. Instead of replacing an original house and giving House Corrino the standard amount of buildings, infantry, and air units this mod allows the construction of a total of 10 infantry units in addition to the original infantry units. These new infantry units are relatively expensive but are equipped with superior armor and weapons, creating the risk of draining your funds building only a relatively small number of units. This gives those who choose House Corrino as a subhouse an advantage and a disadvantage, and the same with the opposition, who have to construct affective combat units to oppose them. The new Corrino infantry textures were made by GoldEagle with some additions made by me, all icons were made by Nema Fakei, all infantry xbf files were made by Apollyon, and all program file editing was performed by Inocualtor9.