I've played harkdawg 2day.. he's a very decent player.. we played 1-1 But i once saw Deathsumn kill him so fast.. I think Deathsumn is the best player ever, second tie between elite/ace/brennq
I must agree with skumruler.. The base doesn't impress me. They guy with the green army had allmost all 3 bases for him self. That worries me more than one big atrd base. After 15 minutes this kinda base should be possible, and indeed even more. The speed of the game should be okay to realise this base. greetz
well that sucks in qm. I lost to some people just because they got their money before i did. In the future if i get an ice map for qm.. i quit under 3 mins.
i have a queation about nonspice maps. At a given time the woman yells "insufficient funds" I've noticed something odd. One player gets his solaris quicker than the other. Is that true?? and if so can you affect the time period?? greetz
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