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  1. You are right Ixian mace, about bi la kaifa, it means: "Nothing further need be explained". As for Fredrick IV and Shaddam IV being one and the same, I am not sure about that. It's actually quite embarassing to see the duke say what he said, I wonder how the movie makers let it slide ???. Michael Dorn also pronounces it Bi La Haifa... :-
  2. ***Spoilers in this thread*** Remember the thread a while back when we were talking about how the Lady Elara killed Fredrick Carino? Well in the Ordos ending when the ghola Carino is being crowned, the Mentat cheers and calls him Shadam the IV. Is that a mistake in the script? Also when the Atreides are preparing to fight Duke Achilus equates the words "Bi La Haifa" with Long Live the Fighters, but bi la haifa does'nt mean that. Is that a mistake in the script?
  3. HBomb54, People don't need to use bad words to make a point. But on the flip side, we all know people who don't even need bad words to insult someone. That being said, Gobalopper, a speech code is created to enforce a sort of common decency. Being the you are the one enforcing it, I would expect you to refrain from baiting other forumers. Or did you have something other than common decency in mind?
  4. How about this one: JFTIO Just Frikkin Type It Out. Or are you so lazy you don't even want to move your fingers too much these days >:(. Sorry about the anger, but honestly folks....
  5. Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm just getting started! 8)
  6. I have never fought this guy, but what is 'd/c cheat'?
  7. I like it, even the strategy guide does'nt talk about multiple factories producing faster.
  8. Come to think of it Timenn's probably right, I doubt it is a real language. IxianMace: you are right that is kind of demeaning.
  9. I think it's a terrible loss not to have the sidebar. The RTS world was complete when you could choose either blizzard or Westwood interface - which ever you prefer. If you ask me, the original C&C was a lot more fun and involving than Tiberian Sun. Although I did like Tiberian Sun.
  10. Edric, you are replying to the opposite of what I said. I implied that because Starcraft, warcraft, and red alert, ended with the bad guys winning - there WOULD be sequels. Besides the true victors of RA and Warcraft are only revealed in the sequel (not the case in starcraft).
  11. There are always at least two games but most of them are usually 2 vs. 2, which I find a lot less enjoyable than 1 on 1.
  12. Navaros, your comment was funny... after I read it ten times trying to figure out what you were trying to say. Taken litteraly you said that the letters were there to prevent Westwood/EA from suing people who sued them for boredom (does'nt make much sense). Sentence is too long and there are too many undefined references to 'they'.
  13. YF23 ? it had no campaign besides a website. I am talking about the real aircraft, so I don't think the internet was public at the time of its consideration by the US military. It competed against the (then) YF-22, but failed because the YF-22 was more conventional and the chief of staff were'nt prepared for the new technologies represented in the YF-23. In that way the YF-23 was much like Emperor, which was about a year ahead of it's time.
  14. Contaminators may be powerful in groups, but the trick is getting that many contaminators! If you ask me there is only one unit that is too powerful in the game (I bet you've heared this before) - The Gunship. It has so much armor that by the time you destroy it you don't have a base anymore! It's ridiculous. >:(
  15. The only time the good guys don't win is if the creators want to make a sequel ;).
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