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Everything posted by nedfumpkin

  1. 214 downloads

    Goal: This scenario is premised on the concept that wars need cargo and troops moved, while at the same time those who supply services to the military make considerable profits. During the Second World War, Canada supplied Britain with a lot of materiel so this map is premised on that concept. You begin by buying cheap stock and taking over a railroad. It has a line running from Montreal to Ottawa, a maintenance facility and a water tower. You will have to by an engine. You will have $300k to get things going. You only start out with 500 pieces of track. You will need to haul lumber and steel to buy get new track. Industries have been placed on this map and are an accurate representation of the industries in those areas. For example, the auto plants at Oakville, Oshawa, Windsor, and Ste. Therese have real life counter parts. So too do 99% of the other industries. In some cases modifications were made for game play, ie. Hagersville (near Niagara Falls) has a tire dump and in its place is a tire factory. Barracks have been placed only where major armouries or bases existed at the time the map started. The map should be a reasonable challenge, and it should provide the player with some different options for game play. Watch out for the stock market crash in 29.
  2. Cool file JayEff....looks like it came over from RRT2 because I saw some things like Customs House. Another thing I found when unpacking RRT3 files were some files for a tiger tank. Somehwhere in this game there is a tiger tank. Anybody ever see it? PS...I re-read my earlier post and noticed that it is riddled with typos, I apologise, but hey, I'm half blind so expect it to happen when I am having a bad day with my eyes. :)
  3. Glad it helps. But, there are always different approaches. A few more tips.... Cargo moves across the map, and if you open the cargo window and set the speed to very fast, you can watch it move across the map. Cargo will flow down rivers on barges, the map maker sets the direction of the river. Your cargo has to travel from your station to the industry by miniature donkey. The close the industry, the fewer the miniature donkeys needed. If you need access to a territory that has an AI rr in it, it's sometimes cheaper to buy that other railroad than to buy access rights. More as they come to me. :)
  4. An event is exactly that. They are programmed events that occur when certain conditions are met. They can be constructed different ways based on the conditions that are set, and often when the conditions are met there is an effect. Every dialogue box, choice, and even your annual report are events that were programmed. To toggle to the map editor, shift E during the game.
  5. Actually, I interpreted the question to involve all variables pertaining to map making, and while it doesn't address the economy variables, by understanding the other variables for stuff like the economy. No, H&P doesn't get into that aspect of the game, but it does provide a lot of information that is useful for map editing. Oh, and I do have skinning on my my, I just reskinned the 2D2 electric loco to look like it is made from some futuristic allow, with bar code numbering and greek letters, but I still can't get the skinning utility to work. If anyone wants to help, I would much appreciate it. I can make tga files, but I can't get them to turn into skins. Seems to be a problem with my computer, not the tga files.
  6. I think it depends on what you are looking for. In this file you get the specs for locos and you can figure out the values if you are changing their properties in the event editor. http://studwww.ugent.be/~pbusscha/rt3/fileformats/LCOspec.txt'>http://studwww.ugent.be/~pbusscha/rt3/fileformats/LCOspec.txt http://studwww.ugent.be/~pbusscha/rt3/ Also, H&P has some good information....http://www.exdx.net/RT3/index.html But basically, its a case of figuring it out.
  7. I think it depends on the map whether I rename the stations or not, sometimes I do rename them with "city" - farms, or - mines or - coal. I tend to memorize the geography so it's easier for me to remember them by city. I don't really save my games all that much. When I spawn a map and I really like it, I save it right away as #1 before I do anything, then I try different starts, and decide by the 3rd year if I will or will not start over. If I get halfway through the game, I save #2, butusually that is because I went to bed, or I want to take a risk. Rarely do I save more than that.
  8. Check out PJtrcy's site where he has all kinds of tech docs and in them you'll find the levels. there's link's to the site posted in other threads. Tons of useful information on that kind of stuff.
  9. For oceans and lakes, you can paint onto them. When you are editing, the water generally won't change colour on the map until you reolad, however, painting the water has advantages. You can sharpen your shorelines by painting blue along your shores so the waves look right in corners. The best colour to use is from the mixer and pick 0 red, 75 green, and 110 blue. It's the exact colour of the water. But you can also paint darker (more blue) for deep areas if you want.
  10. Rikki... I'll give you the strategy that I use for managing my trains because it works well for me. Pick the right loco for the train you want to set up. Speed is one factor, but look at its costs as well. City to City trains are a good speed loco at 6 cars. Set custom consist with 1 minimum. Never run city to city trains empty, unless you are running a trains from a big city to a burb, then you set only one station to 1 minimum. Empty trains cost you money, so you are better off having them sit at a station for a month than to have it run early, unless you have one station that has a high demand. The same applies for trains from farms/mines to industries. Have them sit at the farm/mine until the have a load, but let them run back empty. For these trains, pick a loc that has a low running cost, speed is not a factor. The most one train should visit is 3 stations. If it goes to more stations then it will be away too long and you have to run multiple trains doing the same thing and eventually they will all end up at the same station and running empty behind each other. When you have 3 stations to service, you have to options for running trains. A-B-C-B-A and A-C, or A-B-C-A and A-C-B-A. It depends on the position of the cities , when they are in a line, the former, when a triangle, the latter. The most fun for me in RRT3 is the planning, so I tend to really look at the map and plan routes far in advance. For the most part, I tend to play games less than 30 years at slow speed and longer games at normal speed. I like to look at it like you are in the railroad business, so don't chince on trains. Build double track on trunk lines, but single track on feeder lines. On busy cities, run two trains between them, but only when the volume warrants it. Depending on the route and the qualities of the locomotive, run as many as 8 cars. On hilly terrain fewer cars but always watch to make sure your trains aren't backed up on a grade all doing 1 mph. Run profitable trains, go from resource to industry, leave out the stuff in between. If you want something at station A, then take it from where it is to station A. If you want to chince on train, then your resource will stop at the first station where there is a demand, and it will sit there until consumed or demanded somewhere else and then it will go there. So it either gets slowed down or consumered. The closer an industry to a station, the faster a resource with be consumed. So when you buy an industry, or build one, try to get it as close to the station as you can. Don't try to buy industries that have the resouce far away. Look at how the resources are travelling on the map, and when a resource is flowing down a river, try to get your station cache to cover the river. Small and medium stations are a waste of time. If you can't afford a large station, then build a small one and the moment you get enough, upgrade or rebuild it. Textile Mills, if well supplied are good industries to get, so are distilleries and breweries. Tool and Die are not a wise investment, nor are steel plants unless you have plentiful resources close by. Meat packing plants are great, and paper mills if you have a good supply of pulp close by, in which case so too are lumber mills. The more finished goods are the more difficult to succeed with because the raw materials are more in demand in the cities than resources, so it's harder to get all of it to the factories. I also don't waste my time with hotels or taverns, but post offices are a good thing but not necessary. Remember that an industry will generally take 10 years to pay itself off, 15-20 if upgraded. So be careful of using bonds too much because your average bond is going to cost you 50k per year, so if you use 3 bonds to buy an industry that makes 130k per year you will lose money. When you can, repay your bonds, and try to refinance them to get lower rates. Hope this helps.
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