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Everything posted by SiliconWarrior

  1. he said "Ancient Enemy-future enemy" so i think he was refering to the thinking machines.
  2. I'm re-reading Dune Messiah for kicks and few Q's popped up. Was Scytale the Bene Tielax's attempt at a Kwisatz Haderach, or in the Teilaxu culture can Face Dancers get "promoted" to Master?
  3. I always thought of Teg as a father figure for "the Duncan"
  4. i think Peter Jackson could do well considering how well he did with the Fellowship of the Ring. Frank Herbert and JRR Tolkien are similar writers in my opinion, so i figure someone who did a good job pacing and deciding what to put in, what not to put in would do would be good.
  5. The smugglers dont really have much to do with space, they simply smuggle stuff that CHAOM rations for profit(spice), and part of that profit is paid to the GUILD for letting them aboard their ships.
  6. The Golden Path was him incasing himself in Sand Trout and ruling over humanity for 3500 years with an iron fist. What was threating humanity was a stagnant(sp?) gene pool.
  7. all the bases(besides the fremen's) were behind the shield wall in the the cities. As for heavy weapons, the Harks use artillery, but that was just for surprise and to eal them in caves, heavy weapons in the universe are useless becasue almost everything has a shield.(There everywhere execpt in the open desert.
  8. Why make movies when you can get paid good money for just watching them?
  9. Remember those "special weapons" the Honored Matres had? They didn't know how to refill them, or how to make more, so i figure they stole them from the cymeks.
  10. 1984 version got the Worst Movie of the Year award by Siskel and Ebert by the way. I woulda liked it if the navigator wasn't a goldfish and they didn't have those lame guns.
  11. I still don't get why KJA deems it necessary to establish things in the "Legends of Dune" trilogy when Frank Herbert was going to go straight into it. I fear that they are going to spoil Dune 7 by writing these books ie "The Battle of Corrin began as the Cymeks*cough*reader pay attention because they will come into play later*cough* attacked. Cymek Cymek Cymek." I mean couldn't they establish this "necassary" info with an Prologue or an Appendix?
  12. I had the same reaction.. I don't really care about Paul from birth to 15. I mean the only things that I think really happened to him(besides puburty) was his training. KA/BH said they wanted to write it because they "need" to establish some things before writing Dune 7. To me that is pure crap because FH was working on 7 before he passed away, I never heard anything about him writing a early years of Paul novel first. EDIT:Like posted on your Legends of Dune Thread(read it after i posted this, heh) To me it seems that KA/BH are more interested in telling the history of all the characters rather than further progress the story or leave anything to pure speculation.
  13. When I tried to copy the files from CD to my HD i got this error msg "Can not copy I00_F01.BIK:Data Error(Cyclic Redundancy Check)"And that fix you posted led to a 404 error.
  14. Also, just d/led the bink player, and the file in question played fine.
  15. the only thing more to the erroe msg is that it said "File" behind the "Couldn't Read" Doubt that really makes a difference. Heh
  16. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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