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Barking Dogo

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  1. Well, it took more time then I expected (and it's not because I played Baldur's Gate 3 whole month), but redesign of Inkvine Catapult is finally here! Link to the model as usual -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/hk-inkvine-catapult-emperorbattle-for-dune-ac61390bf0bb45eab072c813c1d12d6c I hope you like it! And now.. Back to Unreal Engine..
  2. Oh, I didn't know that I can edit previous posts Well, that's a good idea! I will do it, when the next model will be ready
  3. I made another redesign and this time it's Harkonnen Missile Tank! And not after 4 months! As usual link for download here - > https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/harkonnen-missile-tank-emperorbattle-for-dune-66506f53028a4dd59ce77b58a8b77905 And more renders of this model can be found here - > https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WBVrGG P.S. And the next model will be a vehicle, that shares half of details with missile tank and constantly annoys everyone with it's large range of attack :\
  4. Thank you Making these models sometimes takes too much time for me, but it's worth it. I also like to make these gifs that show how the model changed during its creation. And speaking of 3D models...
  5. Speaking of game details.. While digging through the game files, I discovered that according to the Mentat's voicelines game could have tutorials for each faction And I really would like to have this tutorials 15 years ago, when I was a kid, because I never really liked base game tutorial as a kid P.S. I don't know if you knew about this before, I just wanted to share my findings and... curiosity, because as it turns out, the version of the game that I played all my childhood was missing a lot of content
  6. Well, it's been a while. I made another re-design and this time it's Harkonnen Buzzsaw! Here's a link if you want to download it - https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/harkonnen-buzzsaw-emperor-battle-for-dune-9c74b54167e74747854f37886304e886 And here's another link, if you want to see more renders of this 3D model - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xDxmkE Well, I hope you like it! P.S. I hope that next redesign won't take another 4 months to make ¬_¬
  7. ...Uploading next pack of Ordos buildings........ 100% ____UPLOAD COMPLETE____ And as usual link for download -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/emperor-battle-for-dune-3d-models-part-7-ad2eefc47fe5495eb9fae3110090b93a I hope you like it! And for the next one.. Subhouses buildings.. It will take a while (._.`)
  8. Hello everyone! I made another pack of 3D models and now with Harkonnen Buildings I hope you like it! And as always, here is a link for download -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/emperor-battle-for-dune-models-part-6-75dec6b794a94a119804715d0f0f14f2 And there still about more than 100 models left to dig out from the game (._.`)
  9. "I hope, that within next week or two I'll be able to upload another pack of models from Emperor: Battle for Dune" Well, it took a while... Here's another pack of 3D models of Atreides building (with some unused models)! Here is a link to download - > https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/emperor-battle-for-dune-models-part-5-67b3b62b2a004795ac9d12b6a328eef9 When the next pack will be uploaded? I don’t know! The process of exporting models is extremely boring and annoying ¬_¬, also I working on my useless diploma, so I am not going to make another promise “I hope I will do this within 2 weeks” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. I watched the game and I am interested in it I like to know more about the job (if it is still available)
  11. I didn't work with Unity, but I am working with Unreal Engine. Made a few prototype games, some environment projects and etc. Oh, and I also made a couple of 3D models for Unity specificly So yeah, I've got some experience with game engines and if needed, I can learn it. Or you just asking?.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Hello everyone! It was a long break, but I've got something to share with you! I decided to redesign and make a 3D-model of Harkonnen Devastator. I hope you like it! As always, if you want to download the model, here is a link -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/harkonnen-devastator-emperor-battle-for-dune-853cd2ac7bf8476ea1dab17921f8c171 And if you want to see more renders or videos of this model, here is a link to ArtStation, where I uploaded the rest of the renders -> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/elxDGw P.S. I hope, that within next week or two I'll be able to upload another pack of models from Emperor: Battle for Dune
  13. After a long break I made a new pack of models! And this time I extracted models of Tleilaxu, Sardaukar, Fremen, Ix and Guild units (+ there is couple unused models) Link for download here -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/emperor-battle-for-dune-models-part-4-f426d9728a604979a41638a1ffdfb676
  14. And here comes a pack with Ordos units! If you want to download models, here is a link -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/emperor-battle-for-dune-models-part-3-c95b6edc57a949c2b3c2bfd964f7370a As usual, here is a render of the extracted models And I need a little break... P.S. And yes, I just noticed that all models are mirrored.. for some reason..
  15. I extracted Harkonnen units models and if you want to download them here is a link -> https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/emperor-battle-for-dune-models-part-2-fd1d513c96fe413ca75905dc81bdbfc1 And I made another new render with extracted models
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